

Elaine Biech John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Elaine Biech  




The 2007 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting is a ready-made toolkit of ideas, methods, techniques, and models that assist and support your work as an organizational consultant. The materials provide highly accessible means of interacting with a diverse variety of systems and processes—from collaborative work systems and executive coaching to strategic planning and organization development.    作者简介: Elaine Biech is the author of more than a dozen articles and books, including The Business of Consulting, Marketing and Selling Your Consulting Services, and The Consultant's Quick Start Guide, all published by Pfeiffer. She is also the author of Training for Dummies. Biech is president and managing principal of ebb associates inc and consults, as well as design and delivers training programs, to a diverse range of industries including health care institutions, insurance, banking, shipbuilding, manufacturing, government, and nonprofit organizations.


PrefaceThe Difference Between Training and Consulting: Which Annual to Use? Introduction to The 2007 Pfeiffer Annual: ConsultingExperiential Learning Activities Introduction to the Experiential Learning Activities Section Experiential Learning Activities Categories Trait Trade: Linking Personal and Professional Values (Devora Zack) What Is Sexual Harassment? Examining the Gray Areas (M.KKey) Hats On: Exploring Our Expectations of Others Based on the Roles They Play (Susan El-Shamy) The First Meeting: A Mentoring Dyad (Mohandas Nair) Appreciative Inquiry: Picturing a Positive Future (Yeonsoo Kim and William JRothwell) Organizational Growth: Planning an Enhanced Future Outcome (WNorman Gustafson) Puzzel: Solving a Team Problem (Brian Jackson) ACRO-Names: Discovering Individual Uniqueness (Cher Holton). Team Decisions: Analyzing Implementation Skills (Robert CPreziosi) 2, 4, 6, 8, Who Do You Appreciate? Providing Team Feedback (Leanne Cusumano Roque) Storming to Norming: Clearing the Way for Team Agreement (Beverly JBitterman) Management Activities Assessment: Determining How You Spend Your Work Time (Peter RGarber) Perceptions: Changing Reality (Steve Kuper) Measuring Organizational Values: An Empirically Based Approach (Leonard DGoodstein and Jeanette Goodstein) Change: Managing Reactions (Teri Lund)Editor’s Choice Introduction to the Editor’s Choice Section One Thing: Identifying the Foremost Strategic Purpose (William EBrenneman, Jean Kantambu Latting, and Jan Edwards) How to Get Publicity: Making Press Releases Work for You (Björn Fiedler) Grow Yourself—Grow Your Practice! (Vicki HEscudé)Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys Introduction to the Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys Section Self-Confidence on the Job Survey (Bob Younglove and Sharon Fountain) Work Group Effectiveness Survey: Helping Your Group Look into a Mirror (Mary JBuchel) The Organizational Retention Assessment (ORA) (William JRothwell)Articles and Discussion Resources Introduction to the Articles and Discussion Resources Section Getting the Most from a Professional Conference (Marilyn RMartin) Professionalism Checklist: The Changing Role of a Professional (Cynthia Roman and Linda MRaudenbush) Approaches and Archetypes: Eight Possibilities for an Event-Driven Coaching Intervention (Steve Albrecht) Assessing Coaching Clients: Avoiding the Traps (Jan MSchmuckler and Thomas JUcko) Sage Advice: Developing the Next Generation of Diversity Trainers (Donna MStringer and Barbara RDeane) Meditation and Dialogue: Parallel Tools for Consultants and Groups (David RGlaser) Building Your Leadership Competencies: A Practical Progress Guide (Richard TRees and Jo-Ann CByrne) A New Approach to Understanding and Measuring Organizational Values (Leonard DGoodstein and Jeanette Goodstein) Becoming a Strategic Thinker on a Daily Basis (Stephen GHaines)ContributorsContents of the Companion Volume, The 2007 Pfeiffer Annual: TrainingHow to Use the CD-ROMPfeiffer Publications Guide




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