斯奎尔 编
什么是百科全书?这一名词来自于两个希腊单词:enkuklios(意思是循环的)和paideia(意思是教育)。在16世纪早期,拉丁手稿的抄写者们将这两个单词合而为一,其在英语中演化为一个单词,意思是具有广泛指导意义的工具书(The American Heritage Dictionary,2000,Boston:Houghton Mifflin,p.589)。从其来源可见,其希腊文原词中蕴含着以探索、综合的方式努力获取知识的含义。无论是拉丁文还是英文,该单词泛指涵盖广泛领域知识的工具书。希腊文中强调的以创造性手段获取知识,在神经科学领域尤其适用。神经科学本身就是一个非常新的名词。Francis Schmitt在本书第一版的前言中指出,本书的编写过程就是将不同领域的科学家们聚集在一起,冲击大脑研究中最顽固的难题。他推动建立了神经科学研究项目(Neuroscience Research。Program,简称NRP)。早期的NIRP成员包括一些学术巨匠,如因关于光合作用的研究获得诺贝尔奖的Melvin Calvin、诺贝尔奖获得者物理化学家Manfred:Eigen、生物化学家Alberc Lehninger,和当时正在努力破解基因编码的年轻分子生物学家Marshall Nirenberg。Schmitt建立NRP的时候,神经科学作为一门综合学科还几乎不存在。微电极的发明使神经生理学家们得以记录单细胞的电活动,但是几乎不可能甄别其生物化学特性。一个重要的推进来自20世纪60年代中期涌现的Falck-Hillarp荧光显微镜技术,它能够选择性地观察儿茶酚胺和5.羟色胺能神经元。这些胺类通路的研究又很快使得检测选择性损伤后效应的行为学家们和生化学家们开始合作研究,使得后者的工作不再局限于在整个脑组织匀浆的水平研究神经递质。20世纪70年代关于神经递质受体的生化研究、它们位点的放射自显影研究,以及神经多肽的免疫组织化学研究,更是进一步促进了神经生理学家、神经解剖学家、神经化学家和神经药理学家们的对话。而过去两个世纪以来,分子生物学技术手段的应用更加丰富了这一交流。
《神经科学百科全书》原书篇幅巨大,为所有神经科学百科全书之首。书中覆盖了神经科学全部主要领域,由来自世界各地的2400多位专家撰稿人合力打造。每个词条在收入书中之前均经过顾问委员会的同行评议,词条中均含有词汇表、引言、参考文献和丰富的交叉参考内容。其内容平易而深度和广度独一无二。主编LarryR.Squire为美国神经科学学会前主席,畅销教科书《基础神经科学》(Fundamental Neuroscience)的策划人与主编。
编者:(美国)斯奎尔(Larry R.Squire)
神经内分泌学 Adrenal Steroids: Biphasic Effects on Neurons Angiotensin Actions on and within Brain Birdsong Learning: Evolutionary, Behavioral, and Hormonal Issues Chromaffin Cells: Model Cells for Neuronal Cell Biology Chronic (Repeated) Stress: Consequences, Adaptations Circumventricular Organs in Neuroendocrine Control Clock Gene Regulation of Endocrine Function Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone and Urocortins: Binding Proteins and Receptors Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone: Integration of Adaptive Responses to Stress Emotional Hormones and Memory Modulation Endocrine Function During Sleep and Sleep Deprivation Estrus and Menstrual Cycles: Neuroendocrine Control Gene Expression Regulation: Steroid Hormone Effects Glial Plasticity and Neuroendocrine Regulation Gliai Steroid Metabolism Gonadal Steroid Actions on Brain Gonadotropin, Neural and Hormonal Control Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone: GnRH-1 System Growth Hormone Hormonal Signaling to the Brain for the Control of Feeding/Energy Balance Hormones and Behavior Hormones and Memory Hypothalamic Structure-Function Relationships Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis: Organization, Neural/Endocrine Control of TRH Immune System-Neuroendocrine Interactions Invertebrate Neurohormone GPCRs Kisspeptins and their Receptors Magnocellular Neurosecretory System: Organization, Plasticity, Model Peptidergic Neurons Metabolic Syndrome and Sleep Neuroendocrine Aging: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in Women Neuroendocrine Aging: Pituitary Metabolism Neuroendocrine Aging: Pituitary~Adrenal Axis Neuroendocrine Aging: Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in Males Neuroendocrine Control of Energy Balance (Central Circuits/Mechanisms) Neuroendocrine Control: Maternal Behavior Neuroendocrine Peptide Processing Neuroendocrinology Neuroendocrinology of Affective Disorders Neuroendocrinology of Puberty Neuroendocrinology of Social/Affiliative Behavior Neurohypophyseal System Neuroimmune System: Aging Neuropeptides: Endocrine Cells Neurosecretion (Regulated Exocytosis in Neuroendocrine Ceils) Neurosteroids Oxytocin (Peripheral/Central