1 Issues in China's water resources 1.1 The physical constraints 1.2 The demand for water and the depletion of resources 1.3 Operation and maintenance of hydraulic infrastructure 1.4 Legislation and institutional arrangements 1.5 Solrtions in perspective 1.6 Finance Annex 1 Environment attacks on water Annex 2 Organization chart relation water management in China2 Water resources allocation policied and practices in China 2.1 Physiographic and climatic conditions 2.2 Water resources 2.3 Water use for different sectors 2.4 Challenge of water use in current parctice 2.5 Water allocation Policy 2.6 Water allocation systems and practices 2.7 Legal and institutional aspects 2.8 Problems of existing water allocation policy and practices and measures undertaken or planned to be undertaken3 Flood control and management for large rivers in China 3.1 Geographical features 3.2 Flood and flood disasters 3.3 Achievements in flood control 3.4 Legal and institutional system for water management and flood comtrol 3.5 Major experiences 3.6 Practce and trend of participatory planning apprach in flood mitigation ……4 China's folld and drought disasters5 Policy study of water management in the Huaihe River Basin6 Flood control and management for the Huaihe River Basin7 Capacity building in water resources managenent of Shanxi ProvinceReferences