(美)克林,(美)恩德尔斯 编写
In this fourth edition of Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology: PreTest Self-Assessment and Review, a significant number of changes and improvement shave been made. This PreTest reviews the anatomical disciplines encom-passing early embryology, cell biology, histology of the tissues and organs,as well as regional human anatomy of the head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, extremities, and spine. Major neuroanatomical tracts are outlined inthe High-Yield Facts section, but most pathway questions have been elim-inated in favor of more high-yield topics in embryology, histology, andhuman anatomy. Extensive neuroanatomical tract and pathway-related questions can be found in the new seventh edition of Neuroscience: PreTestSelf-Assessment & Review.This new edition of Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology: PreTest repre-sents a comprehensive effort to integrate the anatomical disciplines with clin-ical scenarios and cases. The development of numerous clinical vignettes,integrating basic science disciplines with clinical medicine, will benefit stu-dents enrolled in medical schools with integrated curricula, as well as stu-dents in discipline-based programs of study The sections on cell biology andmicroscopic anatomy have been updated to include important new knowledge in cell and tissue biology and to focus on cell biological principles rele-vant to clinical medicine. New and improved light micrographs have beenadded. Also new for this fourth edition is the addition of more radiographsand MRIs. Those radiological methods have become an important part of medical practice. It is imperative that students be able to recognize structures and relationships as part of their radiological anatomy knowledge base. This fourth edition is designed to help students prepare for USMLE Step 1, Sub-ject Exams in Human Anatomy and Histology, and even USMLE Step 2 in which the NBME plans to integrate more basic science questions.
为了帮助有志于参加USMLE的考生更好地复习,北京大学医学出版社全面引进了McGraw Hill公司的两个著名USMLE复习品牌丛书:PreTest系列、FIRST AID系列。这两套丛书经过多次再版,受到世界各地考生的欢迎。本次引进的均为其最新版本。 本书为《PreTest系列》之一,全书采用精练、简明的语言,以图文结合的形式系统介绍了有关解剖学、组织学、细胞生物学等方面的内容。非常适合有志于参加或欲了解美国医师执照考试的中国医生参考使用,也可供广大医药院校师生学习专业英语参考。
作者:(美国)克林(Robert M.Klein) (美国)恩德尔斯(George C.Enders)
PrefaceIntroductionAcknowledgments High-Yield FactsEmbryologyHistology and Cell BiologyAnatomyNeural Pathways Embryology: Early and GeneralQuestionsAnswers Cell Biology: MembranesQuestionsAnswers Cell Biology: CytoplasmQuestionsAnswers Cell Biology: IntracellularTraffickingQuestionsAnswers Cell Biology: NucleusQuestionsAnswers EpitheliumQuestionsAnswers Connective TissueQuestionsAnswersSpecialized Connective Tissues: Bone and CartilageQuestionsAnswers Muscle and Cell MotilityQuestionsAnswers Nervous SystemQuestionsAnswers Cardiovascular System, Blood, and Bone MarrowQuestionsAnswers Lymphoid System and Cellular ImmunologyQuestionsAnswers Respiratory SystemQuestionsAnswers Integumentary SystemQuestionsAnswers Gastrointestinal Tract and GlandsQuestionsAnswers Endocrine GlandsQuestionsAnswers Reproductive SystemsQuestionsAnswers Urinary SystemQuestionsAnswers Eye and EarQuestionsAnswers Head and NeckQuestionsAnswers ThoraxQuestionsAnswers AbdomenQuestionsAnswers PelvisQuestionsAnswers Extremities and SpineQuestionsAnswersBibliographyIndex
插图:270.A 3-year-old girl who has had numerous episodes of otitis media isreferred to an otorhinolaryngologist.She has a hearing deficit and delayedspeech milestones.Inflammation and diminished movement of the tym-panic membrane with insufflation is revealed by pneumatic otoscopyThere is decreased visibility of the landmarks of the middle ear.A myringo-tomy is carried out and her hearing returns to normal Which of the fol-lowing is directly involved in the normal sound transduction in thispatient?
"This edition of PreTest is full of extremely high-yield information in a presentation that Is logicaI and effective。The questions and explanations are invaluable,and the high-yield tables and figures make It easy to review important materiaI efficiently." ——Gustaf Van Acker III,Fourth Year MD/PhD Candidate,University of Kansas School of Medicine"This book was an excellent refresher for anyone Iooking to review information for either their finaI course exam or for the USMLE Step 1." ——Ben Chidester,Second Year Medical Student,Eastern Virginia MedicaI School
《美国医师执照考试:解剖学、组织学、细胞生物学(第4版)》:Great for course review and the USMLE Step 1!Biochemistry and Genetics:PreTest asksthe right questions so you'll know the rightanswers.Open it and start learning what's onthe test.
好书 U友共勉 必胜!必胜!必胜!
这书很脏 T T
as a mainland student,I really think our curriculum is less clinical and this textbook is worth reading.