吴文智 杨一兰 主编
前 言 Preface 从事翻译研究二十多年,最大的收获就是认识了很多对英文学习、外国文化感兴趣的年轻朋友,他们身上那种鲜活的热情,使我很受触动和启发。 在我和钱厚生教授主编的《实用汉英翻译词典》获得国家辞书奖以后,就不断有年轻的朋友向我提同一个问题:怎样才能学好英文? 怎样才能学好英文?这确实是一个困扰了我们很久的不是问题的“问题”。对于这个问题,我的答案是“两读一听”——阅读、朗读与听力。 年轻的朋友首先要明确一个概念:英文,不仅是一种语言,也是一种文化,它绝不是枯燥的语法和单词背诵可以代替的,这些是基础,绝不是全部。 阅读优美而正确的英语文章,可以提高阅读能力,扩大词汇量,开阔视野,了解更多西方世界的风俗习惯。在阅读的过程中,可以对照在课堂上学到的语法知识,从感性上进一步掌握英文语法的应用;也可以通过对那些经典、优美的文章段落的反复品味,进一步提高英文写作水平。 朗读的好处更加显而易见。口语能力一向是国内学生学习英文的弱项之一,发音不准、不敢开口、磕磕绊绊都是常见的现象。怎样解决这些问题?我建议年轻朋友在阅读美文的时候更多地开口朗读出来,英语对话环境不好找,但是朗读却是人人都可以做到的。 经常朗读可以提高听力,培养英语语感——其实很多人的单词发音都是正确的,但是一旦开口却说不流畅,这就是语感在作祟了。曾发掘了特洛伊遗迹的德国语言天才希泊来,每学会一种外语只用三到六个月,秘诀何在?就是大声朗读。 多听标准语音是非常重要的一个环节,这样能够把自己置身于外语环境中,迫使自己接受,逐渐形成习惯。由听觉接收到大脑思考,再到发声表达,读和听可以帮助学习者建立这一流畅的反射体系,直到达成如同使用母语般的身体本能。 大量课外阅读、朗读和听力,可以升华我们的人格情操,促进心灵自省,增长语言文化知识,提高语言文化的综合素质,其更本质、更核心的意义,在于培养学习者对英文的浓厚兴趣——这才是一切学习者成功的源动力。 一直以来,我都有一个想法,想要整理一套经典优美的、适合年轻人的英文读物,将很多我认为年轻朋友们有必要读一读的优秀英文作品推荐给大家。但这是一个比较浩大且责任重大的工程,必须静下心花费较长时间来进行。由于我本身的事务一直也比较繁忙,这个想法始终停留在构思阶段。 2008年,常青藤语言教学中心的负责人找到我,希望我能主持“每天读点好英文”系列双语读物的编译工作。我很认同常青藤出版的“美丽英文系列”的品质,中心的各位编辑老师对读者负责的态度,我也十分佩服,他们的提议对我来说正中下怀,于是我们就此开始了为期将近两年的选撰编译工作。“每天读点好英文”系列图书便于2010年应运而生。 经过一年多的市场考验,证明该系列图书是成功的,但还有一些不足,我思前想后,认为要在学习功能上再做加强,遂重新筛选编译,再次出版了 “最美”系列图书(全五册),此套图书可以说是“每天读点好英文”的升级版。 “最美”系列是专为有提高英文水平需要和兴趣的年轻朋友们量身打造的一套“超级学习版”双语读物,并配有专业外教录制的光盘,将我倡导的“两读一听”真正体现出来,难度有所增加,适合英语中级以上的读者阅读。 在参与“最美”系列图书的制作过程中,我与杨一兰、方雪梅两位老师,以及常青藤语言教学中心的各位专业英语编辑也着手准备一套专为英语初学者阅读的“英文爱藏”系列丛书,就是现在您正在阅读的这套书。 此套图书依然延续了我一直强调的学习功能,这也是我们在编辑之初就赋予这套书的期许之一。“美文欣赏”、“单词积累”、“诵读记忆”“扩展阅读”将是阅读本书的提升重点。每篇文章的旁边会有重点单词提示,需要读者记忆,并学会运用。每篇作品后有三道巩固习题:“记忆填空”是对美文内容的回顾,填写重点单词,有助于英语句型的记忆;“佳句翻译”是让读者进行翻译训练,提升思维逻辑及单词、词组的整体应用能力;“短语应用”是提炼每篇文章的重点短语,并要求读者进行造句训练,进而提升短语运用能力。这就真正形成了一个初学者的学习体系——记忆单词、学习语法、运用词组、实践运用,不愁英语功底学习得不扎实。 有读者会问,此系列图书是如何选材的呢?要解释这个问题,首先要明白衡量一部作品质量的最强大标准是什么?是时间。那些超越了历史与时代局限流传下来的,往往才是文化中最精华的部分。我们经过反复研究,精心选择了各国知名作家最具有代表性的作品来奉献给读者。一篇篇经典隽永的美文,不仅可以让人在反复咀嚼中唇齿留香,同时也拓展了读者的知识面,达到了开阔视野、提升素养的目的。 另一点值得注意的是,“英文爱藏”系列从典雅的版式设计到精美的细节标识,从题型设置、心灵感悟到部分文章的作者介绍等增补链接,在细节上下足了功夫,都是为了增加读者的阅读和学习兴趣。时尚的双色印刷技术,清晰地区别了阅读与学习功能,让读者能更轻松地享受阅读,提高英语水平。 主持编译“英文爱藏”“最美”系列的过程中,我与杨一兰、方雪梅两位老师收获良多,故此也希望年轻的朋友在阅读这套书的时候能有所收获,希望这套书能成为波澜壮阔的英文海洋中的导航员,帮助更多的读者发自内心地爱上英文学习,理解英语文化之美。 吴文智 中国译协专家会员、中国译协理事、江苏省译协秘书长 南京师范大学外国语学院《江苏外语教学研究》杂志主编、研究员 2011年11月30日
Chapter 1
The DNA of Success
成功是过程,而不是终点 Success Is a Journey, Not a Destination
泰勒?布林克曼 Tyler Brinkmann
你期待的是什么 What Do You Expect
佛罗伦萨?斯高伏尔o西恩 Florence Scovel Shinn
成功的DNA密码 The DNA of Success
厄尔?曼 Earl Mann
你今天很郁闷吗 The Blue Day Book
佚名 Anonymous
首先做一个堂堂正正的人 First, Be a Man
奥里森?马登 Orison Marden
成功就在你面前 Success Is on the Other Side
斯图尔特?罗森 Stuart Rosen
极富感染力的思考 Positive Thinking Is Contagious
朱莉?约翰斯顿 Julie Johnston
每个成功者都知道的秘密 Secrets Every Achiever Knows
佚名 Anonymous
梦醒时分做什么 A Time to Awake
唐 Dawn
如何让你梦想成真 How to Make Your Dreams Come True
佚名 Anonymous
有恒心才能走向成功 The Reward of Persistence
奥里森?马登 Orison Marden
摆脱贫困的七大秘籍 Seven Cures for a Lean Purse
乔治?克拉森 George Clason
万事开头难 How Did He Begin
奥里森?马登 Orison Marden
