戈梅斯-梅加 等著
自2001年12月加入世界贸易组织以来,中国进一步加强了与世界各国的政治、经济、文化各方面的交流与合作,这一切都注定中国将在未来世界经济发展中书写重要的一笔。 然而,中国经济的发展正面临着前所未有的人才考验,在许多领域都面临着人才匮乏的问题,特别是了解国际贸易规则、能够适应国际竞争需要的国际管理人才,更是中国在未来国际竞争中取胜的决定性因素。因此,制定和实施人才战略,培养大批优秀人才,是我们在新一轮国际竞争中赢得主动的关键。 工商管理硕士(MBA)1910年首创于美国哈佛大学,随后MBA教育历经百年风雨不断完善,取得了令世人瞩目的成绩。如今,美国MBA教育已经为世界企业界所熟知,得到社会的广泛承认和高度评价。MBA教育在我国虽起步较晚,但在过去十余年里,我国的M’BA教育事业发展非常迅速,也取得了相当显著的成绩。 目前,国内的MBA教育市场呈现一片繁荣景象,但繁荣的背后却隐藏着种种亟待解决的问题。其中一个就是教材的问题。目前,国内市场上国外引进版教材在一定程度上还存在新旧好坏参差不齐的现象,这就需要读者在使用引进版教材时进行仔细的甄别。 北京大学出版社推出的《MBA核心课程精选教材·英文影印版》弥补了国内MBA教材市场的缺憾,给国内M。BA教材市场注入了一股新鲜的血液。全套丛书基本覆盖了北京大学MBA的主修课程。包括:管理学、营销学、战略管理、管理信息系统、运作管理、人力资源管理、商务沟通、国际金融、金融管理、决策分析、货币银行学、会计学等。另外。在十几门主课的基础上又增加了几门高级选修课程,包括:国际会计学、组织行为学、投资学、商务学、财务报表解析、管理会计、管理沟通、商业伦理学、企业家精神等。 本套丛书的筛选大体上本着以下几点原则:(1)出“新”。克服以往教材知识陈旧、落后的弊端,大部分教材都与国外原版书同步出版。(2)出“好”。本套丛书收入了美国哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院等著名院校所采用的教材,如《管理学》、《营销管理架构》、《管理信息系统》、《人力资源管理》、《财务会计》、《管理会计》、《面向管理的数量分析》等;本套丛书还收入了著名学术界宗师包括斯蒂芬·罗宾斯(《管理学基础》)、菲利普·科特勒(《营销管理架构》)、查尔斯·亨格瑞(《财务会计》)等人的学术巨著。(3)出“精”。大多数教材都是再版多次。经过不断地修改和完善而成的。 本套《MBA核心课程精选教材·英文影印版》集合了美国经济学界和管理学界各个学科领域专家的权威巨著,该丛书经过北京大学光华管理学院及其他著名高校知名学者的精心选编,包括了大量精深的理论指导和丰富的教学案例,真正称得上是一套优中选精的MBA教材。
非功能化的方法。本书覆盖了人力资源管理中的所有核心问题,但采取的是“非功能化”的方法,以表明人力资源管理问题与所有员工而不仅仅是HR经理的相关性。 全球化的视角。本书将理论阐释与案例分析相结合,从全球视角展开相关内容。书中专设一章,用于分析如何应对全球化的人力资源管理挑战。 很多特色专栏,比如“管理者笔记”专栏、案例讨论专栏等。 丰富的教辅材料,包括教师指导手册、测试题、自动生成试卷的软件、原书CD-ROM中所提供的教师资源。
戈梅斯-梅加亚利桑那州立大学商学院管理学教授。在进入学术界之前,戈梅斯-梅加从事过8年的人力资源工作,随后又为多家组织做咨询工作。在进入亚利桑那州立大学之前,曾在科罗拉多大学和佛罗里达大学任教。他曾在Academy of Management Journal和Journal of High Technology
第一篇 导言 第1章 应对当前与新兴的战略人力资源挑战第二篇 人力资源管理的背景 第2章 工作流程管理与工作分析 第3章 了解公平就业机会与法律环境(本章 删去) 第4章 多元化管理(本章 删去)第三篇 人员配置 第5章 员工的招聘与甄选 第6章 员工的离职、精简及再就业管理第四篇 员工的开发 第7章 绩效的评估与管理 第8章 员工的培训 第9章 职业生涯开发第五篇 薪酬 第10章 薪酬管理 第11章 绩效奖励 第12章 员工福利的设计与管理第六篇 治理 第13章 员工关系管理 第14章 尊重员工权利与管理纪律 第15章 与有组织的劳动力合作 第16章 工作场所的安全与健康管理 第17章 国际人力资源管理挑战
industrial democracy means workers are represented at the plant level in works councils and at the corporate level through codetermination. Works councils are committees composed of both worker representatives and managers who have responsibility for governing the workplace. They participate in operational decisions, such as the allocation of overtime, the discipline and discharge of workers, the hiring of new workers, and training.3~ At the plant level, works councils make many decisions on which unions would bargain with management in the United States. German unions focus on bargain- ing across industries on such issues as wages, rather than on bargaining within an industry, as is typical in the United States. However, the unification of Germanys high-wage West and lowerwage East means that unions and employers need more wage flexibility in labor contracts. Currently, more wage agreements are occurring at the company level in Germany.31 Works councils are also used in several other countries in addition to Germany. Austria, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden have enacted laws that require that large companies organize works councils to represent the interests of employees.32 Codetermination brings worker representation to a corporations board of directors. With one-third to one-half of their boards of directors representing workers, German companies are likely to give employees needs a high priority.33 (The other board members represent the share holders.) Not surprisingly, codetermination has fostered a spirit of cooperation between workers and managers. For the German economy, the results have been fewer strikes and higher produc- tivity. For workers, the results have been both greater responsibility and greater security. For example, IG Metall, Germanys largest union, has taken the lead on a number of important issues instead of merely reacting to company proposals. The unions group-work policies, the product of nearly two decades of research and activism, are designed to protect workers from layoff or transfer to lower-paying jobs.Labor Relations in JapanJapan has developed a successful labor relations system characterized by a high degree of coop eration between unions and management. A key factor in this success has been the Japanese enterprise union. The enterprise union, which represents Japanese workers in large corpora tions such as Toyota, Toshiba, and Hitachi, organizes the workers in only one company. This practice ensures that the unions loyalty will not be divided among different companies. The enterprise union negotiates with management with an eye on the companys long-term prosper ity. This labor relations system was long reinforced by large Japanese corporations offer of life long employment, which allowed Japanese workers to feel secure and unthreatened by changes in technology or job characteristics.34 The traditional lifelong employment policy has encouraged cooperation between the enterprise unions and management. Many Japanese executives started their careers as union members right out of school, advanced to a leadership position in the union, and then got promoted into management, all within the same company. Because the enterprise unions legitimacy is unchallenged by management, there is a degree of trust and respect between the union and management in Japan that would be unthinkable in the United States. This fact helps to explain the behavior of Japanese executives who cooperate with a union in Japan but try at all costs to avoid unionization in their U.S. plants.