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本套丛书《典藏书屋——青春悦读/午后咖啡/睿智人生(MP3有声英文读物)》为你铺设了一条英语拉高新捷径,引导学习者在愉快阅读中系统、快速地积累词汇、背景知识,提高快速阅读技能。 本丛书内容新颖翔实,具有极强的知识性、史料性、时代性与可读性,结构编排注意词汇与语言点的阶梯式循环出现,帮助读者在阅读中不断巩固、重复记忆。 本书精选文章50篇,从游戏规则到化妆品相对论,从交通事故报告到个人预算。从占星算命到镜子的魔力,从自闭症到美国的睡眠赤字,从有关单身女郎的7种误解到都市型男……为你展示了一个精彩的语言文化万花筒。每篇文章还附有精炼的内容点评、难句汉译、生词速记、文化知识链接等内容,使你进一步开拓语言文化视野,提高各领域的词汇知识。更重要的是,它能帮你找回失落已久的阅读的乐趣!
Unit 1 The Weight of Paper 纸的分量Unit 2 MIrror Miracle 镜子的魔力Unit 3 Lost and Found 失而复得Unit 4 The Rules of Game 游戏规则Unit 5 The Theory of Cosmetic Relativity 化妆品相对论Unit 6 Why French Live Longer 为什么法国人会长寿Unit 7 Motorism 汽车主义Unit 8 Accident Reports 交通事故报告Unit 9 The Voices of Time 时间的声音Unit 10 The Art of Smart Guessing 巧妙猜测的艺术Unitl 1 Evaluation by Students 学生测评教师Unit 12 Why You Need a Personal Budget 为何需要个人预算Unit 13 Superbabies Aren’t Happy Babies 超级宝宝并非快乐宝宝Unit 14 Public Behavior in France 法国的行为礼仪Unit 15 Customs of Halloween 万圣节习俗Unit 16 Brazilian Football Fans 巴西足球球迷Unit 17 Trees Are Violet 树是紫罗兰色的Unit 18 The Myth of Superwoman 女超人的神话Unit 19 Basics of Horoscope 占星算命基本知识Unit 20 Fast-food Culture Serves up Super-size Americans 快餐文化造就超码的美国人Unit 21 Slow Food Movement 慢餐运动Unit 22 Reducing Risks in Eyesight Corrective Surgery 降低视力矫治手术的风险Unit 23 What Is Autism? 何谓自闭症?Unit 24 Mnemonics 单词记忆术Unit 25 Four Rules for a Successful Marriage 成功婚姻的四大准则Unit 26 What Do You Know about Google? 你对Google知多少?Unit 27 Web Feats 网络业绩Unit 28 E-commerce,the Small Business Road to Profits 电子商务——小公司的致富之路Unit 29 The American Sleep Deficit 美国的睡眠赤字Unit 30 How“Average”People Excel 才智一般者的成功秘诀Unit 31 Why Character Counts? 品格为何如此重要?Unit 32 Escape Valve 逃避责任之门Unit 33 A Phenomenal Memory 惊人的记忆Unit 34 The American Civil War 美国内战Unit 35 Rebel Wild Rose 叛逆的野玫瑰Unit 36 Terri Is Not a Vegetable 特丽不是植物人Unit 37 Where Does Bad-breath Odor Come From? 口臭是怎样产生的?Unit 38 Liposuction’s Limits 吸脂术的局限性Unit 39 Turning Thoughts into Actions 化思想为行动Unit 40 Football Hooliganism 足球流氓现象Unit 41 Seven Myths of Single Womanhood 有关单身女郎的7种误解Unit 42 Virtual Grave 虚拟墓地Unit 43 The Networked Economy Explosion 网络经济爆炸Unit 44 Metrosexual Man 都市型男Unit 45 Managerial Stereotypes 典型的经理人Unit 46 Scientists Look Forward to the Past 科学家展望过去Unit 47 A Glimpse of US Students’Social Life 美国大学生社交生活一瞥Unit 48 Buy Nothing Day 不购买日Unit 49 The Fragile American Middle Class 脆弱的美国中产阶级Unit 50 The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know 你不知道的沃尔玛
国内引进的四种视力矫正手术 FourEyeProcedaresinChina 1.准分子激光角膜屈光矫正手术(PRK-PhotorefractiveKer-atectomy):适合因角膜(COFnea)p薄不适合Lasik的病人,比Lasik的临床使用期长,较可靠,但术后恢复期较长。 2.准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术(Lasik-Lasel’inSituKer·atomileusis):在PRK基础上发展起来的更先进的屈光角膜手术。其基本操作方法是先用微型角膜刀在角膜表面切开直径约8.5mm,厚度约160微米的角膜瓣(flap),然后对中间角膜基质进行激光切削,之后再将切开的角膜瓣复位。此方法保留了角膜上皮和前弹力层,因而基本符合角膜的解剖生理,是当今世界上最快捷的治疗近视、远视和散光的技术。 3.LASEK手术是意大利Rovigo医院眼科中心(MassinoLamellionML)于1997年发明的一种针对高度数、角膜相对较薄的一种新的准分子激光手术,它拥有PRK优势,又克服了PRK的疼痛。