本书在结构体系上具有以下几方面的特点: 1.学习单词和专业术语与熟悉汽车技术英语惯用表达并重。拆卸零部件或查找故障原因的过程都比较复杂,为了避免繁琐和“不必要的”重复,汽车技术英语语句常会出现“丢三落四”,内容“跳跃”不连贯的现象。因此,本书在课文的选材和编写形式上,都力图培养学生的根据前后文提供的线索以及“先验的”专业知识,准确把握汽车技术英语含义的“潜意识”。 2.本书不采用基础英语教程中对语法现象详细解释的方式,而是通过给出注释语句的参考译文,让同学们熟悉语法难点。如果仍然详解语法,显然只是对基础英语的重复,而且会误导同学们的学习重点,削弱对那些富有专业特征的英语语句表达形式的关注。通过揣摩注释语句的参考译文,有助于学生消化英语语法知识,增强学生阅读翻译时的“联想思维”能力。 3.课文主要选自美国的汽车专业杂志“MOTOR”的最新技术报告类文章,没有采用汽车科普类的文章,期望学生在学习汽车专业英语的同时,还能够了解世界汽车技术的最新知识。在课堂上学习英语技术资料原文有助于提高学生阅读汽车英语技术资料的“技能”。 本书内容涵盖了现代汽车(特别是轿车)大部分系统或总成的工作原理、常见故障症状、诊断与维修技术、二手车的选购等主题。
Unit 1 History and Basic Components 0f Automotives(第一单元 汽车发展简史及其基本组成部件)Unit 2 Challenges for Repair Shops from Car’S Innovative Features(第二单元轿车新技术特征对检测维修工作的挑战)Unit 3 Automotive Diagnostic and Test Procedures(第三单元 汽车故障诊断与检测方法)Unit 4 100 Years Of Automotive Tools(第四单元 汽车维修工具的百年发展史)Unit 5 Automobile Eiectrical Systems and Preventive Maintenance(第五单元汽车电气系统及其预防性维护保养)Unit 6 Electronic Throttle Control and its Noteworthy Capabilities(第六单元 电子节气门控制及其主要优点)Unit 7 Preventive Maintenance Tech Tips:Fuel Filter.Cap&Lines(第七单元 燃油滤清器、油箱盖和油路的预防性维护保养技巧)Unit 8 Head Gasket Failure Reason,Replacement and Sealing(第八单元 气缸盖密封垫的故障原因、更换与密封)Unit 9 Cooling System and TrOublesh00tjng(第九单元 冷却系统及其故障排除)Unit 10 The New Diesel Technology and Its Training&Repair(第十单元 柴油发动机新技术进展及其培训与检修)Unit 11 Preventive Maintenance Tech Tips for Brake Discs(第十一单元 制动盘的预防性维修保养技巧)Unit 12 Rapid Diagnosis of Engine No—Start Faults(第十二单元发动机无法起动故障的快速诊断)Unit 13 Steering & Suspension Where is the Wea(第十三单元 如何检查转向和悬架部件磨损导致的故障)Unit 14 Problems Caused by Worn or Damaged Suspension Bushings(第十四单元 正确诊断轴衬磨损导致的悬架故障症状)Unit 15 New Technical Features of the US 2004 Import Cars(第十五单元 美国2004年新款进口轿车的新技术特征)Unit 16 4WD & AWD Drive-trains Service Tech Tips(第十六单元 四轮和全轮驱动系统的维护保养技巧)Unit 17 When an SUV’S Ride Deteriorates(第十七单元 运动型多功能汽车行驶平顺性恶化时的故障检测)Unit 18 Specifications and Selection of Fluids for Automotive(第十八单元 各种车用油液的技术参数及其选用原则)Unit 19 Diagnostic Information of Eight Major European Nameplates(第十九单元 欧洲八大品牌汽车故障自诊断技术透视)Unit 20 Technical Features and Service Tips of Hybrid Vehicles(第二十单元 混合动力车辆的技术特征与维修技巧)Unit 21 Wheel Alignment and TroubleshOoting(第二十一单元 车轮定位及其故障排除)Unit 22 New Automotive Parts Offer Solid Value for Customers(第二十二单元 新型汽车配件带给客户的实在好处)Unit 23 Make Your Shop a Model of Efficiency(第二十三单元 如何布置出一个高效运行的汽车维修厂)Unit 24 Access to Service Information for European Vehicles(第二十四单元如何获取欧洲汽车的保养维修技术资料)Unit 25 Servicing the 2004 Light Truck(第二十五单元2004年新款轻卡的维修与保养)Unit 26 Upgrade Your Credentials through ASE(第二十六单元 美国汽车维修技师资格认证体系及试题编写和效果评估)Unit 27 Diagnosis of Engine Malfunctions by Volumetric Efficiency(第二十七单元 利用容积效率确定发动机故障原因)Unit 28 Eight Possible Choices for Replacements of Engines(第二十八单元 更换发动机的八种可能的选择)Unit 29 Buying a Previously-owned Car and Technical Inspection Checklist(第二十九单元 选购二手车的好处与技术检测项目)Unit 30 Replacements or Service of Engines with Troubles(第三十单元 发动机大修或更换的利弊分析)Reference参考文献
Some tools used to fix today’S vehicles haven’t changed much from those from a century ago,others have and a few have disappeared completely.Here’S a brief look at how some common shoptools have developed these past hundred years. Man’s two most important inventions or discoveries are fire and the wheel.Man’s use of fire hasprogressed to the point that we can now travel to the moon and even explore other planets?The wheelhas given US the freedom to go virtually anywhere we want,in great comfort or at great speed,andsometimes both at the same time. The automobiles 0f a hundred years ago。mechanical marvels of their day,evolved into the sophis-ticated technological vehicles that now cruise highways.Naturally,the tools needed to get them andkeep them running would have to evolve,too. This unit looks at a few of the most common tools and equipments found in the repair shop andbrieflv chronicles their development.Some have undergone major transformations,others merely refine’ments(though useful ones).