不要忽略那些小想法 Don't Ignore That Little Thought
卡罗琳?加兰果 Caroline Jalango
Chapter 2
Love Your Job
致加西亚的一封信 A Message to Garcia
阿尔伯特?哈伯德 Elbert Hubbard
工作对于年轻人的益处和意义 The Benefits of Work
佚名 Anonymous
爱上你的工作 Love Your Job
佚名 Anonymous
天道酬勤 Hard Work Pays Off
卡尔?马龙 Karl Malone
输赢不是争吵出来的 You Can't Win an Argument
戴尔?卡耐基 Dale Carnegie
每次只打开一扇门 One Door Every Time
佚名 Anonymous
困难和机遇并存 Problems and Opportunities
佚名 Anonymous
成功的奥秘 There Is Good in All Things
塞隆?Q.迪蒙 Theron Q. Dumont
勤能补拙 Industry Is a Substitute for Genius
亨利?沃德?比彻 Henry Ward Beecher
成功的秘籍 On Achieving Success
欧内斯特o海明威 Ernest Hemingway
天天向上 Live Upward
奥里森?马登 Orison Marden
通往成功的道路 The Road to Success
安德鲁?卡内基 Andrew Carnegie
人生没有错误,只有教训 There Are No Mistakes, Only Lessons
佚名 Anonymous
你接受挑战吗 Do You Accept Challenges
佚名 Anonymous
时间因稀而贵 The Value of Time
佚名 Anonymous
Chapter 3
Concentration Finds the Way
在不幸中成长 The Lesson of Evil
詹姆斯?艾伦 James Allen
激发意志的人生 Will Inspired Life
佚名 Anonymous
学会接受 Cooperate with the Inevitable
戴尔?卡耐基 Dale Carnegie
多一小时的清醒 How to Add One Hour a Day to Your Waking Life
戴尔?卡耐基 Dale Carnegie
成为一个健谈者 An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist
戴尔?卡耐基 Dale Carnegie
让教训不要重复出现 A Lesson Is Repeated Until Learned
佚名 Anonymous
至少我还活着 I'm Having a Day
佚名 Anonymous
有效利用时间 Importance of Time
佚名 Anonymous
语言智慧 Choosing Words to Create Success
安妮特o科尔比 Annette Colby
坚持不懈到成功为止 I Will Persist Until I Succeed
佚名 Anonymous
铁的意志才能战无不胜 An Iron Will
奥里森?马登 Orison Marden
意志力为你导航 Concentration Finds the Way
塞隆?Q.迪蒙 Theron Q. Dumont
向自己要时间 How to Find Time
戴尔?特纳 Dale Turner
忙碌的意义 Importance of Being Busy
佚名 Anonymous
成功是过程,而不是终点 Success Is a Journey, Not a Destination 泰勒·布林克曼 / Tyler Brinkmann It is very important to have a law of life to base your life on. A law of life that means a lot to me is: Success is a journey, not a destination. It means that what matters is not necessarily where you are at the end, but what you accomplish while you are trying along the way. It means that no matter what, as long as you try, you can never fail. It means you can learn from your mistakes and continue on the next journey a little wiser. One person I believe that shares my law of life is Mark McGwire. He didn’t get caught up in the home-run chase in the 1998 season, but instead played every game in the best way he could. And, most of the time, he helped his team. He didn’t just go out there and hit home runs because he wanted to be ahead in the end, but because he wanted to make it a good season for his teammates and him. I also think the l999-2000 St. Louis Rams as a whole are utilizing my law of life. They play every game with their full potential instead of letting a few winning games go to their heads. They stay focused on playing in the Super Bowl. They know that even if they don’t go all the way, they still will be successful because they have had a good journey. Even though they lost some games, they didn’t give up. It does not matter if you do