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《高中英语快速阅读与词汇结构》将阅读、词汇、语法等方面能力的提高融为一体,分高一、高二、高三三册。每分册由20个单元组成。每个单元含:阅读理解、重点词汇、重点短语、语法练习(高三分册为高考单项选择模拟题)、词汇与短语专项练习5个板块。 一、阅读理解 每个单元设置了3篇阅读文,所配理解题形式多样,以求用不同的考查形式检测同学们的理解能力。阅读文内容新颖、贴近同学们的生活、难易得当。 二、重点词汇 每个单元“重点词汇”中的单词均选自该单元的阅读文,且为高考英语考试大纲中的重点词汇。与一般词汇用法讲解不同,该书对所讲单词的词义先列出英汉双解,而后用汉译英的练习形式替代传统的例句。让同学们在翻译的过程中学习该单词的用法,使每个单词的词义、用法深深地印在脑海里。 我们对单词的释义不力求面面俱到,而是紧扣高考的要求,并在使用过程中易出错的单词后加以提示。 为了扩大同学们的词汇量,我们对平时使用频率比较高的单词加以同根词的拓展,供同学们记忆。 三、重点短语 每个单元重点短语选自该单元阅读文,记住这些短语对今后阅读理解能力及书面表达能力的提高均有益处。 四、语法练习 高一、高二分册的语法练习与各年级教学同步。认真完成这些练习可以巩固和消化课内所学的语法知识,并提前体验做高考题的感觉。 为提高高三学生运用语言知识点的综合能力,并适应高考要求,高三分册不再设置单一的语法练习,而是用“高考单项选择模拟题”的形式取代。 五、词汇与短语专项练习 该部分练习形式多样,以帮助同学们巩固、提高本单元“重点词汇”和“重点短语”两部分中所出现的词汇、短语的运用能力。
前言Unit 1 How to Make FriendsUnit 2 How to live in a Green WorldUnit 3 Animal Protection and EcologyUnit 4 Frailty.Your Name Is ManUnit 5 Tips for Good HealthUnit 6 Ma Sanli and CrosstalkUnit 7 Success and HappinessUnit 8 The Differences in Your Studies between the Middle School and the UniversityUnit 9 Different Sense of TimeUnit 10 Laughter Is the Best MedicineUnit 11 Some Hi-Tech ProductsUnit 12 Father of MedicineUnit 13 Do You Still Learn Handwriting in School?Unit 14 Problems Caused by Modern TransportUnit 15 Third-Generation Mobile PhonesUnit 16 An Unusual Way to Plant HusbandryUnit 17 Autumn Blues?Unit 18 Choosing a Password for EmailsUnit 19 Peking Opera——Chinas TreasureUnit 20 About Barack Obama参考答案
If we look closely,we will find that the word“understand”is made up of two words. The words“under”and“stand”joined together to make the word“understand.”In this case of understanding someone,under means beneath and stand means what we think of as true. So if we need to understand someone we need to look inside the heart of someone what they think of to be true. In another word,we need to look for their i13ner values. It is this value that makes them behave the way they do. Remember,we cannot see someone’s thoughts completely unless we are operating from the souls 1evel of awareness. We need to use the spiritual eyes to see their thoughts. However,lets get down to some specifics of how we can understand someone to a certain extend from human level of consciousness. One of the ways to understand someones thinking is to look at their usual preferences. For example,we can look at the way they wear clothes(styles),the type of music they like,the choice of food they choose to eat daily. These preferences are clues to their thoughts. This is because they are the result of their thinking or choices. When you know all these you will know how they will behave habitually and you will be able to adjust yourself to them accordingly.
有“量”才有“力” 扩大阅读量,扩展词汇量 整体提高语篇阅读能力与词汇、语法运用能力