郝美彦 编
随着经济全球化步伐的加快,中国与世界各国的经贸往来日趋频繁,对从事外经贸业务的人才的需求日益旺盛,对外贸业务人才的素质要求也日益提高。为此,我们特编写本书,目的就是提高高职高专学生从事外经贸业务的能力,从而培养既熟悉外贸实践,又有较高英语交际水平的技术应用型人才。本书具有以下几个特点:1.以外贸业务活动中的工作任务分析为基本手段,针对进出口贸易活动顺序来设计教材内容(包括交易的准备阶段写作、交易的磋商阶段写作、合同的履行阶段写作、其他信函写作、综合写作技能训练等)。 根据《教育部关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》(教高·[2006]16号)的精神,结合课程的特点,本书以职业工作过程为导向进行内容设计,使独立、离散的知识点得到有机串接,改变了理论教学与实践教学脱节的状况,实现了学科课程向工作体系课程的跨越。这是本书与以往同类型教材的截然不同之处,也是本书的最大特色。 2.注重学生的参与性和实践性,强调与学生的互动和交流。 著名教育家蒙特梭利曾说过:“我听到的,我忘记了;我看到的,我理解了;我做过的,我记住了。”多年的教学实践使我们深深地认识到了在职业教育教学中注重学生的参与性和实践性,强调与学生的互动和交流,以及“边学边练”的重要性。所以,在教材的编写过程中,我们做到了合理取舍,精心编排,切实以真实的工作过程为载体设计教学内容,强化学生职业能力的培养。为了培养学生的动手能力,本书在每一个任务项目中都安排了两个小栏目——“课堂讨论”、“写作实践”,这两个小栏目便于学生在学习典型样信之后归纳出写作要点,通过练习掌握写作技巧;在每一个任务项目后都配有写作训练案例,这样可以强化学生的写作能力。为了强化学生的综合写作能力,本书的最后一个单元还安排了“综合技能训练”,从“交易的准备”、“交易的磋商”一直到“交易的履行”及日常的信函往来,对整个外贸业务信函往来过程进行了综合模拟设计。
《外贸英文函电》包括6个任务共16个项目,主要内容为:基础知识(商务信函的结构、格式),交易的准备阶段(建立业务关系),交易的磋商阶段(询盘、报盘、还盘以及接受),合同的履行阶段(开立和修改信用证、租船订舱和装运、投保、保险与索赔),其他信函写作(寻求代理和请求担任代理、祝贺与感谢信、促销与邀请信、求职信),综合技能训练(从交易的准备、交易的磋商到交易的履行及日常的信函往来)。 《外贸英文函电》适用于高职高专国际经济与贸易、商务英语、电子商务、市场营销、工商管理等财经类专业的教学,也可供从事外贸业务活动的从业人员自学或参考用。
Task 1 Basic KnowledgeUnit 1 Introduction1.1 Several Important Principles of Good Writing1.2 The Structure and Layout of a Business LetterSamplesDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingTask 2 Preparation of BusinessUnit 2 Estabishing Business RelationsRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters2.1 Importer Writes to the Exporter(1)2.2 Exporter Writes to the Importer2.3 Importer Writes to the Exporter(2)DiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingTask 3 Negotiation of BusinessUnit 3 InquiryRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters3.1 First Inquiry3.2 Specific Inquiry (1)3.3 General Inquiry3.4 Specific Inquiry (2)DiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 4 OfferRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters4.1 Non-firm Offer(1)4.2 Firm Offer(1)4.3 Non-firm Offer (2)4.4 Finn Offer(2)DiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 5 Counter-offerRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters5.1 Counter-offer——Price(1)5.2 Counter-offer——Payment5.3 Counter-offer——Price(2)5.4 Reply to the Counter——Offer5.5 Counter-offer——QuantityDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 6 AcceptanceRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters6.1 Place an Order (1)6.2 Confirm Supply6.3 Send a Contract6.4 Place an Order (2)DiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 7 Contracts and AgreementsRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters7.1 Sales Contract7.2 Purchase Confirmation7.3 Exclusive Agency AgreementDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingTask 4 Implementation of ContractUnit 8 Establishing and Amending an L/CRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters8.1 Urge the Establishment of an L/C (1)8.2 Urge the Establishment of an L/C (2)8.3 Reply to the above Letter8.4 Extend the L/C8.5 Amend the L/C (1)8.6 Amend the L/C (2)8.7 Change the Payment TermDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 9 Chartering Ship and Effecting ShipmentRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters9.1 Inquire Freight (1)9.2 Inquire Freight (2)9.3 Inquire Freight (3)9.4 Reply (1)9.5 Shipping Instruction9.6 Urging Shipment9.7 Reply (2)9.8 Shipping AdviceDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 10 Covering InsuranceRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters10.1 Apply for Insurance10.2 Confirm Having Covered Insurance10.3 Ask for Additional Insurance10.4 Insurance PolicyDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 11 Making a Complaint and ClaimRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters11.1 Complaint and Claim——Inferior Quality11.2 Complaint and Claim——Wrong Articles and the Inferior Quality11.3 ReplyDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingTask 5 Other Letters WritingUnit 12 Seeking and Asking to Be an AgentRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters12.1 Seek an Agent12.2 Reply(l)12.3 Ask to Be an Agent12.4 Reply(2)12.5 Reply(3)DiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 13 Congratulation and Appreciation LetterRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters13.1 Congratulation Letter(1)13.2 Congratulation Letter(2)13.3 Appreciation Letter(1)13.4 Appreciation Letter(2)DiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 14 Promotion and Invitation LetterRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters14.1 Promotion (1)14.2 Promotion (2)14.3 Invitation ( 1 )14.4 Invitation (2)14.5 Reply to InvitationDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingUnit 15 Job-application WritingRelevant KnowledgeUseful SentencesSpecimen Letters15.1 Cover Letter15.2 Resume15.3 Follow-up LetterDiscussionPracticeSkill TrainingTask 6 Integrative Writing Skill TrainingRelevant KnowledgeLetter WritingBibliography
The effectuation of shipment signifies the seller s fulfillment of the obligation tomake delivery of the goods. So far as foreign trade is concerned, shipment is mostlymade by ocean vessels, tramp or liner. With the rapid development of internationaltrade, transportation facilities have greatly improved to meet the demand. In practice, shipment involves such procedures as booking shipping space orchartering a ship, clearing the goods through the customs, completing shippingdocuments, dispatching shipping advice and shipping instruction. Letters regarding shipment are usually written for the following purposes:tocharter a ship, to urge an early shipment;to amend shipping terms;to give shippingadvice and shipping instruction;to dispatch shipping documents and so on. 1. We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by s/sDONGFENG sailing from Shanghai on May 1". 2. We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thusenabling our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season. 3. We hope that by the time you receive this letter, you will have the goodsready for shipment.