Unit 1 Definitions(定义)Unit 2 Court(球场)Unit 3 Equipment(器材)Unit 4 Teams(球队)Unit 5 Players:Injury(队员:受伤)Unit 6 Captain:Duties and Powers(队长:职责和权力)Unit 7 Coaches:Duties and Powers(教练员:职责和权力)Unit 8 Playing Time,Tied Score and Extra Periods比赛时间、比分相等和决胜期Unit 9 Beginning and end of a Period or the Game(比赛或节的开始和结束)Unit 10 Status of the Ball(球的状态)Unit 11 Location of a Player and an Official(队员和裁判员的位置)Unit 12 Jump Ball and Alternating Possession(跳球和交替拥有)Unit 13 How the Ball is Played(如何打球)Unit 14 Control of the Ball(控制球)Unit 15 Player in the act of Shooting(队员正在做投篮动作)Unit 16 Goal:When Made and its Value(球中篮和它的得分值)Unit 17 Throw-in(掷球人界)Unit 18 Time-out(暂停)Unit 19 Substitution(替换)Unit 20 Game Lost by Forfeit(比赛因弃权告负)Unit 21 Game lost by Default(比赛因缺少队员告负)Unit 22 Violations(违例)Unit 23 Player out-of-bounds and Ball out-of-bounds(队员出界和球出界)Unit 24 Dribbling(运球)Unit 25 Travelling(带球走)Unit 26 Three Seconds(3秒钟)Unit 27 Closely Guarded Player(被严密防守的队员)Unit 28 Eight Seconds(8秒钟)Unit 29 Twenty-four Seconds(24秒钟)Unit 30 Ball Returned to the Backcourt(球回后场)Unit 31 Goal Tending and Interference(干涉得分和干扰)Unit 32 Fouls(犯规)Unit 33 Contact:General Principles(接触:一般原则)Unit 34 Personal Foul(侵入犯规)Unit 35 Double Foul(双方犯规)Unit 36 Unsportsmanlike Foul(违反体育道德的犯规)Unit 37 Disqualifying Foul(取消比赛资格的犯规)Unit 38 Technical Foul(技术犯规)Unit 39 Fighting(打架)Unit 40 Five Fouls by a Player(队员五次犯规)Unit 41 Team Fouls:Penalty(全队犯规:处罚)Unit 42 Special Situations(特殊情况)Unit 43 Free Throws(罚球)Unit 44 Correctable Errors(可纠正的失误)Unit 45 Officials.Table Officials and Commissioner(裁判员、记录台人员和技术代表)Unit 46 Referee:Duties and Powers(主裁判员:职责和权力)Unit 47 Officials:Duties and Powers(裁判员:职责和权力)Unit 48 Scorekeeper and Assistant Scorekeeper:Duties(记录员和助理记录员:职责)Unit 49 Timekeeper:Duties(计时员:职责)Unit 50 Twenty-four Second Operator:Duties(24秒钟计时员:职责)参考文献