《脱口说汉语》是国内第一套实用汉语口语系列,内容涵盖交际、生活、旅游、运动、休闲、购物、应急、校园、职场、IT网络十大主题。通过模拟发生在生活中各种各样的场景,再现生活中地道、鲜活、实用的口语表达形式,让学习者从一个个生动、有趣、幽默的对话中体会汉语魅力,学习掌握最常见、最口语化的词汇、短语、俚语、惯用语、常用语和常用句。 这是一套实用性的口语小百科。只要掌握了这套系列的内容,无论面对什么场合,皆能对答如流。 当你在闲暇娱乐时,你该怎么说? 在这本书中,你将学习在闲暇娱乐中遇到的各种场景下使用的口语表达。全书共分15个单元,内容涉及逛公园、泡酒吧、朋友聚餐、看电影、吃小吃、逛街、参观博物馆、跳舞、卡拉oK、看电视、约会、散步、美容美发、下棋、养宠物等,帮助学习者应对各种场合。
Preface前言IntroductionUnit 1 逛公园Going to the Park1.准备去公园Getting Ready to Go to the Park2.去哪个公园?Which Park to Go to?3.爱护花草和公共设施Taking Care of Flowers and Public FacilitiesUnit 2 泡酒吧In a Bar1.计划去泡酒吧Planning to Go to aBar2.在酒吧In the Bar3.酒吧演出A ShowintheBarUnit 3 朋友聚餐A Friend’s Party1.老同学的电话A Call from an Old Classmate2.预订包间Reserving a Private Room at a Restaurant3.在饭店聚会Getting To gether at a RestaurantUnit 4 看电影Going to a Movie1.带孩子去看电影Taking kid to a Movie2.约小朋友一起去Asking Friends Mong3.看电影Watching a MovieUnit 5 吃小吃Having Snacks1.商量陪外国朋友Discussing to Acompany Foreign Friends2.吃北京小吃Eating Beijing Snacks3.小吃店里At the Snack BarUnit 6 逛街购物Shopping1.准备过节Getting Ready for a Festival2.在超市At the Supermarket3.结账PayingUnit 7 参观博物馆Visiting a Museum1.放暑假了Having a Summer Vacation2.地质博物馆 Geological Museum3.民俗博物馆At the Folk Custom MuseumUnit 8 跳舞Dancing1.相约去跳舞Planning to Go Dancing2.与同事去跳舞Going Dancing with Colleagues3.在迪厅At the DiscoUnit 9 卡拉OK Karaoke1.相约去唱卡拉OK Planning to Go to Karaoke2.在卡拉OK厅At Karaoke Hall3.继续唱歌Continuing SingingUnit 10 看电视Watching TV1.想换电视Thinking ofChanging Television2.看新电视Watching the New TV3.全家一起看新闻Watching the News with the FamilyUnit 11 约会Dating1.邀约Making an Appointment2.在世界公园At the World Park3.满意的约会A Satisfactory AppointmentUnit 12 散步Taking a Walk1.饭后散步Taking a Walk After Dinner2.在街心公园At the Park3.和爸爸一起散步Taking a Walk with DadUnit 13 美容美发Hairdressing and Facial Care1.美容Facial Care2.美容院At the Beauty Salon3.讨论发型Talking About HairstylesUnit 14 下棋Playing Board Game1.课外兴趣班After School Class2.商量报班问题Disussing Which Class to Apply for3.家庭下棋比赛A Competition of Go at HomeUnit 15 养宠物Keeping a Pet1.家有宠物Having a Pet at Home2.商量养狗之事Discussing to Keep Pets3.领小狗回家Bringing the Puppy Home词汇表Vocabulary