Pfeiffer 年鉴2008
Biech, Elaine (EDT)
The Annual is divided into four sections: Experiential Learning Activities (ELAs); Editor's Choice; Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys; and Articles and Discussion Resources. The 2008 Training Annual includes a wonderful array of tools to help you with change. The centerpiece is Vince Miller’s article providing a history of the training profession. Mike is a walking archive of training history and was the 1974 ASTD national president. It is a pleasure to travel with him on this historical journey of how the training industry has changed.
PrefaceThe Difference Between Training and Consulting:Which Annual to Use?Introduction to The 2008 Pfeiffer Annual: TrainingExperiential Learning ActivitiesIntroduction to the Experiential Learning Activities SectionExperiential Learning Activities Categories Change Partners: Experiencing the Impact of Change Beverly I. Bitterman Ten Things: Overcoming Resistance to Change Jean BarbazetteIntemational Candies: Exploring Cultural ExpectationsDianne Hofner SaphiereBlack Sheep: Dealing with DiversityPeter R. Gather Changing Places, Facing Changes: Understanding Feelings Evoked by Change Deborah Spring Laurel Creativity: Producing Change Through Chaos Robert Alan Black……Editor' ChoiceInventories,Questionnaires,nad SurveysArticles and Discussion ResourcesContributors