

廖晟,毛荣贵,(美国)Rosemary Adang 编译 湖北人民出版社





廖晟,毛荣贵,(美国)Rosemary Adang 编译  




“天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福”——古今一样,中外皆然。本书讲述的不是“天灾”,而是“人祸”。大洋彼岸,案例种种。公德破坏,人性扭曲,法律无视!种种和谐,一朝打破。道高一尺,魔高一丈,犯一罪者、受害者和执法者,三方斗智斗勇,情节险象环生,故事扣人心弦。 一桩桩血案,演绎出惨绝人寰的凶残、卑鄙龌龊的手段; 一件件告破,上演着不屈不挠的拼搏、拍手称快的伸张; 一个个故事,昭示了人间真情的温暖、邪不压正的真理! 翻译此书,心扉受撞!边读边译,边想边叹。震惊、义愤、感慨、凝思、扬眉……任何一个社会,古今中外,总免不了有美丑、有明暗、有真假、有善恶。要了解一个社会,不可不知其丑、其暗、其假、其恶!要了解美国社会,不可不读此书也!——18宗真实案例,让读者俯瞰人间万象,品味世态炎凉,哀叹人祸惨烈,慨叹邪不压正。


毛荣贵,上海交通大学教授,翻译博导。曾任《科技英语学习》(月刊)主编10年。1996年应美国驻华大使James R.Sasser(詹姆士·尚慕杰)之邀,以leading citizeh(杰出公民)的身份遍访美国并讲学;RosemaryAdang,英语语言文学研究专家。中美教授携手,精选美国当代短文,介绍给中国读者。这些短文反映了美国社会的方方面面,美国人的价值观、人生观、生活观,以及美国人的日常生活,同时,也折射了美国当代文学的某些特点。


前言之一前言之二They’re Stealing Our Masterpieces艺术珍品大量失窃The Crimes of Westley Allan Dodd多德的累累罪行Duel in Cyberspace电脑网络之战The Flawless Heist天衣无缝的劫夺“If I Can’t Have You,Nobody Will”“如果我不能娶你,元人可以娶你”First Do N0 Harm先别为害,再图行善Kidnapped by a Rapist被强奸犯绑架On the Track of a Serial Rapist追捕强奸惯犯A Rape Victim Speaks Out一个被强奸者终于开口To Catch a Killer抓获杀人凶犯Alone with a Madman在疯子的枪口下“He's Shooting the Doctors!”“他在向医生开枪!”Captured by Connvicts!被囚犯关押!Terror in Room 7373号房间的恐怖Left for Dead让他死去!“They’re Going to Kill Me!”“他们要杀害我!”The Case of the Fateful Fingerprints指纹定案Justice for Deana为迪娜伸冤


  32. "No, doctor, no!" the woman cried out, upset thatTournay had revealed her true identity.  33. But the gunman seemed oddly unconcerned. Either he hadalready guessed she was a doctor or was still intrigued by herBritish accent. "No," he said, "its too late for that now. "  34. He motioned for them to sit on stools at one of the workta-bles that divided the rows of cubicles. The phones had been ringingincessantly, so he instructed Tournay to answer the calls-  but totalk only to the police. After several calls from employees rela-tives alarmed by media reports of the siege, the police got through.  35. Tournay waved the phone toward the gunman. He talkedto the police briefly, saying little. Then he handed the phone toTournay, who answered only "yes" or "no" to police questions.  36. "How old is he? Twenty to 257"  37. "No," Tournay said.  38. "Thirty to 357"  39. "Yes. "  40. "How many weapons? Three?"  41. "No. "  42. "More?"  43. "Yes. "  44. There was little Tournay could tell them with the gunmansitting at her side. Afterward they called back every ten minutes orso, talking first to Tournay, then to the gunman.  45. Rustling Noises. Minute by minute, hour by hour, the af-ternoon dragged by. Yet Tournay kept talking, kept asking theman questions: "Where were you born?... Whats your favoriteTV show?... Where have you traveled?... What was your child-hood like?" Again and again she discussed his condition with himand offered professional observations about his problems. Whenthere was a lull in the conversation, her mind raced for a new top-ic, anything to keep him from thinking about what he had done andwhat he might do next.  46. She sneaked a glance at the wall clock  4 : 30 p. m.When her captor again fell silent, Tournay grew more nervous.Abruptly he removed their handcuffs and started stacking ammuni-tion on a table and tinkering with his weapons  the rifle, twohandguns, a large hunting knife and another pair of handcuffs.  47. Then the phone rang. The gunman grabbed it and spokewith the police alone this time. Just before he hung up, Tournayheard him say his name  Damacio Torres.  48. Rustling noises came from overhead and the hallway.Torres whirled toward the sounds. "What was that?" he asked, hisvoice strained.  49. The doctor thought it was someone crawling in the over-head space. "Were having a terrible problem with mice this year," she said jokingly, trying to ease the pressure. Incredibly, Torres seemed to accept the explanation. Near 5 p. m. the phone rang again, and Torres answered it. Although Tournay couldnt make out what was said, the gunmans tone seemed to carry a note of fi- nality. He hung up, sighed deeply and gazed into her eyes with a blankness that made her shudder. He folded his arms across his chest as if weighing the fate of his two captives.  50. "You two can go now. " he said at last, pointing toward the door that led to the X-ray department.  51. The doctor and her fellow hostage walked slowly to the door. Tournay pushed the gurney aside, then looked back at Torres. "Were coming out now!" she shouted through the heavy : door. Slowly she pushed it open. Together, she and the otherwoman stepped into the sanctuary of the X-ray department. Imme-diately police officers whisked them to safety.  52. Swat Team. Four minutes later, almost five hours afterbeginning the siege, Damacio Torres surrendered to members ofthe Los Angeles Police Department SWAT team. Before his longtalks with Tournay, Torress plan had been to go up to the secondfloor, shoot more doctors and then give himself up.  53. LAPD Sergeant Michael Albanese, who headed the negoti-ation team, gave Anne Tournay much of the credit for Torresssurrender. "She was one of the most heads-up people I ve everseen in a hostage situation. She was extremely instrumental inkeeping the situation from escalating. "  54. All three doctors who were shot survived. Damacio Torreswas tried and convicted on three counts of attempted murder andtwo counts of false imprisonment. He is now serving a fixed termof 12 years, plus three life sentences.  55. Dr. Anne Tournay returned to her duties the day followingthe incident. Although emotionally drained, she felt it best to con-front the nightmare head on. Besides, her patients needed her."Even more,"she said, "I needed them. "




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