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Part Ⅰ 快速阅读理解题型分析与应试策略Part Ⅱ 听力理解型分析与应试策略Part Ⅲ 仔细阅读理解题型分析与应试策略Part Ⅳ 改错与完形填空题型分析与应试策略Part Ⅴ 汉译英题型分析与应试策略Part Ⅵ 作文题型分析与应试策略Part Ⅶ 最新全国统考试和突击训练试卷及答案详解(共6套) 最新六级考试全国统考试卷及答案详解1 最新六级考试全国统考试卷及答案详解2 最新六级考试全国统考试卷及答案详解3 最新六级考试全国统考试卷及答案详解4 最新六级考试全国统考试卷及答案详解5


  Even then, Freud cared about the sufferings of others, so it isn't surprising that he became a doctorwhen he grew up. Like other doctors he learned all about the way in which the human body works. Buthe became more and more curious about the human mind. He went to Paris to study with a famous Frenchdoctor, Charcot. Charcot's special study was diseases of the mind and nerves. At that time it seemed that no one knew very much about the mind. If a person went mad, or "outof his mind", there was not nmch that could be done about it. There was little help or comfort for themadman or his family. People didn't understand at all what was happening to him. Had he been pos-sessed by a devil or evil spirit? Was God punishing him for wrongdoing? Often such people were shutaway from the company of ordinary civilized people as if they had done some terrible crime. This is still true today in many places. Doctors prefer to experiment on those parts of a man whichthey can see and examine. If you cut a man's head open you can see his brain. But you can't see histhoughts or ideas or dreams. In Freud's day few doctors were interested in these subjects. Freud wantedto know what makes us think and feel as we do. He wanted to know how our minds work, and he learneda lot from Charcot.  He returned to Vienna in 1886 and began work as a doctor in nerve diseases. He got married and,in order to support his wife, he began to receive more and more patients at their home. Most of the pa-tients who came to see him were women. They were over-excited and anxious, sick in mind rather than inbody. Medicine did not help them. Freud was full of sympathy but could do httle to make them better. Then one day a friend, Dr Josef Breuer, came to see him. He told Freud about a girl he was lookingafter. The girl seemed to get better when she was allowed to talk about herself. Dr Breuer allowed her totalk at great length. She told him everything that came into her mind, whether it seemed important ornot. And each time she talked to him she remembered more about her life as a little child. Freud was excited when he heard this. Perhaps this was the way to help his patients. He began totry to cure his patients in the same way. He asked about the events of their early childhood. He urgedthem to talk about their own experiences and relationships. He himself said very little. Often, as he listened, his patients relived occasions from their past life. They trembled with angerand fear, hate and love. They acted as though Freud was their father or mother or lover. The doctor did not make any attempt to stop them. He let them speak as they wished. He himself re-mained calm and quietly accepted whatever they told him, the good things and the bad. Sometimes, talk-ing to him in this way seemed to relieve them of their pain. One young woman who came to him couldn't drink anything, although she was very thirsty. Shewould hold a glass of water to her lips and then push it away. Something prevented her from drinking. Freud discovered the reason for this. One day, as they were talking, the girl remembered havingseen a dog drink from her nurse's glass. She hadn't told the nurse, whom she disliked. She had forgottenthe whole experience. But suddenly this childhood memory returned to mind. When she had described itall to Dr Freud —— the nurse, the dog, the glass of water —— the girl was able to drink again. Freud called this treatment the "talking cure". Later it was called psychoanalysis. When patientstalked freely about the things that were troubling them, they often felt better. They learned to control theirfears. Perhaps this isn't so surprising. We can know how much it helps us if we tell our troubles to afriend.  ……


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