

吴长镛 编 高等教育出版社





吴长镛 编  




  教材中的语言材料均选自当代英美报纸杂志以及某些商务专著,其内容新颖、涉及面广。本教材旨在通过较大量的阅读,使学生巩固已学的基本词汇和语法知识,扩大词汇量,加强语感,提高英语阅读能力。若配合本系列教材的其他分册使用,则更能系统地掌握商务英语的基本词汇及其表达方式,全面地获得有关商务的基本知识。  本教材共计4册,每册10个单元。每单元分两个部分。第一部分由课文(text)及相应的练习组成,其中text a可作为主课文使用,text b可作home reading使用,教师亦可根据需要作适当调整;两篇课文在生词表后都增加了useful expressions,供学生参考掌握运用。第二部分为快速阅读(fast reading),每单元都配有两篇短文及相应的练习,其目的是培养学生在有限时间内快速准确地获取主要信息的能力,此部分可在课堂规定的时间内完成。本教材每册各配有期中与期末两套自测题,用以检查已学过的词汇、语言知识、商务知识及阅读理解能力。每册书后新增了some important reading strategies and skills,以帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度,增强阅读能力。此外还附有该册生词总表及练习答案,供教师和学生参考。


unit part a text text a business and your life text b competition in business part b fast reading unit part a text text a marketing is all around us text b how marketing serves us part b fast reading unit part a text text a buying motives text b how and where people buy part b fast reading unit part a text text a selling text b i've never been able to bargain, even with an armenian rug dealer part b fast reading unit part a text text a american business heroes text b bill gates part b fast reading 11otest unit part a text text a types of business organizations text b the trouble with being a tycoon part b fast reading unit part a text 15otext a other types of business organizations text b franchising in china: a dead duck? part b fast reading unit part a text text a the coca-cola company's first hundred years ( i ) text b the coca-cola company's first hundred years (ii) part b fast reading unit part a text text a brand and brand names(i) text b brand and brand names (ii) part b fast reading unit part a text text a reaching china's digital consumers text b environmentally friendly consumers emerge part b fast reading test 2 some important reading strategies and skills vocabulary key


  The popcorn is a product. The movie theater where the popcorn was sold provides a service —— theopportunity to see a movie. Other business marketing services include beauty salons, insuranceagencies, driving schools, emergency care centers, and the telephone companies. Services aremarketed as products. Services vary from other products in several ways. They are intangible andperishable. You cannot keep a plane flight, for example, nor can the airline gain income from anunsold seat. Services also vary in quality. One business-class flight may serve a hot meal while anotheroffers only sandwiches. Finally services cannot be separated from the organization or person givingthe service. You cannot buy a plane ride from a railroad. For these reasons, it is important that servicebusinesses use marketing skills to find out what customers want and then supply it.Marketing involves many special activities. Among them are marketing research, productplanning, advertising, and selling. These activities and others make up the world of marketing ——a world of people, products, actions and ideas. Thus, marketers respond to the needs of people.To prove the statement Marketing is all around us, we need only take a quick imaginary tour ofyour community.   ……?




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