保罗·G.基特(Paul G.Keat),菲利普·
胡蓉 注释
One day after class, a student in one of our courses commented on the managerialeconomics text then being used: "This book is very dry. What it needs is a plot!" To alarge extent, the idea for this text stemmed from this remark. This is a text that webelieve will excite readers about managerial economics as well as inform them aboutthis vital part of management education. Each chapter begins with a "Situation," inwhich managers in a fictional company, Global Foods, Inc., must make certain keydecisions about their products in the beverage industry. After the relevant economicconcepts or tools of analysis are presented, each chapter ends with a "Solution," asuggested way in which these concepts or tools can be used to help managers make thebest decision. The heart of managerial economics is the microeconomic theory of the firm.Much of this theory was formalized in a textbook written over 100 years ago byProfessor Alfred Marshall of Cambridge University. Indeed, if readers were to referto his Principles of Economics (1890), they would find many of the diagrams andequations presented in this text as well as in all other texts in managerial economics.To be sure, the world has changed greatly since Marshalls ideas were developed.Market structures other than the "perfectly competitive model" are now much moreimportant. Technology moves at such a rapid pace that the rate of obsolescence ofproducts is now often measured in months rather than years. Competition amongfirms is frequently conducted on a global scale rather than a local or national one.Multinational firms invest, manufacture, and sell around the world. In so doing, theysometimes buy out their global competitors or form alliances or joint ventures withthem. In recent years, the Internet and e-commerce have become critical elementsof most businesses. Yet through all of these changes, basic microeconomic principles such as supply anddemand, elasticity, short-run and long-run shifts in resource allocation, diminishingreturns, economies of scale, and pricing according to marginal revenue and marginalcost continue to be important tools of analysis for managerial decision makers. In fact,the overall objective of this text is to demonstrate to our readers that the application ofmicroeconomic theory has stood the test of time and continues to be relevant to manyfacets of modern business decision making. We are well aware of the reputation that economics courses have among somebusiness students of being "too theoretical and not practical enough for the realworld." In our opinion, nothing could be further from the truth. We know that theinstructors in managerial economics will agree with us on this matter. We hope that thistext will serve as a solid supplement to their classroom efforts to demonstrate to theirstudents the importance and utility of economic theory for business decision-making. This text is designed for upper-level undergraduate and first-year MBA courses inmanagerial economics and applied economics. The first two chapters are a generalintroduction to economics and economic reasoning. A review of the mathematicalconcepts and tools used in the text has been placed online.
