本教程属于商务英语基础阶段的综合性教材,主要为普通高校中需要进一步提高英语语言知识和技能的学生而编写,旨在根据建构主义理论和“任务型”教学法,创设比较真实的商务英语交际情境,融基础商务英语知识于英语学习之中,使商务英语语言学习更有意义、更有效、更具时代感,帮助他们在大学英语学习中奠定扎实的基础。 编写宗旨为:精心选材、精心编写,力求做到编适于学、编便于教,努力使其成为一套适合商务英语教学特点的精品教材。 作为“新编商务英语系列丛书”的基础教程,本教程主要根据教育部颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《课程要求》)为依据,在注重打好学生语言基础的同时,更注重培养实际使用商务语言的技能,特别是使用商务英语进行初步交际的能力。 为了更好地体现商务英语教学的特点和要求,真正做到以学生为主体,从学生的实际和需要出发,本册共设计10个单元,每单元覆盖一个交际主题(theme-oricntcd)。主要由4大模块组成: 1.听说实践(Listen3_nolTalk)含语音、语调和听力、口语实践,旨在帮助学生纠正发音,认识词重音、句子重音和语音、语调对提高听说交际能力的重要性。 2.阅读实践(ReadandThink),每单元由两篇相近主题的阅读材料组成,长度为300~500词,并从商务英语的选材内容、难度、长度等方面循序渐进。选材注重新颖性、知识性、趣味性和实用性,运用演绎法的Brainstorming预备活动导出单元主题,再通过课文学习进一步深化和扩展。课文后附有单词和短语,给出了单词的词性、中英文释义、主要短语、固定搭配及例句和注释。 3.知识和技能(KnowledgcandSkills)提供了比较基础的语法、写作和翻译知识,并在扩展性练习中配备了相应的实践活动以提高学生的语言应用能力。
Unit 1 Pleased to Meet YouPart 1 Listen and Talk1.Phonetic Practice1)Sound Recognition2)Listening Comprehension2.Oral Practice3.Laughing TimePart 2 Read and ThinkTcxt A Forms of AddrcssText B IntroductionPart 3 Knowledge and Skills1.Grammar人称代词2.Writing基本句型工3.Translation词义的选择Part 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 2 Fist ContactPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 3 Visiting the CompanyPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 4 Business DinnerPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 5 Starying a BusinessPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 6 The Quality and Quantity of CustomersPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 7 AdvertisingPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 8 E-businessPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 9 DistributionPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesUnit 10 EmploymentPart 1 Listen and TalkPart 2 Read and ThinkPart 3 Knowledge and SkillsPart 4 Extended ActivitiesAppendixReferences
Starting a business is a little like buying a car. You need to do some research before taking the steps. First, figure out if theres a demand for your product or service. Do a competitive analysis. Find a place to set up a shop. And create a plan to show the difference of your products. Thinking it over can mean the difference between success and failure, and it doesnt have to cost a penny. Networking, online research and other do-it- yourself methods can often work. Lets consider the case. It started as a place to hold weddings. Located in a beautiful old house, it attracted wedding business, but it wasnt making a profit because it usually sat empty on weekdays. If you should go ahead with your business idea, you need to ask questions like these: Is the market full? Does your city really need another hardware store or flower shop? How much money is spent in your business each year in your area? Is there room in the market for one more business? Does the market want what youre offering? Or if youre developing a new online service for day traders, is it something they cant live without? Once youre sure of your business idea, dig it deeper. You need information thatll help you develop a unique business suggestion thatll give you a competitive advantage. The best sources of information will vary depending on the type of business and conditions, but choices include the following.