

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Hanna Hasl-Kelchner  






  The Business Guide to Legal Literacy bridges the gap between law and business by translating legalese into language that makes business sense and offers a new way to think about the law¾as a useful business tool. The book is filled with dozens of real-life examples that illustrate a step-by-step process for avoiding lawsuits and transforming potential business legal problems that threaten growth and profitability into opportunities for .  This much-needed resource makes the connection between law, business, decision-making psychology, quality management, organizational change, and leadership and shows how these disciplines influence the company’s legal risk profile.   It tackles legal literacy on both the employee and organizational levels and identifies the infrastructure needed to support legal literacy and promote effective communications throughout the organization.


Preface. PART ONE: HOW TO CREATE A WINNING LEGAL ATTITUDE. 1 The Need for a Paradigm Shift. 2 How Behavioral Economics Influences Decision Making.  3 How Latent Legal Liabilities Escalate the Cost of Doing Business.  4 How Legal Leverage Creates Value and Competitive Advantage. PART TWO: HOW TO ACHI VE LEGAL LEVERAGE: DEVELOPING TOOLS TO MINIMIZE RISK AND MAXIMIZE OPPORTUNITY.  5 How to Integrate Legal Literacy into the Enterprise Value Chain: Who Needs to Know What.  6 How Miscommunications Create Liabilities: Avoiding Smoking Guns.  7 How to Keep the Wheels On: Managing and Mediating Expectations.  8 How to Transform Legal Obstacles into Strategic Opportunities: The Role of Good Decision Making. PART THREE: HOW TO MAINTAIN LEGAL LEVERAGE: DEVELOPING A SUPPORTIVE CORPORATE CULTURE.  9 How to Stay On Course: The Role of Continuous Learning and Knowledge Management.  10 How to Stay In Synch: The Role of Lawyers.  11 How to Stay On Message: The Role of Communications.  12 How to Stay Centered: The Role of Ethical Leadership. Epilogue: Winning from the Beginning. Appendix A: Legal Literacy Toolkit Chart. Appendix B: The ABCs of Legal Literacy.  1. International Law.  2. Contracts.  3. Product Liability.  4. Employment.  5. Unfair Competition.  6. Intellectual Property. Appendix C: The Lessons of Sarbanes-Oxley. Appendix D: Excerpts from Federal Organizational Sentencing Guidelines, 2004. Appendix E: Excerpts from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: Table of Contents. Appendix F: United States Attorneys’ Manual: The Thompson Memo. Bibliography. Acknowledgments. The Author. Index.





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