李孔珍 著
我们已经在四个班级教过教育专业英语这门课程,但是始终没有找到适合的教材以供选用:首先国内没有这门课程的教材,其次国外的教材不适合我们的学生,因为他们的教材是为英语本族语学生或者是将英语作为第二语言的学生而编写的,对于我们把英语作为外语的学生来说很明显是有缺陷的。因此我们一直希望有一本合适的教材。 编写一本好教材首先需要了解学习这本教材的学生的相关情况,就本科学生的英语水平而言,经过几轮的教学发现,由于学生平时非常重视英语学习,他们基本上达到了大学英语四级水平,不少学生已经通过了大学英语六级考试,有相当一部分学生听说能力也比较强,但是对于英美文化、风俗习惯等了解并不多;就他们在教育领域的知识面而言,由于二年级学生已有一年半学习教育专业的经历,所以虽然他们对于教育理论和实践了解不多,但是已经具有了基本的知识。这样,在了解了学生的英语水平和对于教育专业知识掌握的情况后,我们在选择材料时就有了一定的针对性,把每一届学生对于所选的学习材料的看法和意见积累起来,保留学生们喜欢的篇章,删去对学生适合度低的材料,到现在为止,已经收集了相当可观的不同类型的资料;另外,在教授教育专业英语这门课程的过程中,编者一直记录着不同的教学方法以及学生的练习方式及其对于学生学习兴趣和学习效果的影响,以积累经验。 有了上述关于学生水平、教材文本和教学手段的准备,编写一本以学生为本、实用性强的教材的念头便越来越强烈。由于教育专业英语教材是一门教育学科和英语学科交叉学科的教材,同时又是一门需要以英语作为主要教学语言来教授和学习的教材,属于双语教学教材,于是我们开始查阅其他学科专业英语教材的编写情况和我国近年来英汉双语教学资料,再加上我们自己对于教育专业英语课程的认识,便形成了以下几点看法: 一、教育专业英语课程的目标定位。该课程不仅要注重打好语言基础,注重多元文化意识,培养学生实际使用英语进行涉外交际的能力,同时使学生具有坚实的教育专业基础理论,对教育专业的信息能够采用符合国际惯例的方式进行处理和交流。实际上,该课程属于教育管理领域的内容,是从教育国际交流的角度培养学生的基本素质的一门课程。也就是说,英语不仅是学习的内容,而且是学习的工具,这就要求该课程要用双语教学。
前言鸣谢第一部分 教育领域实用英语Unit ONEDialogue and Stories of Family and School Education/9Lesson 1 Teen Education/10Lesson 2 Put the Heat on Campus Cheats/1 3Lesson 3 A Day in the Life ofan American Student/16Lesson 4 The DifferenceATeacher Can Make/18Unit TwoSpeeches on Education to Open a Conference or to Advocate Ideas/21Lesson 5 Strengthening and Enhancing the Research and Development of Higher Education/22Lesson 6 A Speech at an Education Improvement Conference/26Lesson 7 Making Britain the Best Place in the World for Children to Grow Up/32Unit ThreeLetters Written to Build Up Cooperative Relationship and for International Conferences/39Lesson 8 Ordinary Letters/40Lesson 9International Conference Information and Formal Letters/51Unit FourIntroduction of Universities in China and Other Countries/57Lesson 10 Peking University/58Lesson 11 Tsinghua University/62Lesson 12 Stanford University School of Education/63Lesson 13 Northwestern University,School of Education and Social Policy/67Lesson 14 Harvard Graduate School of Education/70Lesson 15 University of London Institute of Education/73第二部分 国内外教育发展理论与实践Unit FiveFindings and Surveys of Education in China/77Lesson 16 Abstracts ofArticles from Journals in China/78Lesson 17 The Present State of Education/80Lesson 18 A Survey of the Development of Basic Education/86Lesson 19 Higher Education in China/93Unit sixEducational Theories and Policies in Other Countries/98Lesson 20 Action Research/99Lesson 21 Lifelong Learning/106Lesson 22 Key Elements of a Successful School-Based Management Strategy/118Lesson 23 Working Together for Inclusion?/136第三部分 关于教育问题的报告和论文Unit SevenResearch Repots and Papers on Education/147Lesson 24 Headteacher Professional Development and Training in England/148Lesson 25 One Way Ticket:A Seven-Year Reform Journey of a Middle School Teacher/162Lesson 26 College Preparation Programs for Low-Income Urban Minority Youth/190
Classes begin at one 0’clock and I rush to gather my books together. Everybody seems to sit in the same places each day and weve all formed our own groups:married,serious minded individuals on one side,and single,class clowns(课上爱捣乱的)on the other.The classes of a graduate student are much smaller than that of an undergraduate. But the lectures I used to attend sometimes had as many as three hundred students at one time.The teacher used television monitors and microphones to present their material.I attend classes from l:00 pm until 9:30 pm.During this time,I consume(喝掉)around 3-4 cans of soda.Other individuals drink coffee,eat candy bars,and even bring their supper to class.This is generally accepted by the faculty and is not taken as a sign of disrespect. Atier class.if my homework assignments seem manageable,I head to the gym to work out.America is a society obsessed with(在意)body image,and the gym is packed(挤满了人).Amazingly enough,as I look around.I see women who have spent literally hours primping(仔细地打扮)for the gym.Their hair is immaculate(完美的)and they are all wearing leotard(紧身连衣裙)and makeup!Exercise to relieve the stress associated with school flosing some weight wouldn’t hurt either).Several of my classmates also have memberships at the same gym.The monthly enrollment fee is around$30. At 11:00 pm I’ve finally arrived at home.I’ll spend the rest of the evening completing various homework assignments.Usually.I’ll go to bed around one or two in the morning,sometimes later.The time and energy spent as a student is a price worth paying,especially in America. It is rare to find a satisfying job or employment advancement(晋升) without a degree.