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Oversea Publishing House
Hans Van Ooyen 著
Bilder vonder Sch6nheit der Frauen,voll Intimitat und Erotik. Hans vanOoyen bringt sie uns nahe: die jun-gen Frauen von heute,die selbstbe-wuBt sagen,Sieh mich an Ich bineinzigartig! Pictures about beauty of women,full of intimacy and eros. Hans van Ooyen takes us near to them- the young women who are selfconcious to tell us,Look at me-l am unique!
Hans van Ooyen born in 1954 in Duisburg(Germany) is the son of an engineer and painter. He studied German and Philosophy in Bochum (Germany) and later acquired his diploma in Marketing in Dortmund.
As an author of numerous narrations, radio plays and non-fiction books he has been published in 20 languages. His literary works have been prized the German Short Stories Award, the literary award of the city of Aachen and the Alfred-Kitzig-Award for realistic literature.
Among other things he has been a lector of a publishing house and marketing director of an advertising agency. In addition he is even voluntarily engaged with the Federation of German Writers as well as the WDR Broadcast Council. Beyond this he has operated as a short film director. Since his earliest youth he has been occupied with photography and for many years he has focused on fashion, portraits and fine art nude photography.