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“全国高等院校研究生英语核心教材系列”是对外经济贸易大学出版社联合华东师范大学、中国人民大学、香港中文大学、山东大学、山东师范大学、福州大学等高校的骨干教师共同编写,适用于我国各地区全日制研究生使用的一套全新立体化教材。 我国研究生教育迅猛发展,非英语专业研究生英语教学面临新的挑战。为培养新时期合格的外语人才,根据全国高等院校研究生外语教学研究会2007年出台的修订大纲《非英语专业硕士/博士学位研究生英语教学基本要求(试行)》,我们联合上述院校的骨干教师编写了这套适用于我国各地区全日制研究生使用的“全国高等院校研究生英语核心教材系列”。 本套教材由《研究生英语核心教材一综合教程(上)》、《研究生英语核心教材一综合教程(下)》、《研究生英语核心教材一听说教程》、《研究生英语核心教材一写作教程》、《研究生英语核心教材一翻译教程》组成。 本套教材编写的基本原则是注重培养学生的语言交际能力。《非英语专业硕士/博士学位研究生英语教学基本要求(试行)》辨证地阐述了语言学习和能力培养的关系,提出研究生英语教学应“确保语言基本功训练,但以培养学生语言交际能力为主要目标”。本套研究生英语教材在选材、编写及练习的设计方面都体现了“扎实的基础训练,突出的能力培养”的目标。
Unit 1 The UnabomberUnit 2 The Future of Science... Is Art?Unit 3 Ronald Reagan: Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-DayUnit 4 Caught Between PlacesUnit 5 Marco Polo's LegacyUnit 6 Same Sex Marrige in the United StatesUnit 7 Winston SmithUnit 8 Summerhill Education VS Standard EducationUnit 9 The Clash of Civilizations?Unit 10 Professional Women and Domestic Violence
Theodore John Kaczynski-accused of being the shadowy Unabomber who bedeviledauthorities during an 18-vear-long spate of bombings-acquired a Harvard degree at age 20He could have had a dazzling academic career at one of the nation top mathematicsdepartments.But he chose another path:that of a recluse who shunned family and friends. Some 18 months after Kaczynski’s arrest at his remote,book-filled Montana cabin,thesuspect has remained as silent in his prison cell as he had been during his 25-year-long,serf-imposed exile.To the FBI,Kaczynski,55,was the prize at the end of the nation’s longest,mostexpensive hunt for a serial killer.Officials point to the mountain of evidence uncovered at thecabin-including the master copy of the Unabomber manifesto and the typewriter used tocreate it.In the eyes of federal investigators,Kaczynski is a cold,calculating,evil manwhose contempt for technological advances led him to mastermind the bombings that killedthree and injured 29.To his family,Kaczynski is a sad,tortured man-a mathematical genius who swiftlyclimbed the academic ladder even as he became an emotional cripple.He had pene~ated themysteries of a complex science but never savored the simple joys of love and friendship.The real Ted Kaczynski may forever remain an enigma,but to the brother who made thepainful decision to turn him in,one memory from nearly a decade ago stands out:In aninterview with the New York Times,David Kaczynski recollected the time when he cameemotionally close to his only brother:It was during a visit to the Montana cabin.David was sawing wood when the work tablecollapsed,taking him down with it.Ted ran over,asking,“Are you OK?”David repfied01at he was concerned about the saw.one of his brother’s few tools。“The hell with thesaw.Are you OK?”David quoted his brother as saying.