它的安全性高于LASIK手术,拓展了Lasik手术范围。 4.前房人工晶体植入术(IntraocularLenses):适合于1500度以上高度近视和600度以上散光。该手术将特制的人工晶体植于角膜与虹膜(naturallens)之间,保证了眼球生理结构的完整,是可逆的;但很昂贵,且有感染风险。Unit2=8lWhatIsAutism?何谓自闭症?自闭症是一种严重的发展障碍,通常3岁前就可觉察。自闭症患者主要的障碍是认知的发展困难,认知障碍令理解和表达受到严重影响,导致言语和社交发展迟缓及异常。自闭症患者行为亦表现异常,如:有重复性的无聊动作,不能把学到的东西灵活运用于不同场合,不能改变惯常的规则去适应新环境等。关于自闭症有几点需澄清:1.自闭症并不罕见,在加拿大每165人中就有1人患有此症。2.以前曾有学说认为自闭症与父母对子女的冷漠态度有关,现已肯定这是错误的。自闭症产生的原因是生理的,而不是情绪上或心理上的问题。3.以前有学说认为自闭症儿童不和外界交往,是由于他们有太多事物去思索,现在发现他们不和别人接触是由于他们不懂怎样去做,不明白别人的言语、行为、表情,不懂做出适合情形的反应。4.像影片《雨人》中达斯汀·霍夫曼饰演的主角那样有数学与艺术天才的自闭症患者并不多见,但不少患者确有统计、日历计算、机械记忆方面的技能。 Autism is a lifelong developmental disorderthat affects the way a person communicates and relates to other’people.’Fhe range and intensity of disability varies widely, but all individuals affected by autism have difficulty with communication, learning and social skills. Autism usually manifests during the first three years of life. Impaired social interaction is the hallmark symptom. Many people affected by autism do not have even one friend. This is very stressful to them and to their families. Individuals affected by autism may also exhibit repeated body movements, unusual responses to people or attachments to objects, resistance to changes in routine, and extreme sensory sensitivity. This commonly includes severe reactions to noise and touch, may contribute to increased levels of anxiety and often means that significant levels of supervision are required. There is no definitive cause or cure, but specialized interventions can give individuals affected by autism the tools they need to lead full and productive lives. There are many different myths surrounding autism in the world. Here, are some of the truths about it. Autism is not rare. The latest statistics indicate one in 165 Canadians is affected by Autism, an increase of over 60{}% in the past ten years. What was once viewed as a rare disorder is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting children. Autism is not an emotional disturbance, but a neurodevelopmental disorder. Parents do NOT cause autism. Its not the fault of poor parenting. However, parents DO need support to manage difficult behaviors with structure and consistency. People do not "grow out" of autism. With early intervention and good educational programs progress may be significantly better. The autistic need to be learning, living and working in settings where there is ample opportunity to communicate and interact with others who have the skills they need.
MP3有声英文读物。Life is the coffee and the jobs,money and position in society are the cups.They are just tools to hold and contain Life,and do not change the quality of Life.Sometimes,by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided So,don。t let the cups drive you.enjoy the coffee instead 如果生活是你杯中的咖啡,工作、财富和社会地位就是那些杯子。它们只是维持生活的工具而已,并不改变生活质量。有时候,我们在过于关注杯子的同时却忘了去品味上帝赐予的咖啡。所以,不要成为杯子的奴隶,好好地享受杯中的咖啡吧!