陈桃秀 编
“商务英语听说”是国际商务专业主干课程之一,也是一门重要的职业技能课。根据面向《2l世纪教育振兴行动计划》提出的实施职业教育课程改革思路,以及《中等职业学校国际商务专业课程设置》和《商务英语听说教学基本要求》,立足于教育部关于“培养与社会主义现代化建设要求相适应,德智体美等全面发展,具有综合职业能力,在生产、服务技术和管理第一线工作的高素质劳动者和中初级专门人才”的培养目标,为适应我国加入WTO后对涉外人才的需求,满足中等职业学校人才培养和全面素质教育的需要,解决中等职业学校的一些实际困难,如:听力教材程度,难度、课时以及口语实际能力培养等问题,为实施“宽教材,活模块”教学模式以及弹性学制打下基础,使专业教学内容与职业资格标准相适应,我们编写了3年制《商务英语听说》教材。 本教材将促进“因材施教”,以社会实际需要为目标,调整教学内容,适当降低部分理论知识的难度,以便灵活选用必修和选修模块,使每个学生都有收获。教材旨在突出能力培养,逐渐提高学生英语综合听说水平,与此同时也能满足学生继续学习的实际需要。本教材着力培养学生在听力设备帮助下进行英语听力和口语技能训练,通过训练使学生较好掌握英语语音、语调,逐渐适应英语环境,提高英语语言表达能力,较熟练地运用日常生活用语和商务常用英语,如一般的外事接待、商务谈判等活动,成为国际商务第一线的高素质劳动者。
《商务英语听说学习辅导(第2版)(国际商务专业)》是中等职业教育国际商务专业国家规划教材《(商务英语听说》(第二版)的配套教学用书,与主教材同步修订。《商务英语听说学习辅导(第2版)(国际商务专业)(附光盘)》与主教材的章节结构一致。共24单元,1~12单元为基础英语部分,13~20单元为专业英语部分,21~24单元为选修部分。 《商务英语听说学习辅导(第2版)(国际商务专业)(附光盘)》主要提供听力录音部分的原文、主教材中听说练习的答案等,以方便教师的教学和读者的自学。《商务英语听说学习辅导(第2版)(国际商务专业)(附光盘)》还配有MP3格式的光盘,是主教材听力部分的录音。《商务英语听说学习辅导(第2版)(国际商务专业)(附光盘)》采用出版物短信防伪系统,用封底下方的防伪码,按照《商务英语听说学习辅导(第2版)(国际商务专业)(附光盘)》最后一页“郑重声明”下方的使用说明进行操作可查询图书真伪并有机会赢取大奖。《商务英语听说学习辅导(第2版)(国际商务专业)(附光盘)》可供中等职业学校国际商务专业、商务英语专业及其他商务类专业学生使用,也可供从事相关工作的在职人员参考使用。
Unit 1 First ConversationUnit 2 News(1)Unit3 News (2)Unit4 Traveling by AirUnit5 At the HotelUnit6 Welcome and Thank-youSpeechesUnit7 Making phone callsUnit8 TraffficUnit9 At the RestaurantUnit10 SightseeingUnit11ShoppingUnit12 AgendaUnit13 Companies and ProductsUnit14 Enquiry and OfficerUnit15 Price NegotiationUnit16 Terms of paymentUnit17 Shipment and DeliveryUnit18 PackingUnit19 JnsuranceUnit20 Claims Complaints and SettlementUnit21 Exclusive Sales and AgencyUnit22 JnvestmentUnit23 Processing TradeUnit24 Compensation Trade
II .Listen to dialogue and repeat the following important sentences. A:It has just occurred to me that there is still another possibility for you to get the goods early. B:And thatis? A:How about making Accra the port of transshipment? B:Talil afraid we cannot agree to that.The port of shipment is Hong Kong and the port of destination is Amsterdam.Trasshipment is not allowed.This is clearly written in the contract. A:It’S like this;there are only one or two sailings a month from Hong Kong to Amsterdam while sailings from Hong Kong to Accra and from Accra to Amsterdam are quite frequent.If we cantranship the goods at Accra,you will receive the goods much earlier. B:I see. A:We do this、because you want these goods on your market at an earlier time. B:It may be a good idea.but there are risks of loss during transshipment. A:That is the only way for to help you get the goods earlier. B:Thank you very much,but 1 will have to think about it. 1.How about making Accra the port of transshipment? 2.If we can tran ship the goods at Accra,you will receive the goods much earlier. 3.We do this because you want these goods on your market at an earlier time. 4.Thatisthe only way for US to help you get the goods earlier. 5.Thank you very much,but 1 will have to think about it.