

(美)洛特(Lott,J.),(美)凯周(Kazoun,C.) 著 开明出版社





(美)洛特(Lott,J.),(美)凯周(Kazoun,C.) 著  




It literally took us several years to write Programming Flex 2, the predecessor to this book. We worked hard on that book, and when it was finally written and edited and proofread and off to the printer we sighed and looked forward to a break from writing about Flex. However, Flex 3 followed close on the heels of Flex 2, and as the saying goes, there's no rest for the weary. We again picked up our keyboards and started updating the book for Flex 3. The result is what you have in your hands. And it is more than a simple update.We thought Programming Flex 2 was one of the best books available for Flex 2. However, we knew we could do better. There were topics we just didn't have time to include in that book. With Programming Flex 3 we wanted to not only update the book for Flex 3, but also expand our coverage to include things that weren't in the first book. We think we achieved that goal.The most notable additions to Programming Flex 3 are in Chapter 20, Chapter 21, and Chapter 22. In Chapter 20, we go into great detail on everything you need to know to add Flex applications to web pages, which we think is an important (if not crucial) topic. Chapter 21 covers building Adobe AIR desktop applications using Flex. And Chapter 22 contains the synthesis of everything else we discuss throughout the book. This is the one addition we think is perhaps the most important, since it helps explain how to take everything you've learned about Flex in preceding chapters and use that knowledge to build a real-world application.However, we didn't merely add new chapters to the book. We also revised and updated all the chapters in the book. Some chapters didn't require much updating because there were minimal changes for the relevant features between Flex 2 and Flex 3. On the other hand, other chapters required extensive updates and additions. If you read Programming Flex 2 then you'll find lots of new or revised content in this book.


如果你想用Adobe Flex一试身手来创建富因特网应用程序(RIA),这是一本让你起步的理想书籍。《Flex 3编程》为帮助你理解Flex 3核心概念打下坚实的基础,并对如何、为何以及何时使用Flex的特定功能提供有价值的见解。难以计数的例子和实例代码演示了使用免费Flex开发工具包来构建完整实用的网络应用程序的方法。本书是Adobe公司的Flex 3参考文档的绝妙伴侣书。通过本书,你将学到:Flex框架内部的细节;使用MXML和ActionScript编程;用户界面组件的架构和布局;运用媒体元素的最佳实践方法;应用程序和组件的状态管理;关于使用变换和效果的锦囊妙计;调试Flex应用程序;在网络浏览器中嵌入Flex应用程序;为桌面构建AIR应用程序。 Flex 3使你置身于网络和桌面的富因特网应用程序革命的最前沿。《Flex 3编程》将帮助你从这项复杂强大的技术中获得最大的收益。


作者:(美国)Cbafic Kazoun (美国)Joey LottChafic Kazoun是Atellis的创始人之一和首席软件架构师。从1998年开始他就使用Flash技术,并且在Flex面世伊始就开始使用这项技术。.Joey Lott是Morphic Group的创办合伙人之一(www.themorphicgroup.com),该公司的专业领域就是Flex应用程序开发。Joey也写了很多其他关于Flex和Flash相关技术的主要书籍,包括O•Reilly的《ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook》。


ForewordPreface 1 Introducing Flex2 Building Applications with the Flex Framework 3 MXML 4 ActionScript5 Framework Fundamentals6 Managing Layout7 Working with UI Components8 Customizing Application Appearance9 Application Components10 Framework Utilities and Advanced Component Concepts11 Working with Media12 Managing State13 Using Effects and Transitions14 Working with Data15 Validating and Formatting Data16 Client Data Communication17 Remote Data Communication18 Application Debugging19 Building Custom Components20 Ebedding Flex Applications in a Web Browser21 Building AIR Applications22 Building a Flex ApplicationIndex


插图:The Flex framework has a great deal of functionality built into it, making it relatively easy to start building applications. All of the user interface components and layout containers greatly simplify the process of creating a new application because you can utilize all the functionality of the components without having to write all the code to make them work. As great as that is, it would be nearly useless in most cases if you couldn't customize the appearance of the components. Yet, as we'll see in this chapter, customization of the appearance of Flex components is another built-in feature. There are essentially two ways you can customize the appearance of components:Apply styles.Change skins.Styles are settings such as color, font face, border settings, row height, and so on. These are settings that you can customize entirely programmatically both at compile time and at runtime. Styles allow you to customize a great deal of the appearance of components, yet they can go only so far. For example, if you want to change the background color of a button, you can do that using styles, but if you want to completely change the shape of a button (e.g., from a rounded rectangle to a trapezoid), you need to use a different technique in which you change the skins of the component. Skins can be graphical elements (e.g., PNG files) or programmatic elements (classes), and they allow you to not only customize the existing elements of a component, but also completely change which elements are used. Therefore, using custom skins allows you to alter the appearance of a component so completely that it is unrecognizable from its original default appearance. You can use both styles and skins at the same time (although oftentimes applying a skin will cancel out certain style settings).In this chapter, we'll look more closely at all the techniques you can use to customize application appearance through the use of styles and skins. We'll also look at working with fonts, using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), customizing an application preloader, and creating custom themes for styling.


“Chafic和Joey是真正的Flex专家,并为开发人员们,新手或不是新手,提供了一个绝佳的资源。” ——Matt Chotin,Flex高级产品经理,Adobe系统有限公司


《FLX3编程》:O'Reilly Media,Inc.是世界上在UNIX、X、Internet和其他开放系统图书领域具有领导地位的出版公司,同时是联机出版的先锋。从最畅销的《The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog》(被纽约公共图书馆评为二十世纪最重要的50本书之一)到GNN(最早的Internet门户和商业网站),再到WebSite(第一个桌面PC的Web服务器软件),O'Reilly Meida,Inc.一直处于Internet发展的最前沿。O'Reilly已经出版了200多种图书,200多位员工分布在世界各地,O'Reilly是最稳定的计算机图书出版商——每一本书都一版再版。与大多数计算机图书出版商相比,我们在计算机专业方面具有强烈的背景,这使O'Reilly形成了一个非常不同于其他出版商的出版方针。O'Reilly所有的编辑人员以前都是程序员,或者是顶尖级的技术专家,O'Reilly还有许多固定的作者群体——他们曾是咨询专家,而现在编写著作,我们依靠他们准时地推出图书。因为我们紧密地与计算机业界联系着,所以O'Reilly知道市场上真正需要什么图书。 O'Reilly是全世界有名的计算机图书出版公司,图书通俗易懂,影印版没有改动任何原书中的内容,将O'Reilly图书最真实的放在读者面前,相信对于需要的人来说这是一个至宝。我想推荐这本书,因为它对ASP.NET最常用的知识和技能进行了很棒的讲解。读者通读全书,将会碰到他们在创建小型动态网站时可能面临的所有任务。” ——Mike Pope,微软用户教育




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