吴征镒,洪德元 著
Volume 25 of the Flora of China is the 17th of the 24 text volumes in the series. It includesone family, 194 genera, and 1,388 species, among which 11 genera and 491 species (35.4%) areendemic to China, and one genus and one species are introduced to China. Volume 25 is formatted in the same manner as the first 16 volumes of the series: vol. 17(1994), vol. 16 (1995), vol. 15 (1996), vol. 18 (1998), vol. 4 (1999), vol. 24 (2000), vol. 8 (2001),vol. 6 (2001), vol. 9 (2003), vol. 5 (2003), vol. 14 (2005), vol. 22 (2006), vol. 13 (2007), vol. 12(2007), vol. 11 (2008), and vol. 7 (2008). The following 15 accompanying volumes of the Floraof China Illustrations have been published to date: vol. 17 (1998), vol. 16 (1999), vol. 15 (2000),vol. 18 (2000), vol. 4 (2001), vol. 24 (2002), vol. 8 (2003), vol. 6 (2003), vol. 9 (2004), vol. 5(2004), vol. 14 (2006), vol. 22 (2007), vol. 13 (2008), vol. 12 (2008), and vol. 11 (2009). The editing was shared between Anthony R. Brach, Lisa J. Pepper, Michael G. Gilbert,Nicholas J. Turland, and Bruce Bartholomew. Nicholas J. Turland checked the nomenclature.Lisa J. Pepper carried out the final editing of the whole volume. Zhang Libing correctederrors and omissions in the Chinese and pinyin names. Allison M. Brock, Han Xuezhe,Beth Parada, Lisa J. Pepper, and Zeng Jianfei proofread the volume. Nicholas J. Turlandand Lisa J. Pepper compiled the indexes. Beth Parada helped with the production of the intro-ductory pages. Rosemary Tanaka typeset the volume for publication.
The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31,000species, is of immense scientific and horticulturalimportance. Noteworthy, too. is Chinese traditionamedicine, which is based on the remarkableplant resources of the country. Descriptions andidentification keys for this diverse flora, untilnow unavailable in English, have been publishedover the past 16 years in the Flora of China,in conjunction with a separate series, the Floraof China Illustrations. Thirty-two of the total of48 text and illustration volumes have alreadybeen published, thanks to an unprecedented andlong-standing collaboration between Westernand Chinese scientists.This volume entirely comprises the orchid family,or Orchidaceae. with 1.388 species in China.of which 491 are endemic, i.e., found nowhereelse on Earth. The orchids of China includewild relatives of the source of the economicallyimportant vanilla pod, as well as the well-knowncultivated genera Cymbidium and the slipperorchids. Cypripedium and Paphiopedilum. Chinahas hundreds of other horticulturally importantorchid species in genera such as Bletilla,Bulbophyllum, Calanthe, Coelogyne, Dendrobium,Phalaenopsis, Pleione, and Vanda. This volumeis the only fully comprehensive and up-to-date.English-language account of the wild orchidsof China.
PrefaceIntroductionAcknowledgments0rchidaceae 兰科 lankeList of Nomenclatural Novelties Published in this Volume of the Flora of ChinaIndex to Chinese NamesIndex to Pinyin NamesIndex to Scientific NamesIndex to Families in the Flora of China and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis SinicaePublished Volumes of the Flora of China and the Flora of China Illustrations
Plants 10-15 cm tall, with a slender, creeping rhizome.Stem erect, densely villous, with 2 tubular sheaths at base and 2leaves at apex. Leaves spreading horizontally, opposite or sub-opposite; blade ovate or broadly ovate, 4-5 X 3-3.5 cm, herba-ceous, both surfaces sparsely pubescent or rarely glabrous, longciliate, with 3(-5) prominent veins raised abaxially, apex ob-tuse. Inflorescence terminal, suberect, with 1 flower; peduncle2-4 cm, villous; floral bracts ovate, 1.5-2 X 0.64).8 cm, slightlyshortly hairy; pedicel and ovary 4-5 mm, hairy along longi-tudinal ridges. Flower small; sepals and petals yellowish green,adaxially with purplish red stripes; lip yellowish green to nearlywhite, with 3 purplish red warty stripes at front. Dorsal sepalelliptic-ovate, 1.5-2 X 0.6-1 cm, glabrous, apex acute; synsepalsimilar to dorsal sepal, apex shallowly 2-lobed. Petals lanceo-late, 1.5-2 X 0.44).5 cm, glabrous, apex subacute; lip pouched,subglobose, ca. 1 cm, often upturned at apex with its mouthhidden. Staminode transversely elliptic, small, ca. 1.5 X 2 mm,base with a short stalk. FI. May-Jul. Humus-rich soils in forests, forest margins, thickets; 3600-3700m. S and SE Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, N India, Nepal].26. Cyprlpedium bardolphlanum W. W. Smith & Farrer,Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9: 101. 1916.
"...a landmark series of volumes" —— Economic Botany "...a must for any student of the temperateand subtropical flora of such a vast, species-rich country..." ——Kew Bulletin " indispensable tool for identifying Chinese plants..." ——Systematic Botany