World Scientific Pub Co Inc
Chen, Wai-Fah; Goodwin, George E.;
This book summarizes the recent progress in practical analysis for semi-rigid frame design in North America. This encompasses codes, databases, modeling, classification, analysis/design, and design tables and aids. Practical design methods include LRFD procedures, approximate procedures, computer-based procedures and the optimization process. The book can be used as a supplementary steel design textbook for graduate students, as a training book for a short course in steel design for practicing engineers, and as a reference book for consulting firms designing building structures.
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introduction 1.2. US Codes 1.3. Connection Classifications 1.3.1. Proposed AISC LRFD Connection Classification Strength Ductility Stiffness 1.4. Connection Behaviour 1.4.1. Connection Database 1.4.2. Connection Modelling 1.4.3. Determination of the Modelling Parameters 1.5. Analysis of Frames with PR Connections2. LFRD FRAME DESIGN WITH PR CONNECTIONS 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Modeling of connections 2.2.1. Types of Semi-Rigid Connections 2.2.2. Modeling Connections 2.2.3. Classifications 2.3. Procedures of LRFD Frame Design 2.3.1. Design Procedures 2.3.2. Analysis and Design Principles with LFRD 2.3.3. Recommendation of Analysis/Design Procedure 2.4. Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections 2.4.1. Practical Design Considerations 2.5. Design Example -- One-Bay Two-Story PR Frame 2.5.1. Analysis 2.6. Summary Appendix A. Source File of table.cpp Appendix B. Source file of modstiff.cc Appendix C. Source File of unit.cpp Appendix D. Design Tables3. APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS FOR DESIGN OF SEMI-RIGID STEEL FRAMES 3.1. Introduction 3.2. End-Fixity Factor and Semi-Rigid Beam 3.3. Moment Distribution for Semi-Rigid Continuous Beams and Non-Sway Frames 3.4. Moment Distribution for Sway Frames 3.5. Algebraic Moment Distribution for Semi-Rigid Structures4. PRACTICAL COMPUTER-BASED ANALYSIS OF SEMI-RIGID STEEL FRAMES 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Model of Nonlinear Behavior of Beam-to-Column Connection 4.3. Connection Database 4.4. Model of Semi-Rigid Beam-Column Element 4.5. First-Order Analysis 4.6. Second-Order Analysis 4.7. Example Analysis 4.8. Modification of Column Effective Length Factor 4.9. Conclusion Appendix. Illustration of Connection Database5. DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF SEMI-RIGID STEEL FRAMES 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Design Formulation 5.3. Sensitivity Analysis 5.3.1. Displacement Sensitivity Analysis 5.3.2. Stress Sensitivity Analysis 5.4. Optimization Procedure 5.4.1. Continuous-Discrete Optimization Algorithm 5.4.2. Connection Selection 5.4.3. Design Verification 5.5. Cost Coefficients 5.6. Illustrative Examples 5.6.1. Three-Bay Unbraced Frames 5.6.2. Three Bay Two-Story Frame 5.7. Conclusions 5.8. Appendix I: Miscellaneous Expressions 5.8.1. Derivatives of Ci and Gi Matrices……6. PR CONNECTION DATABASE7.ADVANCED ANALYSIS FOR SEISMIC DESIGN OF BUIL DING FRAMESAppendix:Detailed Comparisons Between 1997and the 1992LFRDSeismic Provisions