Actions and their Regulation) Pineal Gland and Melatonin Pituitary Gland (Cell Types, Mediators, Development) Prolactin and its Neuroendocrine Control Proopiomelanocortin Pulsatility in Neuroendocrine Systems Seasonal Hormonal Changes and Behavior Sexual Behavior: Neuroendocrine Control Stress and Neural Involvement in Metabolism Stress and Suicide Stress Response: Neural and Feedback Regulation of the HPAAxis Stress, Dopamine, and Puberty Stress, the HPA Axis and Depressive Illness . Sympathetic Noradrenergic and AdrenomeduUary Hormonal Systems in Stress and Distress Sympathoadrenal System: Neural Arm of the Stress Response. Thermoregulation: Autonomic, Age-Related Changes Thyroid Hormone and Transcriptional Regulation in the CNS. TIP39 (Tuberoinfundibular Peptide of 39 Residues) Vasopressin/Oxytocin and Receptors神经免疫学 Autonomic Neuroimmunology Cytokine Receptors in Glia Glial Cells: T Cell Interactions Immune Function During Sleep and Sleep Deprivation Inflammation in Neurodegenerative Disease and Injury Neural Repair and Regeneration: Inflammatory Mechanisms and Cytokines PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) Sleep and Sleep States: Cytokines and Neuromodulation. Stress, Cytokines and Depressive Illness 原书词条中英对照表
插图:Stress activates the sympathoadrenomedullar systemas well as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.As a consequence of the latter, large amounts of cor-ticosteroid hormones are released from the adrenalglands. In addition to the stress-related release, thereis also a circadian rhythmicity in the circulating hor-mone levels. Corticosteroid hormones - cortisol in hdmans andcorticosterone in most rodents - not only reach periph-eral organs but also pass the blood-brain barrier, thusentering the brain. Within the brain, corticosteroidhormones bind to discretely localized intracellularreceptors. Two receptors have been recognized: thehigh-affinity mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and thelower affinity glucocorticoid receptor (GR). In view ofthe receptor affinities and circulating hormone levels, itis generally thought that in brain under rest, mainlyMRs are activated. These are primarily localized inlimbic regions, such as the hippocampus, lateral sep-tum, and central amygdala, and in motor nuclei in thebrain stem. During stress and at the circadian peak, GRsalso become substantially activated, next to MRs. TheGRs are much more ubiquitously distributed in brain. Activated corticosteroid receptors translocate tothe nucleus where they modulate the transcriptionof responsive genes. This means that corticosterone,through its gene-mediated actions, exerts a slow butpersistent control over the cellular protein content,including molecules that are involved in cellular ex-citability and synaptic transmission. In addition tothese slow actions, corticosteroid hormones can alsoaffect neurotransmission through rapid, nongenomicpathways, but these are not considered here. During the past decade, the effects of selective MRand GR activation on electrical properties of neuronshave been mainly examined in the CA1 region of thehippocampus, where both receptors are co-localized. Itwas observed that MR and GR often induce oppositeeffects on a given parameter, resulting in biphasic effectsof adrenal steroid hormones on neuronal properties.