not have the ability to be on top in the end, to win the championship; all that matters is that you worked hard the whole time. There are a few people in the world who already understand what it means. They understand that success is a journey, not a destination. But wouldn’t it be a much better world if everyone did, if everyone would realize that someone will win and someone will lose, but what’s important is that both sides need to try their best? After all, it’s not who wins or loses, but how well you play the game, and I hope I have applied this in my own life. 生活中有“人生法则”做基础是极其重要的。给我带来极大影响的一条“人生法则”就是:成功是过程,不是终点。它意味着重要的不是你最终到达哪里,而是你在这一旅程中努力做了些什么;意味着不管你做了什么,只要努力了,就一定不会失败;还意味着你能从错误中吸取经验教训,以便更好地继续下一段旅程。 我相信一定会有一个人同意我的“人生法则”,那就是马克·麦戈维尔。在1998年的赛季中,他虽然没有打完全场,但每一场球赛他都竭尽全力了,并且大多数时间他都在帮助队友们。他并非一心为了取胜才去参加比赛,只是因为他希望这个赛季能够成为自己和队友们的一个好的赛季。 与此同时,我认为在1999—2000年比赛期间,圣路易·拉姆斯在整体上也遵循了我的“人生法则”。他们在每一场比赛中都充分发挥,而不是赢了几场比赛就被胜利冲昏了头脑。他们在超级杯比赛时全力以赴。他们明白即使不能走完全程,他们也是成功的,因为他们经历了一个精彩的过程。尽管输了几场球赛,但他们从未放弃。 假如你最终没能登上成功的峰顶,取得胜利的桂冠,那又何妨,重要的是你一直都在努力。世界上只有极少数人懂得这个道理——成功是过程,不是终点。假如所有人都明白这个道理,大家都意识到有人会成功,也有人会失败,最为重要的是两者都尽了他们最大的努力,那么我们的世界将会是多么美好啊!毕竟,重要的不是输或赢,而是我们在比赛中努力了。我希望在生活中,我就是这样做的。 心灵小语 哪里,而是一路上你都做过什么。不管你做了什么,只要努力了 记忆填空 1. Success is a, not a destination. It that what matters is not necessarily where you are at the, but you accomplish while you are trying along the way. It means that no matter what, as long as you try, you can fail. It means you can learn your mistakes and continue on the next journey a little wiser. 2. They focused on playing in the Super Bowl. They know that even if they don’t go all the, they still will be successful they have had a good journey. Even though they some games, they didn’t give up. 佳句翻译 1. 生活中有“人生法则”做基础是极其重要的。给我带来极大影响的一条“人生法则”就是:成功是过程,不是终点。 译 2. 假如你最终没能登上成功的峰顶,取得胜利的桂冠,那又何妨,重要的是你一直都在努力。 译 3. 毕竟,重要的不是输或赢,而是我们在比赛中努力了。 译 短语应用 1. Even though they lost some games, they didn’t give up. even though:即使;尽管;虽然;纵然 造 2. After all, it’s not who wins or loses, but how well you play the game, and I hope I have applied this in my own life. after all:毕竟;终究;究竟;终于 造 你期待的是什么 What Do You Expect 佛罗伦萨·斯高伏尔·西恩 / Florence Scovel Shinn Faith is expectancy, “According to your faith, be it unto you.” We might say, according to your expectancies, be it done unto you; so, what are you expecting? We hear people say, “We expect the worst to happen,” or “The worst is yet to come.” They are deliberately inviting the worst to come. We hear others say, “I expect a change for the better.” They are inviting better conditions into their lives. Change your expectancies and you change your conditions. How can you change your expectancies, when you have formed the habit of expecting loss, lack or failure? Begin to act as if you expected success, happiness and abundance; prepare for your good. Do something to show you expect it to come. Active faith alone will impress the subconscious. If you have spoken the word for a home, prepare