An important focus of advances in mechatronics and robotics is the addition of sensory inputs to systems with increasing "intelligence." Without doubt, sight is the "sense of choice." In everyday life, whether driving a car or threading a needle , we depend first on sight. The addition of visual perception to machines promises the greatest improvement and at the same time presents the greatest challenge.Until relatively recently, the volume of data in the images that make up a video stream has been a serious deterrent to progress. A single frame of very modest resolution might occupy a quarter of a megabyte, so the task of handling thirty or more such frames per second requires substantial computer resources.Fortunately, the computer and communications industries' investment in entertainment has helped address this challenge. The transmission and processing of video signals are an easy justification for selling the consumer increased computing speed and bandwidth. A digital camera, capable of video capture, has already become a fashion accessory as part of a mobile phone. As a result, video signals have become more accessible to the serious engineer. But the task of acquiring a visual image is just the tip of the iceberg.While generating sounds and pictures is a well-defined process (speech generation is a standard "accessibility" feature of Windows), the inverse task of recognizing connected speech is still at an unfinished state, a quarter of a century later, as any user of "dictation" software will attest. Still, analyzing sound is not even in the same league with analyzing images, particularly when they are of realworld situations rather than staged pieces with synthetic backgrounds and artificial lighting.The task is essentially one of data reduction. From the many megabytes of the image stream, the required output might be a simple "All wheel nuts are in place" or "This tomato is ripe." But images tend to be noisy, objects that look sharp to the eye can have broken edges, boundaries can be fuzzy, and straight lines can be illusory. The task of image analysis demands a wealth of background know-how and mathematical analytic tools.Roy Davies has been developing that rich background for well over two decades. At the time of the UK Robotics Initiative, in the 1980s, Roy had formed a relationship with the company United Biscuits. We fellow researchers might well have been amused by the task of ensuring that the blob of jam on a "Jaffacake" had been placed centrally beneath the enrobing chocolate.
本书是机器视觉课程的理想教材,作者清晰、系统地阐述了机器视觉的基本概念,介绍理论的基本元素的同时强调算法和实用设计的约束。书中阐述各个主题时,既阐述了基本算法,又介绍了数学工具。此外,本书还使用案例演示具体技术的应用,并阐明设计现实机器视觉系统的关键约束。 本书适合作为高等院校计算机及电子工程相关专业研究生的教材,更是从事机器视觉、计算机视觉和机器人领域研究的人员不可多得的技术参考书。
CHAPTER 1 Vision, the ChallengePART 1 LOW-LEVELVISION CHAPTER 2 Images and Imaging Operations CHAPTER 3 Basic Image Filtering Operations CHAPTER 4 Thresholding Techniques CHAPTER 5 Edge Detection CHAPTER 6 Binary Shape Analysis CHAPTER 7 Boundary Pattern Analysis CHAPTER 8 Mathematical MorphologyPART 2 INTERMEDIATE-LEVELVISION CHAPTER 9 Line Detection CHAPTER 10 Circle Detection CHAPTER 11 The Hough Transform and Its Nature CHAPTER 12 Ellipse Detection CHAPTER 13 Hole Detection CHAPTER 14 Polygon and Corner Detection CHAPTER 15 Abstract Pattern Matching TechniquesPART 3 3-DVISION AND MOTION 443 CHAPTER 16 The Three-dimensional World CHAPTER 17 Tackling the Perspective n-Point Problem CHAPTER 18 Motion CHAPTER 19 Invariants and Their Applications CHAPTER 20 Egomotion and Related Tasks CHAPTER 21 Image Transformations and Camera CalibrationPART 4 TOWARD REAL-TIME PATTERN RECOGNITIONS YSTEMS CHAPTER 22 Automated Visual Inspection CHAPTER 23 Inspection of Cereal Grains CHAPTER 24 Statistical Pattern Recognition CHAPTER 25 Biologically Inspired Recognition Schemes CHAPTER 26 Texture CHAPTER 27 Image Acquisition CHAPTER 28 Real-time Hardware and Systems Design ConsiderationsPART 5 PERSPECTIVES ON VISION CHAPTER 29 Machine Vision: Art or Science?APPENDIX Robust StatisticsList of Acronyms and Abbreviations References Author Index Subject Index
“本书将图像处理的理论与应用实践完美地结合起来,是机器视觉领域研究人员的必读之作。” ——John Billingsley,南昆士兰大学“前两版已经奠定了本书在机器视觉领域中独一无二的地位,它是对重要的图像处理和计算机视觉算法进行详细分析的知识宝库!这一版在此基础之上增加了最新进展,是一部全面而且与时俱进的权威著作。” ——Farzin Deravi,肯特大学
第四版已经出来了,我就看电子版的算了。书的内容没得说,纸张可就不太好。人邮局社出版一些英文原版书本是好事,选材也还不错,可就是自身功夫不做好,读者受害。上次我买一本 C和指针(英文版) ,印刷模糊,没法看,我随便找个E文版pdf格式的再打印出来也比它们的质量强上百倍。不知他们是怎么操作的。
感觉这本书从内容的广度和深度,与David A. Forsyth的Computar Vision:a modern approach,还是有很大的差距的。个人感觉。另外,书有点太贵了。买来后,只是翻看了部分章节,了解不是很全面。这本书对于算法的阐释,主要还停留在语言说明方面的,数学推导比较少。