在素材选取上,编者在国内相关书籍较少、国外书籍难找的客观情况下,多方寻觅相关材料,参考了有关的书籍、报纸杂志、互联网、会议通知、宣传材料等等,力图提供全面翔实、实和性与时效性结合资料。 在内容编排上,编者注意到,目前有些书籍虽然冠以会展名义,但是内容都有所偏重,因此在本教材中将尽力做到会议与展览并重。相应的,编著将本教材分为两个部分:会议英语和展览英语。由于会展行业与多个学科领域密切相关,面面俱到地描述整个发展过程几乎是不可能的,在本教材中,编著选取最具代表性的部分加以描述和解释,并结合适当的练习,使学生能够比较系统地了解行业相关知识,并且相应地提高行业英语水平。在书后还附加了内容相当丰富的附录,尤为突出的是长达二十页的会展专业词汇,目的就是帮助学生了解并掌握必备常识,这也是本教材一个特点。
ConferencePart One Pre-conference PreparationChapter One Conference PlanningChapter Two Site SelectionChapter Three SecretariatChapter Four InvitationChapter Five Budget and PromotionChapter Six PublicityChapter Seven Space Use and Set-up DesignPart Two ConferenceChapter One RegistrationChapter Two Opening CeremonyChapter Three RecordingChapter Four Audio-visual ServicesChapter Five EmergenciesChapter Six EtiquetteExhibitionPart One Preparation for ExhibitionsChapter One Choice o{ VenuesChapter Two Designing and Building of an Exhibition StandChapter Three Exterior Liaison (Obtaining Sponsorship)Chapter Four Introducing an ExhibitionChapter Five Introducing an Exhibition StandChapter Six Exhibition Marketing and AdvertisingChapter Seven Looking for a Contractor/Representative at theStandPart Two Services before an ExhibitionChapter One Booking a StandChapter Two Cost InquiryChapter Three Stand DecorationChapter Four Transportation of Exhibited ProductsChapter Five Insuring the Exhibited ProductsChapter Six Renting of Exhibition EquipmentPart Three ReceptionChapter One Inquiring about InformationChapter Two Introducing and Greeting Each OtherChapter Three In the HotelPart Four Reception at the HallChapter One Information about the ProductsChapter Two Sales Presentation/DemonstrationChapter Three Price NegotiationChapter Four Complaints, Claims and ArbitrationChapter Five Information CollectionPart Five After the ShowChapter One Dismantling of Display ItemsChapter Two Thanking the Appropriate PeopleChapter Three Follow-up of ContactsChapter Four Analyzing the Productivity of the Show附 录一、答案二、参考书目三、主要职称及部门名称四、重要国际展览行业组织五、会展词汇