董少鹏,韩桦 著
On August 4, 2007, officials from Weinan City,Shaanxi Province, were given an unusual test based on theInternet. The test was supervised by Liu Xinwen, the CityParty Committee Secretary-General. Liu personally as-signed topics for the test, which aimed to test the localofficials capabilities with regard to online searching, edit-ing and email sending. When the "examinees" finished thetest, they were required to submit the answers by email.
Introduction1 Interpersonal Communication: The Mouse Goes First2 Democratic Approach: The Omni-present Sensor of Popular Will3 News Shock Waves: The Chinese in a More Transparent World4 The Mouse as a Cashcow E-Commerce in Vogue5 Joyful Feelings: Online SpiritualHomelandNew Realm for LiteratureVirtual CommunityBlogs: The Individual Speaks OutGaming: Entertainments Golden Egg6 The Internet Changes Education:Under the Same Blue Sky7 Business Opportunities AboundOnline: You Can Do What YouDream AboutPay and Read OnlineCreating New Stars8 Open Sesame: Chinas HugeInternet Cake9 Ma Yun: An Internet Hero inChinaAppendix 1: Chinas InternetMemorabiliaAppendix 2: Chinese E-CommerceWebsite Average DailyVolume RankingAppendix 3:Year 2006 ChinaB2B E-Commerce TradeVolume Ranking
May 21, 1994. The Computer Network Information Center under the Chinese Academy of Sciences formally set up Chinas national top-level domain name server, making history in the process. 6. January 1995. The Telecommunication Bureau under the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication (now the Ministry of Information Industry) opened up 64k inter- national dedicated lines in Beijing and Shanghai respec- tively through the Sprint Company and started providing Internet services to the public through telephone lines, DDN dedicated lines and X.25 networks. 7. January 1995. The magazine China Scholars Abroad, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, became Chinas first Internet Chinese magazine, through China Education and Research Network (CERNET). 8. August 1995. The Golden Bridge project tentatively launched the connected networks (satellite network) and connected with the overseas Internet. 9. January 1996. The national backbone of CHINANET, the nations public computer network, was established to provide Internet services on public comput- ers nationwide. 10. February 27, 1996. The China International Elec-tronic Commerce Center (CIECC) was established under the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (now the Ministry of Commerce).
《中国的互联网与网民(英文版)》Easier Interpersonal Communication,Better Democratic Approach,More Business Opportunities,More Joyful Feelings Online。