

Deans, Graeme K./ Kroeger, Fritz John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Deans, Graeme K./ Kroeger, Fritz  




Stretch! shows business leaders how to achieve sustained business growth even in the toughest economic times. A.T. Kearney surveyed some 29,000 global companies over fourteen years and studied more than eighty companies in depth, in order to determine how the best companies continue to grow in good times and bad. Based on this extensive research and on the best practices of the most successful companies, this book presents a practical, step-by-step plan for positive organic growth. Stretch! offers a four-stage framework for growth, then outlines the precise steps for implementing each stage. Contrary to accepted wisdom, research shows that growth has little or nothing to do with industry maturity, geography, or business cycles. Strong and successful growth is possible in any industry, in any region, at any time–growth isn’t dependent on outside factors, but on the internal actions a company takes. The book begins by describing the current predicament for companies that find their growth has flatlined, then uses intriguing case studies to illustrate the four stages of growth: Operations: dramatically improve internal processes such as product development, sourcing, quality, delivery, customer service, sales, and pricing Organization: find the organizational structure that best suits the company, determine opportunities for value chain reconfiguration, evaluate and adjust compensation, reward, and incentive programs Strategy: reinvent the core strategy, stretch brands, and extend lines, focusing on the value proposition offered to the customer Stretch: expand the business frontier, venture into new territory, break down barriers to create new products and reach new customers, markets, and geographic regions Truly great companies find ways to grow no matter the current state of the economy or the business climate. They focus on innovation and calculated risk, continuously improving products and jumping into new opportunities to secure future sales. They understand that growth should be accomplished through a combination of mergers and acquisitions, product innovation, organizational efficiency, and new markets. Stretch! lets you follow the lead of the most consistently successful companies in the world with a proven, step-by-step plan for sustainable growth. For more information go to stretchbook.atkearney.com.   作者简介:GRAEME K. DEANS is a Vice President at A.T. Kearney, where he leads the company’s global strategy practice, and Chairman of A.T. Kearney Canada. He specializes in business and marketing strategy, organizational design and effectiveness, and corporate restructuring, and is also the author (with Fritz Kroeger) of Winning the Merger Endgame.


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroductionPart I: The Growth Landscape Chapter 1: Mapping the Challenges and Hurdles to Growth  The Growth Challenge: It’s More Than One Summit Many Popular Growth Concepts and Strategies Have Failed The Coca-Cola Challenge: Growth Hurdles at the Turn of the Century Can We Overcome the Growth Challenge? Chapter 2: The Consolidation Game Learn by Example Chapter 3: Governments Can Help and Hinder Growth Industry Growth Rates Vary by Country Governments Promote Specific Target Industries Mixing Business and Politics on the Endgames Curve Heightened Levels of Protectionism A Brief World Tour Lessons LearnedPart II: The Case for Growth Chapter 4: The Growth Objective Find the Right Path Pulling All the Right Levers Chapter 5: Getting Ready to Grow Positive Aspects of Growth The Impact of Industry Consolidation The Growth DiagnosticPart III: The Stretch Growth Model Chapter 6: Introduction to the Stretch Growth Model A Tale of Two Strategies Decentralized and Unified Chapter 7: Operations: Removing Bottlenecks and Barriers Operations-Driven Growth at Wal-Mart 1.Sourcing and Vendor Management 2.Product and Service Quality 3.New Product Development 4.On-Time Delivery 5.Superior Customer Service 6.Sales Effectiveness 7.Pricing Strategy and Execution Graco Chapter 8: Organization: Creating High-Performing Companies Goldman Sachs Eliminate Friction Break Down Growth Barriers Sara Lee Improve Decision-Making Processes Align Compensation and Growth HSBC Holdings Chapter 9: Strategy: Exploiting Strategic Levers Toyota What Industry Are You Really In? What Is Your Customer Growth Strategy? What Distribution Channels Fuel the Best Growth? Which Countries Should You Compete In? What Is the Best Product Portfolio? Teleflex Where Do Mergers and Acquisitions Fit In? Robert Mondavi Chapter 10: Stretch: Achieving Extraordinary Growth Nestlé Value Chain and Business Model Customer Base Service Partnership and Risk Sharing Distribution Channels Brands Convenience and Customization Geographic Reach Technology Johnson & JohnsonPart IV: Execution and Conclusion Chapter 11: Organizing for Growth: Resourcing Implementation Considerations Gaining the Conviction for Growth Selecting the Right CEO for Growth Establishing a Growth Culture Organizing for Globalization and Geographic Expansion Chapter 12: Reengineering Your Business Processes for Growth Basic Enabling Processes Innovation: The Birth of New Products and Services Growth Portfolios Managing Merger and Acquisition Decisions Chapter 13: Future Challenges for Growth Reasons for Hope Growth Prospects for Major Regions Growth Predictions in Key Industries Stretch into the FutureAppendix: Overview of Economic Value Added (EVA) and Other Value FrameworksPricing StrategiesNotesIndex




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