北京大学出版社自2005年以来已出版《语言学与应用语言学知识系列读本》多种,为了配合第十一个五年计划,现又策划陆续出版《21世纪英语专业系列教材》。这个重大举措势必受到英语专业广大教师和学生的欢迎。 作为英语教师,最让人揪心的莫过于听人说英语不是一个专业,只是一个工具。说这些话的领导和教师的用心是好的,为英语专业的毕业生将来找工作着想,因此要为英语专业的学生多多开设诸如新闻、法律、国际商务、经济、旅游等其他专业的课程。但事与愿违,英语专业的教师们很快发现,学生投入英语学习的时间少了,掌握英语专业课程知识甚微,即使对四个技能的掌握也并不比大学英语学生高明多少,而那个所谓的第二专业在有关专家的眼中只是学到些皮毛而已。 英语专业的路在何方?有没有其他路可走?这是需要我们英语专业教师思索的问题。中央领导关于创新是一个民族的灵魂和要培养创新人才等的指示精神,让我们在层层迷雾中找到了航向。显然,培养学生具有自主学习能力和能进行创造性思维是我们更为重要的战略目标。使英语专业的人才更能适应21世纪的需要,迎接21世纪的挑战。
本教材涉及英语国家的政治、经济、法律、媒体、宗教、社会、家庭等方面的文化背景知识,将我国英语学习者最需要掌握的文化背景知识,按照一定体系编写,让学习者通过简单、通俗易懂的英语,学习英语文化背景知识;同时,还让学习者通过英语文化知识学习英语,提高学生的理解和表达能力。 本书再版后,对原书的部分章节做了修订,增加了部分章节。本书被列为普通高等教育“十一五”国家规划教材。
Lesson One The English LanguageLesson Two The English—Speaking CountriesLesson Three The English NamesLesson Four Society and FamilyLesson Five The Monarchical SystemLesson Six The Parliamentary SystemLesson Seven The Electoral SystemLesson Eight The Governmental SystemLesson Nine The Legal SystemLesson Ten The Economic SystemLesson Eleven Income and ExpenditureLesson Twelve Commerce and InvestmentLesson Thirteen Intellectual PropertyLesson Fourteen The Educational SystemLesson Fifteen Mass MediaLesson Sixteen Network CultureLesson Seventeen Religion(I)Lesson Eighteen Religion(II)Partial Answers to ExercisesReferences
A language is a system of communication used by the people of a particular country ora region for talking or writing purposes. A language system consists of a set of codes thatare sounds and written symbols. People in one country or region may speak a differentlanguage from those in another country or region. We often have the difficulty of communicatingwith people who speak a different language. This forms the language barrier. That's whywe have to learn a foreign language that is spoken by the people from another country. Most languages have both oral or spoken, and written forms. Take English forexample. Oral English is its spoken form while written English is its written form. But afew languages have only spoken forms, but lack written ones. A modern language is a language that is still spoken today while a dead language is alanguage that is no longer spoken. Latin is a dead language, which is the language of theancient Romans. ……