企业家经营诀窍 Bottled for Business
John Wiley & Sons Inc
Bilimoria, Karan
So what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? There are many different answers, but according to Karan Bilimoria, founder of Cobra Beer, do the following and you won't go far wrong: be creative, go the extra mile, have confidence in yourself and your team, get lucky, be disciplined, take the long-term view, learn constantly and don't be afraid of serious amounts of hard work. Bottled for Business gets to the heart of how and why Cobra Beer has developed into one of the world's best-loved brands. It is a story infused with the passion, belief, energy and vision of its founder and shares the ups and downs of how Cobra got to where it is today. But more than that, it is a story of inspiration for anyone who has dreams of running their own business.作者简介: A Cambridge law graduate, Karan Bilimoria started his career somewhat incongruously as a chartered accountant at Ernst & Young. He was also Sales & Marketing Director at European Accounting Focus Magazine. Also incongruously, it was approximately a year later that he began to realise his vision for a less gassy, premium quality lager brewed to appeal to ale drinkers and lager drinkers alike. At the time, Karan was 27 years old and with £20,000 of student debt. Since founding Cobra Beer, Karan has also expanded his product range to include General Bilimoria Wines in 1999, and founding Tandoori Magazine and He is a member of the government’s National Employment Panel, and Chairman of The Panel’s Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Board. He is also Vice Chairman of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Asian Business Association.
Acknowledgements. Introduction. 1. Persistence Pays. 2. The First Steps. 3. Financing Cobra. 4. Look After Your Product. 5. The Cobra Family. 6. "My Name Is Dave and I'm A Curryholic". 7. Restless Innovation. 8. Putting Something Back. 9. When The Going Gets Tough. 10. Going Global Appendix 1 COBRA AWARDSAppendix 2 TIMELINEINDEX
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