
Innovation that Fits超越时尚的创新战略

Lord, Michael; Debethizy, Donald; Wager, Jeffrey 上海科学技术文献出版社





Lord, Michael; Debethizy, Donald; Wager, Jeffrey  




In frantic pursuit of innovation, companies have experimented with one new fad afteranother: corporate venturing, intellectual property licensing, innovation-by-alliance, innovation-by-acquisition, spinouts, spin-ins,and many more. In this book, three leading experts on commercializing innovation sort through the debris of yesterday's innovation experiments, unearthing powerful lessons about what works and what doesn't. INNOVATION THAT FITS draws on a thorough examination of more than250 innovationinitiatives from organizations of widely differing sizes and industries. Based on this unprecedented research, the authors show how to better choose and implement the right organizational tactics, manage the key risks of each approach, and put all the pieces together to design and execute a more resilient core innovation strategy.


MICHAEL LORD is Director of the Flow Institute and Associate Professor of Strategy
and International Business at the Babcock Graduate School of Management at Wake
Forest University. His work on innovation has been featured in many publications, includin


AcknowledgmentsAbout the Authors1 Making Sense of Innovation Fads and Fashions Innovation Excitement, Then Disillusionment Reconsidering Innovations in Innovation Bringing Silicon Valley Inside Spinnovation Virtual Reality: Patenting, IP, and "Asset-Lite" Shared Creation If You Can't Build It, Buy It Mixed Results: What Exactly Is It? The Allure of Innovations in Innovation Background and Overview2 Corporate Venturing: Best of Both Worlds or Venturing Too Far? Breaking the Old Molds The Disappointing Record of Corporate Ventures The Consummate Corporate Venture Capitalist Core Problems with Corporate Venturing Can You Be Too Free? Diverging Approaches Toward Cars of the Future An Established Operating Company Is Not a VC Portfolio More Mature CVC Approaches The Need for Core Venturing3 The Virtual Asset-Lite Model: Intellectual Property Licensing The Old Economy: Real Companies,Real Products Intellectual Property Rules IBM = IPM (Intellectual Property Management) The "Knowing" and "Doing" Connection The Secret of Life (Patent Pending) Itself If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? Limitations of the IP-Centric Model Size Matters: Scaling Intellectual Property IP as a Beginning, Not the End Turning Licensing Inside-Out ……4 Innovation by Alliance:Reconsidering Innovation Collaboration5 R&D by M&A:Innovation by Acquisition6 Spinnovation:Liberating Value or Spinning Out of Control?7 Conclusion:Toward a New Model for InnovationEndnotesIndex




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