for it immediately, as if you hadn’t a moment to lose. Collect little ornaments, table-cloths, etc.! Keep on noticing beautiful things, and you make an invisible contact. Sooner or later these things are drawn into your life, unless you say, “Poor me, too good to be true.” The soul is the subconscious mind. You can expect any seemingly impossible good from God. Get the realization that every blessing is good in action, and see God in every face and good in every situation. This makes you master of all conditions. 信念意味着期待——你的信念造就了你这个人。 我们也可以说,向你期待的方向发展,最终成就你自己。那么,你期待的是什么? 我们常常听人们说:“我们期待更坏的事情降临”或“糟糕的事情还没有发生。”他们这是故意给自己找麻烦。 我们也会听到这样的说法:“我期待更好的改变。”这样的人已经把幸运之神请进了他们的生活。 所以,改变你的期待,你的境况就会得到改善。 当你已经形成患得患失的习惯时,怎样才能改变你的期待呢? 你首先要坚定信念:自己能够成功,一定会拥有幸福美满的生活。你还要作好充分的准备。 做一些事情,以表明你的期待。实际上,这种积极的信念甚至能够影响你的潜意识。 假如你打算装饰一下自己的家,那么不要有片刻的犹豫。马上行动吧!你可以去买一些装饰品、桌布等等。 把注意力集中在美好的事物上,那么你自然会与美好的事情结下良缘。美好的事情迟早会来到你的身边,除非你整日抱怨:“我真可怜,事事不顺心。” 我们的潜意识即我们的灵魂。不管事实看起来多么不可思议,你都可以期望从上帝那里得到好处。 最重要的是,不管你拥有什么愿望,都必须付诸实践,让自己朝好的方向发展。而且,不管身处何种境遇,都要看到积极的一面。这样,你才能成为生活的主宰者。 心灵小语 不管你拥有什么愿望,都得付诸实践,让自己朝好的方向发展。不管身处何种境遇,都要看到积极的一面。这样,你才能成为生活的主宰者。 记忆填空 1. We hear people say,“We expect the worst to ,”or“The worst is yet to come.”They are deliberately inviting the to come. 2. Do something to you expect it to come. Active faith will impress the subconscious. 3. If you have the word for a home, prepare for it immediately, as if you hadn’t a moment to lose. little ornaments, table-cloths, etc.! 佳句翻译 1. 信念意味着期待——你的信念造就了你这个人。 译 2. 把注意力集中在美好的事物上,那么你自然会与美好的事情结下良缘。 译 3. 最重要的是,不管你拥有什么愿望,都必须付诸实践,让自己朝好的方向发展。 译 短语应用 1. Begin to act as if you expected success, happiness and abundance; prepare for your good. prepare for:为……作准备 造 2. Sooner or later these things are drawn into your life, unless you say, “Poor me, too good to be true.” sooner or later:迟早;早晚;或迟或早;梦醒时分 造 成功的DNA密码 The DNA of Success 厄尔·曼 / Earl Mann Today we’re going to talk about DNA: that thing that makes you who you are, that thing that makes you who you can become, that thing that is coded into your essence and determines what your capacity is, what your limits are! Your DNA is your “Decisions and Actions”. That’s what determines who you are! If you do enough research and listen to enough scientists on human potential, they will tell you that you are precisely where you are in life because of the decisions and actions that you’ve taken up to this point. Understanding this is critical to going forward with success. If you are today the result of all the decisions and actions up to this point, then who you are tomorrow will be the result of all the decisions and actions you take between now and then. So, understanding that, getting your hands and mind around this DNA, is the key. Every decision you make, every action you take is either in support of or in opposition to your achievement of whatever you have determined as your own individual success. But understand this: lf you have the winner’s