Unit 1 Coffee break
Unit 2 Relax or you'll burn out!
Unit 3 A great age to be
Unit 4 Exploring the arts
Review 1: Units 1-4
Unit 5 Make the world a better place
Unit 6 Let's forget about it!
Unit 7 World traveler
Unit 8 Global massengers
Review 2: Units 5-8
Unit 9 Tough choices
Unit 10 Take care of yourself!
Unit 11 Cash or charge?
Unit 12 Keep in touch
Review 3: Units 9-12
Exam A Tests
When your grandparents were young,wearing "smart clothes" meant their clothingwas fashionable. Today, the term has a newer hi-tech meaning. Technology is entering theclothing market to create some really "smartclothes." In Germany, for example, consumers canbuy an MP3 jacket. It includes both a cell phoneand an MP3 player. Cloth buttons on the sleeveof the jacket control the headset and microphonewhich are located in the collar. If the jacket getsdirty, the electronic components can be removedand the jacket can be washed normally. InBritain, people can buy pants with the capabilityof a laptop. A special material was created toallow a keyboard that connects with a personaldigital assistant (PDA). The fabric is flexibleenough to wear, and strong enough to wash andiron. In addition, there are also fabrics with hi-tech fibers. These comfortable clothes can actlike circuit boards you can wear. New ideas in hi-tech clothing are also beingdeveloped as well. One plan is to create clothingthat can monitor your body temperature andwarm you even before you feel cold. Peoplewith certain medical problems can wear specialclothes that monitor their vital signs, like theirheart rate and temperature. If a problem occurs,a doctor can be notified. "Smart" fabrics are alsobeing developed that can monitor pollutionlevels. Another material will contain a globalpositioning system (GPS) that can preventpeople from getting lost. Not only computer geeks will be able toenjoy these clothes. Fashion designers are tryingto create exciting new designs that will appeal toeveryone. In the future, a "smart outfit" can beboth fashionable and hi-tech. ……