如何培养学生在实际管理情境中诊断问题、做出决策以及采取行动是所有商学院面临的挑战。在其备受好评的《管理经济学》(第6版)中,保罗·G.基特和菲利普·K.Y.扬将这一过程融入动态管理案例(GlobaI Foods公司)中。 每一章都开始于GIobaI Foods公司遇到的问题.结束于问题的解决。在这个过程中,学生可以充分地运用微观经济学理论和定量分析工具。在理论联系实际的同时,强化了学习过程,使学生在毕业后依然能够熟练使用这些工具。
保罗·G.基特过去20年一直在美国雷鸟商学院的国际工商管理学院任教。目前,他是该学院的名誉副教授。在任职于雷鸟商学院之前,他曾在LBM公司工作多年,拥有丰富的管理经验。 他在纽约市立大学获得商业管理学士学位,在华盛顿大学获得文学硕士学位,在芝加哥大学获得经济学博士学位。 他曾在美国多所大学任教,包括华盛顿大学、纽约市立大学和爱纳大学。他是佩斯大学鲁宾商学院的兼职副教授,同时,他还教授佩斯大学的EMBA课程。 菲利普·K.Y.扬是雷鸟商学院管理学教授,之前任教于佩斯大学鲁宾商学院。他还是Nth Degree Systems公司的创始人和总经理。该公司是一家致力于给全球主要大公司提供定制教育和项目培训的咨询公司。 他在夏威夷大学获得学士学位,在哥伦比亚大学获得国际关系硕士学位,在纽约大学获得经济学博士学位。
第1章 导言导言:经济学与管理决策企业经济学重要经济学术语和概念的简要回顾GlobalFood8公司的案例:情境和解决方法情境和解决方法小结应用:通过战略和所有权来实现公司再造本章小结重要概念问题第2章 企业及其目标导言企业科斯与因特网公司的经济目标与最优决策利润之外的目标经济目的经济目标非经济目标再一次讨论——公司追求最大化利润吗?重申利润最大化最大化股东财富市场附加值与经济增加值经济利润应用本章小结重要概念问题第3章 供给和需求导言市场需求市场供给市场均衡比较静态分析短期市场变动:价格的“配给功能”长期市场分析:价格的“指导”或“分配功能”运用供给和需求进行预测供给、需求和价格:管理面临的挑战案例3.1 咖啡:“低买高卖”案例3.2 航空旅行:“高买低卖”应用:钻市场市场现状钴市场简史对管理者的启示本章小结重要概念问题习题附录3A 供给和需求的数学模型第4章 需求弹性弹性的经济学概念需求的价格弹性价格弹性的计算弹性的决定因素弹性对价格和数量的影响派生需求的弹性短期和长期的弹性需求弹性与收益弹性的数学表达弹性的经验数据需求的交叉弹性弹性的经验数据收入弹性其他弹性供给弹性应用:亚洲的价格弹性本章小结重要概念问题习题附录4A 供给和需求的应用第5章 需求估计与预测需求估计导言本章的关键目标良好数据的重要性回归分析:方法概述设定回归方程与获取数据估计并解释回归系数回归结果的统计检验分析回归结果的关键步骤总结管理决策回归分析的影响使用回归分析存在的问题模型识别问题多重共线性自相关经济研究中回归分析的例子近期经济研究中使用回归分析的例子概述应用:西班牙的食品与中国台湾的香烟预测导言预测的对象需求估计与需求预测有效预测的前提预测技巧专家意见民意测验与市场调查支出计划调查景气预测法预测计量经济学模型应用:预测汇率本章小结重要概念问题习题附录5A 洛杉矶白金芬黛的需求第6章 生产理论与生产估计生产函数总产量、平均产量与边际产量的短期分析边际报酬递减规律短期生产的三个阶段派生需求与可变投入的最优水平多种投入的情况(简略版)长期生产函数生产函数的估计生产函数的各种形式柯布一道格拉斯生产函数生产函数的统计估计总量生产函数管理决策中生产函数的重要性仔细规划可以帮助企业合理利用资源“曲线以外”:当前的生产问题以及今天的管理者面临的挑战呼叫中心:将生产函数运用于服务业应用:中国缺工人吗?本章小结重要概念问题习题附录6A 多种投入的情况第7章 成本理论与成本估计管理决策中成本的重要性经济分析中成本的定义与运用历史成本与重置成本机会成本与实付成本沉没成本与增量成本生产与成本之间的关系短期成本函数在短期提高成本效率总成本函数的其他形式长期成本函数长期生产与长期成本之间的关系规模经济长期平均成本曲线是短期平均成本的包络曲:将长期平均成本作为决策工具:根据市场预测协调生产计划的重要性学习曲线范围经济规模经济:短期与长期供应链管理公司削减成本以保持竞争力的例子管理者使用成本削减战略时应注意的问题应用:中国化工品的委托加工本章小结重要概念问题习题附录7A 短期成本函数的数学重述第8章 定价与产量决策:完全竞争与垄断导言经济分析中的竞争与市场类型竞争的含义市场类型的例子理论与现实中的市场类型与竞争完全竞争市场的定价与产量决策企业的基本决策完全竞争市场的关键假设运用总收益一总成本方法选择最优产量水平运用边际收益一边际成本方法寻找最优产量水平经济利润、正常利润、亏损和停业长期中的竞争市场垄断市场的定价与产量决策完全竞争和垄断对制定管理决策的影响应用:金枪鱼市场的残酷经济学本章小结重要概念问题习题附录8A 定价与产量决策中微积分的运用第9章 定价与产量决策:垄断竞争与寡头导言垄断竞争寡头市场集中寡头市场定价:竞争与相互依存不完全竞争市场中的竞争非价格竞争经济最优与非价格竞争垄断竞争和寡头的事实:“不完全”竞争战略:不完全竞争市场中企业的根本挑战产业组织战略与迈克尔?波特的基本思想结语:管理经济学与战略的联系应用:世界啤酒市场本章小结重要概念问题习题第10章 特殊定价法导言卡特尔协议卡特尔操纵价格案例价格领导制晴雨表型企业的价格领导制支配型企业的价格领导制收益最大化价格歧视三级歧视价格歧视的例子价格歧视的近期例子宾馆行业的定价:价格歧视的例子搭售安排:价格歧视的可能扩展价格歧视对社会福利的影响非边际定价法成本加成定价法定价与成本增量分析法多产品定价法需求互补产品需求替代产品固定比例生产的联产品不同比例生产的联产品转让定价法无外部市场外部市场其他定价方法应用:欧洲卡特尔的减少欧洲纸箱板卡特尔欧洲维生素卡特尔欧洲铜管卡特尔欧洲其他操纵价格案例航空公司的价格歧视本章小结重要概念问题习题第11章 博弈论与不对称信息导言博弈论经济学中特殊关联博弈的一个精选例子囚徒困境沙滩亭博弈重复博弈序贯博弈与先动者优势博弈论与拍卖策略与博弈论承诺激励一般框架不对称信息不对称信息市场例子:逆向选择——次品市场例子:道德风险——保险不对称信息的市场反应声誉例子:eBay拍卖的声誉标准化市场信号例子:劳动力市场中教育是一种信号例子:保证和担保最后一个例子:针对信息不对称的两个银行系统本章小结重要概念问题习题第12章 政府与行业:今天的管理者面临的挑战与机遇导言政府介入市场经济的合理性为竞争提供法律框架:反托拉斯法解决市场外部性:政府在市场经济中的另一个主要职能稳定总体经济:货币政策和财政政策货币政策财政政策时滞与美国政府做生意政府市场政府与市场经济政府放松管制、合并与收购企业为什么合并应用:GeneralElec和Honewll合并失败本章小结重要概念问题附录A 统计与财务数据表