DNA, everything changes. Everything is changing. You look out into the world and you see allies instead of enemies. You see keys instead of locks. You see solutions instead of obstacles. Getting your mind around these “Decisions and Actions” makes your path to your individual goals that much clearer. People with the winning DNA don’t request that the path to their success be easy. They don’t even request that it be fair. They just request that it be worth it because if they know that it’s worth it, then they can do whatever is necessary to achieve it. All that is necessary, the only thing that is necessary, is that you understand that the only thing between you now and you where you want to be is all the “Decisions and Actions” that you can squeeze in between. Give yourself a DNA test. Ask yourself, “What are the decisions I am making and what are the actions I am taking? Why am I making those decisions? Why am I taking those actions? Where are those decisions taking me? Where are those actions leading me? Are they taking me to a place that is worth it?” If they are, then we will all see you when you arrive; because there is nothing on this planet that can stop you. Decide. Act. And expect a great day! 今天,我们来讨论一下什么是DNA。DNA创造了你本身,决定着你能够成为什么样的人,它造就了你的本性,决定着你的能力和缺陷。你的DNA是你的“决定和行动”,是决定你之所以是你的因素。 在人类潜能方面,假如你能做充分的研究,并听取众多科学家的建议,他们就会告诉你先前的所有决定和行动决定了你此时在生活中的位置。理解这一点,对于迈向成功尤为重要。假如今天的你是由你先前的决心和行动所致,那么明天的你将由你现在和以后的所有决定和行动控制。所以,理解了这些,让你的双手和思想围绕这种DNA而行动,这是重点所在。你所做的每个决定,采取的每一次行动,或者有助于你沿着内心的成功之路前进,或者与之相悖。 然而要懂得这一点:假如你拥有赢家的DNA,一切就会改变。一切都处于变化之中。纵观全世界,你看到的是朋友而非敌人,是钥匙而非枷锁,是解决方法而非阻碍。心中怀着这些“决定和行动”会让你通往个人目标的道路更加畅通。拥有赢家DNA的人是不会要求让自己的成功之路平坦无阻的。他们甚至不会要求这条路是公平的,而是希望这条道路是值得拼搏的,因为假如知道这一切付出是值得的,他们就能够付出所有必要的努力去实现梦想。你要知道,在此时的你与你理想中的自己之间,你所能塞入的所有东西也是唯一的东西,就是决定和行动。 测试一下自己的DNA。问问你自己:“我现在做的是什么决定,采取的是什么行动?我为什么要做那些决定?为什么要采取那些行动?那些决定将会把我带到什么地方?那些行动将会指引我走向何方?它们会带领我走向值得拼搏的地方吗?”假如它们能,那么当你到达目的地时,我们都会看见你,因为这个世界上没有什么能够阻挡你。 做出决定,采取行动。那样你就会拥有意义非凡的一天! 心灵小语 DNA创造了你本身,决定着你能够成为什么样的人,它造就了你的本性,决定着你的能力和缺陷。关注你今天的决定和行动,拥有成功者的DNA。 记忆填空 1. Today we’re going to talk about: that thing that makes you who you are, that thing that makes you you can become, that thing that is coded into your essence and determines your capacity is, what your limits are! Your DNA is your“Decisions and”. 2. Ask yourself,“What are the decisions I am making and what are the actions I am? Why am I making those decisions? Why am I taking those actions? are those decisions taking me? Where are those actions leading me? Are they taking me to a place that is it?” 佳句翻译 1. 你要知道,在此时的你与你理想中的自己之间,你所能塞入的所有东西也是唯一的东西,就是决定和行动。 译 2. 这个世界上没有什么能够阻挡你。 译 3. 做出决定,采取行动。那样你就会拥有意义非凡的一天! 译 短语应用 1. If you are today the result of all the decisions and actions up to this point... up to this point:到目前为止 造 2. ...every action you take is either in support of or in opposition to your achievement of whatever you have determined... in support of:支持;拥护 造 ……
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