Aspen Publishers
Currier, Kevin M.
As an empirical science, economics employs theoretical models to describe economic phenomena and processes. These models are then used to generate testable propositions. Comparative statics analysis facilitates the derivation of such propositions. This book is a self-contained introduction to comparative statics analysis which is appropriate for a first year PhD course in mathematics for economists. The demands that modern economic analysis places upon the student renders an incremental approach to learning essential. This permits students' intuition to develop as mathematical tools are employed in problem solving. In this book, students learn comparative statics by doing comparative statics in progressively more sophisticated models. Repeated application of the basic technique allows the studentto gain competence in comparative statics analysis with minimal distraction.
1. Mathematical Preliminaries 1.1 Differentiable Functions Example 1.1 1.2 The Chain Rule Example 1.2 1.3 Determinants 1.4 Cramer's Rule 1.5 Optimization,j5 R - R 1.6 Optimization,j5 R2- R Example 1.3 1.7 Constrained Optimization, Two Variables, One Constraint Example 1.42. The Methodology of Comparative Statics Example 2.1 Example 2.2 2.1 Comparative Statics and Empirical Testing 2.2 Implicit Differentiation 2.3 The Implicit Function Theorem (One Variable, One Parameter).. Example 2.3 Example 2.4 2.4 The Implicit Function Theorem (Two Variables, One Parameter) Example 2.5 . 2.5 Summary of the Technique of Comparative Statics3. Comparative Statics with Explicit Solutions 3.1 Two Classes of Comparative Statics Problems 3.2 Equilibrium Comparative Statics Application 3.1 3.3 Comparative Statics with Unconstrained Optimization Application 3.2 Application 3.3 3.4. Comparative Statics with Constrained Optimization Application 3.4 Application 3.5 Problems4.Comparative Statics in General Function Models 4.1. Introduction to General Function Models 4.2. Equilibrium Comparative Statics Application 4.1 4.3. Comparative Statics with Unconstrained Optimization Application 4.2 Application 4.3 4.4 Comparative Statics with Constrained Optimization Application 4.4 Application 4.5 4.5 Second-Order Conditions and the Implicit Function Theorem Problems5.Comparative Statics Theorems for Parameterized Optimization Problems 5.1 Introduction Application 5.1 5.2 Conjugate Pairs Theorems Theorem 5-1A Theorem 5-1B ……6.Introduction to Primal-Dual AnalysisAnswers to Seleted ProblemsSelected ReferencesIndex