张玲,范玉涛,刘敏 编著
《高等院校计算机应用技术规划教材》 进入21世纪,计算机成为人类常用的现代工具,每一个有文化的人都应当了解计算机,学会使用计算机来处理各种的事务。 学习计算机知识有两种不同的方法:一种是侧重理论知识的学习,从原理入手,注重理论和概念;另一种是侧重于应用的学习,从实际入手,注重掌握其应用的方法和技能。不同的人应根据其具体情况选择不同的学习方法。对多数人来说,计算机是作为一种工具来使用的,应当以应用为目的、以应用为出发点。对于应用性人才来说,显然应当采用后一种学习方法,根据当前和今后的需要,选择学习的内容,围绕应用进行学习。 学习计算机应用知识,并不排斥学习必要的基础理论知识,要处理好这二者的关系。在学习过程中,有两种不同的学习模式:一种是金字塔模型,亦称为建筑模型,强调基础宽厚,先系统学习理论知识,打好基础以后再联系实际应用;另一种是生物模型,植物并不是先长好树根再长树干,长好树干才长树冠,而是树根、树干和树冠同步生长的。对计算机应用性人才教育来说,应该采用生物模型,随着应用的发展,不断学习和扩展有关的理论知识,而不是孤立地、无目的地学习理论知识。 传统的理论课程采用以下的三部曲二提出概念-解释概念-举例说明,这适合前面第一种侧重知识的学习方法。对于侧重应用的学习者,我们提倡新的三部曲:提出问题-解决问题-归纳分析。传统的方法是:先理论后实际,先抽象后具体,先一般后个别。我们采用的方法是:从实际到理论,从具体到抽象,从个别到一般,从零散到系统。实践证明这种方法是行之有效的,减少了初学者在学习上的困难,这种教学方法更适合于应用型人才。
本书以目前国外最新的计算机原版教材和计算机专业技术文章为基础编写。内容覆盖了计算机发展简史、计算机系统构成、计算机软件基本知识、存储设备、外围设备、操作系统、计算机安全、程序设计、多媒体技术、计算机网络、电子商务等方面。 本书每个单元的内容包括课文、语法注释、词汇短语、计算机专业术语、练习、参考译文、著名IT公司故事中英文对照、课后阅读材料。书后还配有练习参考答案。为了更好地展现一些复杂抽象的内容,书中配有插图和说明,帮助阅读者清晰理解相关内容并不断提高阅读能力和专业知识水平。 本书可以作为各类大学计算机专业英语的教材使用,也可以作为广大IT技术人员的自学参考书使用。
Unit One Introduction to Computers Text Notes New Words and Phrases Computer Terminologies Exercises Referenced Translation Stories about Renowned IT Companies Reading material Unit Two History of the Computer Text Notes New Words and Phrases Computer Terminologies Exercises Referenced Translation Stories about Renowned IT Companies Reading material Unit Three Parts of a Computer Text Notes New Words and Phrases Computer Terminologies Exercises Referenced Translation Stories about Renowned IT Companies Reading materialUnit Four Hardware inside Computer Case Text Notes New Words and Phrases Computer Terminologies Exercises Referenced Translation Stories about Renowned IT Companies Reading materialUnit Five Computer Architectures Text Notes New Words and Phrases Computer Terminologies Exercises Referenced Translation Stories about Renowned Companies Reading materialUnit Six Computer Peripherals (Ⅰ) Text Notes New Words and Phrases Computer Terminologies Exercises Referenced Translation Stories about Renowned IT Companies ……Unit Seven Computer Peripherals(Ⅱ)Unit Eight Data StorageUnit Nine Computer SoftwareUnit Ten Operating SystemUnit Eleven Programming LanguageUnit Twelve Computer ProgrammingUnit Thirteen Coputer NetworksUnit Fourteen InternetUnit Fifteen World Wide WebUnit Sixteen E-commerceUnit Seventeen MultimediaUnit Eighteen Copmuter Secutity附录 Amswers to Exercises
Introduction to Computer Are you new to computers? Do you wonder what they do and why you would want to us one? Ok—you’re, in the right place. The following is an overview of computers what they are, the different types, and what you can do with them. What are computers? Computers are machines that perform, tasks or calculations according to a set of instruction, or programs. Introduced in 1946, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first general-purpose electronic computers,it was built for the United States military to calculate the paths of artillery shells. ENIAC was enormous, weighing more than 27,000 kilograms (60,000 pounds) and filling a large room.To process data, ENIAC used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, each the size of a small light bulb. The tubes burned out easily and had to be constantly replaced.
内容是想要的形式(中英对照,关键词解释), 但书的质量有点点差。
一般吧 包装不是太精美的