

施发敏 编 北京大学出版社





施发敏 编  




  众所周知,输入是语言习得过程中的一个关键环节,而阅读又是众多输入方式中极其重要的一种。然而,面对市场上琳琅满目的阅读材料,学生却常常苦于无书可读。究其原因,林林总总。其一,有些传统材料不仅知识陈旧,信息贫乏,而且缺少时代感、文化内涵和思想深意。其二,非语言障碍,如文化背景知识方面的匮乏,使得学生难以领会文章内在的精髓。其三,现代英语测试中,阅读材料篇幅长、难度大,特别是判断、推理题有所增加,对学生阅读的准确性、有效性要求更高,而学生现有的阅读材料既无趣味性又无针对性。基于以上三点,为了满足英语程度达到四级以上的学生及高级英语学习者的需求,我们编写了这本阅读教材。本教材从多方面、多角度精选了英美著名报刊上的时文、新论,内容丰富,行文流畅,练习形式多样。具体而言,本书有以下三大特点。  一、题材广泛。内容时尚  本书选材主题涵盖:异域风情、环境家园、经济视野、医药健康、体育世界、文学欣赏、历史管窥、风云人物、考古寻秘等。文章内容集知识性和趣味性于一体。学生通过阅读这些精选的报刊原文,可以拓宽视野,改善思维,提高素质,同时进一步增进对欧美国家文化的了解,最终达到最大限度地提高英语阅读能力的目的。  二、编排独特。难度适中  本书共十六个单元,每个单元四篇文章。作为大学英语后续课程使用时,第一篇可作为精读,后三篇作为泛读讲授。  本书选材难度适中,为使学生乐于阅读,易于阅读,疑难词汇在文章每页均有注释,这样就避免了学生边阅读边查看生词表的麻烦,使学生能够全神贯注,一鼓作气地完成阅读。此外,为方便学生理解文章,我们在一些文章后附有背景简介,学生可以更加全面深入地理解文章的思想深意及文化内涵,体验语言的魅力。  三、练习设置别具一格  本书的目的在于培养学生在最短时间内通过最少的线索获取最大限度的信息的能力。为此,本书的练习分为两大类:一类侧重于具体语言点的练习;一类侧重于阅读理解能力提高的练习,从词汇、句子、段落到篇章,各个层面的练习一应俱全。




Unit One Foreign Culture异域风情 Passage 1 TheOldestCityonEarth Passage 2 ChristmasinNewZealand Passage 3 New York’S Chinatown Passage 4 The Dolphin That Came to StayUnit Two Environment环境家园 Passage 1 HowTreesAreKillingOurRivers Passage 2 Fiddling While the World Bums Passage 3 Citizens Can Do Something about Climate Change Passage 4 Trashed Tech:Where Do Old Cell Phones,TVs and PCs Go to Die?Unit Three Economy经济视野 Passage 1 China’S Booming Economy:Do the Risks Outweigh the Opportunities? Passage 2 A Global Love Affair Passage 3 Go Ahead and SaveLet the Govemment Spend Passage 4 Stimulus Plan Places New Limits on Wall St.BonusesUnit Four Computer and Internet 网络传媒 Passage 1 The Keyboard Kids Passage 2 Meet the Chipsons Passage 3 Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios Passage 4 Not Everyone Is Cheering as Wi—Fi Takes to the AirUnit Five Medicine医药健康 Passage 1 The Sleep Cure Passage 2 Lifting the Curtain on Depression Passage 3 AIDS:What It Is Not Passage 4 Why People Get SickUnit Six Social Issues社会长廊 Passage 1 The“Thrill”ofTheft Passage 2 Latent Corruption and Bribery in the US Passage 3 Alcohol’S TV Flirtation More than a Threat Passage 4 BringingUp AdolescentsUnit Seven Sports体育世界 Passage 1 ANational Undertaking--Sports Passage 2 China’S Olympics(Ⅰ) Passage 3 China’S Olympics(Ⅱ) Passage4 SoccerGets SexyUnit Eight Entertainment休闲娱乐 Passage 1 Girls Just Wanna Have Guns Passage 2 The Biggest Summer Passage 3 Channel Surfin9 Passage 4 Bullfighting in SpainUnit Nine Literature文学欣赏 Passage 1 Harry Potter:The End Is Here Passage 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(Chapter xv) The Goblin’S Revenge Passage 3 Review onA Farewell to Arms Passage 4 A Farewell to Arms(Chapter XV)Unit Ten Biology生物掠影 Passage 1 The Biotech Century—Playing Ecological Roulette with MotherNature’S Designs Passage 2 Larks and Owls:The Inner Clock That Rules Our Lives Passage 3 Here,Kitty,Kitty Passage 4 Does Biodiversity Matter?Unit Eleven History and Civilization历史管窥 Passage 1 Napoleonic Europe—1799—1815 Passage 2 Rise ofCivilizations and Empires Passage 3 The Crusades Passage 4 Elizabethan AgeUnit Twelve 教育天地Unit Thirteen 风云人物Unit Fourteen 考古寻秘Unit Fifteen 宇宙探索Unit Sixteen 哲学经典练习答案References


  "Twilight" from his site after a reporter pointed it out to him recently. "I think about getting suedevery day. If that happens it will definitely take us out of business," he said.  Mr. Mir has reason for concern. In December, the Motion Picture Association sued threeWeb sites that it said were facilitating copyright infringement by identifying and indexing links topirated material around the Web.  John Malcolm, the associations director of worldwide antipiracy operations, said thatalthough the group does not sue individuals for watching pirated videos, other lawsuits against Websites are forthcoming, and he acknowledged that the challenge is stiff.  "There are a lot of very technologically sophisticated people out there who are very good atthis and very good at hiding," Mr. Malcolm said. "We have limited resources to bring to the fight."  With so much pirated material online, Hollywood is turning to technological solutions.Perhaps most important, media companies are learning from the music industrys mistakes andtrying to avert broader adoption of piracy techniques. The No. 1 lesson: provide the video on theplatform that users want it.  Mark Ishikawa, BayTSPs founder and chief executive, sees a correlation between theavailability of content through traditional legal channels and their popularity on pirate networks.  "When DVD releases are postponed, demand always goes up, because people dont have anauthorized channel to buy," he said.  Partly in response to the piracy problem, a cormucopia of video Web sites now feature thelatest episodes of virtually every broadcast TV show. Movie studios are experimenting withvideo-on-demand releases and other ways to offer films on demand. Legal alternatives, the companieshope, will stifle the stealing. The music industry, by comparison, waited years to provide legaloptions for online listeners.




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