约翰斯顿,克拉克 著
当前,服务业在经济中的地位日益重要,但有关服务管理、服务运营的书并不多见,为此我们引进了这本专论服务型组织运营管理的优秀著作。 本书系统介绍了如何通过学习服务提供及其相关管理知识来改善服务绩效。本书具有如下特点: ·服务业涉及的范围很广,本书不局限于某些特定类型的服务,而是覆盖了各类服务组织中运营管理人员所面对的决策问题。 ·将服务的提供与组织的管理结合起来,强调运营经理不仅应该了解如何提供出色的服务,而且必须参与组织战略、服务理念、组织文化的各个方面,实现组织的目标。 ·框架清晰,内容编排巧妙,每一章都精心设计了运营管理的关键问题,关键术语定义,真实世界的例子,小结、网络链接、案例练习、延伸阅读材料和问题等,非常方便读者学习。 本书适合用作高校相关课程的双语教学,也可供有兴趣的读者阅读参考。
作者:(美)约翰斯顿 (美)克拉克
前言 第1篇 引言 第1章 服务运营管理介绍 第2章 服务理念 第2篇 客户和组织关系 第3章 客户和组织关系 第4章 客户期望和满意度 第5章 管理供应关系 第3篇 客户和组织关系 第6章 服务流程 第7章 服务人员 第8章 资源使用 第9章 网络、技术和信息 第4篇 绩效管理 第10章 绩效评估和管理 第11章 连接运营决策及经营绩效 第12章 促进服务改善 第5篇 管理战略改变 第13章 服务战略 第14章 服务结构 第15章 操作复杂性
插图:In many service sectors, particularly consumer services such as banks andrestaurants, it is usually clear who is the customer. Customers are the individuals orgroups of people, external to the organisation, who are receiving and often payingfor the service. In many of these situations, there is a clear time connection in thesense that service will be delivered on receipt of the required price, as in a fast-foodrestaurant or retail store. These customers are sometimes referred to as users, endusers or consumers and they tend to be the people in mind when managers andemployees talk about customers. However, when we talk about customers, we are usually referring to bothexternal and internal customers and much of the material in this book can beapplied to both internal and external customers. Internal customers are individualsor groups of individuals who are a part of the same organisation but from adifferent unit or operation. For example, the accountancy department, thepersonnel department and the IT department all in their own way provide servicesto the other parts of the organisation, just as they also require services from the restof the organisation. The recognition of internal customers and the need to providethem with services and information is one of the key elements of many qualityimprovement programmes. These programmes are based on the important premisethat the quality and cost of service provided to external customers depends on thequality of the service provided to and by the network of internal customers. Many organisations in recent times have recognised the value in refocusing their'putting customer first' philosophies to 'putting employees first', realising that thelevel of external service is constrained by the level of internal service. While manyorganisations see their quality improvement activities (see Chapters 4 and 12)being about improving the quality for external customers, we believe that organi-sations should start by improving their levels of internal customer service.
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