这是一套由专业培训机构环球卓越策划并联手同等学力资深辅导专家为众同等学力申请硕士学位人员量身定做的应试辅导用书。 本套丛书完全依据2008年11月第5版新大纲修订。本套丛书紧密结合最近几年同等学力英语水平统一考试命题情况和2008年11月第5版新大纲考试要求全面修订,修订后的内容更加严谨,更加具有针对性,更加适合在职考生复习备考。 针对最新《考试大纲》(第5版)(2008年11月份修订)的调整,结合同等学力申请硕士学位人员对英语的实际掌握程度和成人学习英语的特点,我们组织编写了“同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试辅导丛书”。本套丛书包括《词汇实战一本通》、《综合应试教程》、《历年试题精解+全真模拟试卷》3个分册,从基础到综合再到实战演练,让在职人员在有限的时间里,快速准确地把握住每一个进度,为考试作好全面细致的准备。 本套丛书的特点如下: 一、名师执笔,实用性强 策划编写本套丛书的老师均为中国人民大学、北京师范大学、清华大学、北京大学的常年在环球卓越北京总校、上海分校、沈阳分校、郑州分校等各地授课的著名同等学力申请硕士学位英语辅导专家。丛书内容是他们多年辅导经验的提炼和结晶,实用性非常强,是众多同等学力考生备受欢迎的辅导用书。 二、紧扣新大纲,直击2009年考试真题 本套丛书紧扣第5版最新大纲,体例设置与大纲保持一致;同时各部分考点紧密结合2008年最新试题及历年真题,命题思路分析透彻,重点突出,讲解精确;各部分内容严格控制在大纲规定的范围之内,让考生准确把握考试的重点、难点及命题趋势。 三、结合在职人员特点,量身定做 本套丛书充分考虑到在职人员学习时间紧张的特点,避免了采用传统的各个专项分册的丛书构架方式(将系列丛书分为7~8册乃至更多);而是采用《词汇实战一本通》、《综合应试教程》和《历年试题精解+全真模拟试卷》简单精练的三册制,有效控制复习用书的量,让考生在有限的时间内能够全面复习,重点把握,强化训练,应对考试。三册制的简单有效组合,在2005、2006、2007、2008年深受考生欢迎,位居同类图书销量排行榜榜首。
本书是同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试辅导丛书之一,依据2008年11月第5版最新大纲编写。通过本书,考生可以加深对同等学力申请硕士学位英语考试的题型和难易度变化的了解,并加以模拟演练。 历年试题精解部分包括2002年以来的真题,便于考生了解近几年的考试全貌和变化趋势。全真模拟试卷部分包括5套权威模拟试卷,完全依据第5版大纲编写,囊括了大纲所确定的各种考试题型,并给出了详细的解析。 本书由著名的同等学力英语辅导老师执笔,对历年试题进行详尽客观的解析,所提供的模拟试题紧扣最新考试大纲,每套题的题型、题量、难度均与大纲保持一致。
Andrea had never seen an old lady hitchhiking before.However, the weather andthe coming darkness made her feel sorry for the lady.The old lady had some difficulty climbingin through the ear door, and pushed her big brown canvas shopping bag down onto the floorunder her feet.She said to Andrea, in a voice that was almost a whisper, “Thank you dearie,—— I‘m just going to Brockbourne.” Something in the way the lady spoke, and the way she never turned her head, madeAndrea uneasy about this strange hitchhiker.She didn’t know why, but she felt instinctivelythat there was something wrong, something odd, and something dangerous.But how conld anold lady be dangerous? It was absurd. Careful not to turn her head, Andrea looked sideways at her passenger.She studied the hat,the dirty coUar of the dress, the shapeless body, the arms with their thick black hairs... Thick black hairs? Hairy arms? Andrea‘s blood froze. This wasn’t a woman.It was a man. At first, she didn‘t know what to do.Then suddenly, an idea came into her racing,terrified brain.Swinging the wheel suddenly, she threw the car into a skid , and broughtit to a halt. My GodV she shouted.A child! Did you see the child? I think I hit her“ The “old lady” was clearly shaken by the sudden skid, I didn’t see anything dearie,“ shesaid.I don‘t think you hit anything.” “I’m sure it was a child!” insisted Andrea.“Could you just get out and have a look? Just seeif there‘s anything on the road?” She held her breath.Would her plan work? It did.The passenger slowly climbed out to investigate.As soon as she was out of thevehicle, Andrea gunned the engine and accelerated madly away, and soon she had put a goodthree miles between herself and the awful hitchhiker. It was only then that she thought about the bag lying on the floor in front of her.Maybethe bag would provide some information about the real identity about the man.Pulling into theside of the road, Andrea opened the heavy bag curiously. It contained only one item——a small hand axe, with a razor-sharp blade.The axe and theinside of the bag were covered with the dark red stains of dried blood. Andrea began to scream.46.Andrea allowed the hitchhiker to take a ride in her car, mainly because A.the hitchhiker was an old woman B.she was curious about the old lady C.the lady had a heavy bag D.she knew the old lady47.What made Andrea afraid when she looked at the old lady? A.She had a shapehss body. B.She had a harsh voice.
《历年真题精解+全真模拟试卷(第5版)(含2002-2008年真题及其详解)》完全依据2008年11月最新考试大纲第五版编写。提供全新模拟预测试题。 最新5套权威模拟试卷及详细解析;环球卓越一线培训教师集体编写;连续3年蝉联销售榜首;赠送辅导超值服务。