government, he found that every problem that he worked on was helped in some way by "the method of reasoning involved in the derivation of some economic theorem."4 William H. Meckling, the former dean of the Graduate School of Management at the University of Rochester, expressed a similar sentiment in an interview conducted by The Wall Street Journal. In his view, "economics is a discipline that can hell5 students solve the sort of problems they meet within the firm." Recalling his experience as the direc tor of naval warfare analysis at the Center for Naval Analysis and as an economic analyst at the Rand Corporation, one of the nations most prominent think tanks, Meckling stated that these institutions are "dominated by physical scientist types, really brilliant people." However, he went on to say that "the economists knew how to structure the problems... the rest of the people knew a lot about technical things but they had never thought about how you structure big issues."5 As it has evolved in undergraduate and graduate programs over the past half century, managerial economics is essentially a course in applied microeconomics that includes selected quantitative techniques common to other disciplines such as linear programming (management science), regression analysis (statistics, econometrics, and management science), capital budgeting (finance), and cost analysis (managerial and cost accounting). From our perspective as economists, we see that many disciplines in business studies have drawn from the core of microeconomics for concepts and theoretical support. For example, the economic analyis of demand and price elasticity can be found in most marketing texts. The division of markets into four types——perfect competition, pure monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly——is generally the basis for the analysis of the competitive environment presented in books on corporate strategy and marketing strategy.6 There are a number of other examples to be found. The economic concept of opportunity cost serves as the foundation for the analysis of relevant cost in managerial accounting and for the use of the "hurdle rate"7 in finance. As shown in chapter 2, opportunity cost also plays an important part in understanding how firms create "economic value" for their shareholders. Finally, in recent years, certain authors havelinked their managerial economics texts thematically with strategy and humanresources.8 Figure 1.1 illustrates our view that managerial economics is closely linkedwith many other disciplines in a business curriculum.