

邓子钦,邓洪焰,林榕 主编 中山大学出版社





邓子钦,邓洪焰,林榕 主编  








Chapter One 地点类(Location)
Topic 1 A City I Enjoyed Visiting
Topic 2 A River or Lake You Have Seen
Topic 3 Museums
Topic 4 A Nursery You Have Attended
Topic 5 A Place of Natural Beauty You Have Been to
Topic 6 A Park You Have Visited
Topic 7 A Building
Topic 8 A Supermarket Where You Often Go Shopping
Topic 9 A Place You Have Visited
Topic 10 A Bridge You Have Seen
Topic 11 A Library You Have Used
Topic 12 Your Favorite Room in Your Home
Chapter Two 教育类(Education)
Topic 1 A School You Attended
Topic 2 A Subject You Studied at School
Topic 3 Language Classes
Topic 4 A Problem You Have Had with Your English Study
Topic 5 A Lecture You Have Attended
Topic 6 A Test You Have Taken
Topic 7 A School Subject You Like/Dislike
Chapter Three 物品类(Objects)
Topic 1 The Type of Clothing or Jewelry You Choose in Special
Topic 2 A Map You Have Used
Topic 3 Something Which Was Made by Yourself
Topic 4 The Best Present You Received in Your Life
Topic 5 Electric Equipment That You Use in Your Life
Topic 6 A Gift
Topic 7 The Television Set You Use/Have Used
Topic 8 Something You Own Which Is Important to You
Topic 9 An Internet Service You Use/Have Used
Topic 10 A Piece of Furniture You Find Useful and Have Used at
Topic 11 How You Use Computer at Work and Home
Topic 12 A Mobile Phone You Are Using/Have Used/Have Seen
Topic 13 A Modern Invention
Topic 14 A Kind of Food You Can Buy from a Store
Topic 15 A Newspaper You Have Read
Topic 16 An E-mail You Have Received
Chapter Four 经历类(Experience)
Topic 1 A Most Important Change in Your Life
Topic 2 A Holiday You Will Celebrate
Topic 3 A Fun Day Out
Topic 4 One of the Most Important Decisions You Have Made in
Your Life
Topic 5 One of Your Weekend Trips
Topic 6 An Event You Have Organized
Topic 7 An Outdoor Activity That You Find Interesting
Topic 8 A Wedding You Have Been to or Heard of
Topic 9 One of Your Visits to a Medical Doctor
Topic 10 An Exhibition You Have Seen
Topic 11 One of Your Typical Working Days
Topic 12 Your School Days
Topic 13 A Sporting Event That You Have Experienced
Topic 14 An Event That You Have Attended and Enjoyed
Topic 15 Something of Special Significance to You
Topic 16 A Party
Topic 17 A Meeting
Chapter Five 人物类(People)
Topic 1 An Old Man You Are Familiar With
Topic 2 A Famous Person You Admire
Topic 3 A Teacher Who Has Greatly Influenced Your Education
Topic 4 A Member of Your Family Who Is Most Similar to You
Topic 5 One of Your Parents
Topic 6 A Writer Whose Works Interest You
Topic 7 An Actor/Actress in a Film Who Has Impressed You
Topic 8 One of Your Friends
Topic 9 A Colleague/Classmate Whom You Know Well
Chapter Six 社会热点类(Hotspot)
Topic 1 An Event You Have Read from a Newspaper
Topic 2 An Accident Which Was Reported in the News
Topic 3 A Typical Modern Family
Topic 4 A Form of Pollution That Threatens the Environment in
Your Area
Topic 5 A Crime That Can Be Found in Your City
Topic 6 A Change in the Past Few Years for Your City/Country
Topic 7 A Dangerous Situation You Have Seen in Real Life or on
Chapter Seven 文化类 (Civilization)
Topic 1 An Advertisement You Like
Topic 2 Tell the Examiner about Your Favorite Festival
Topic 3 An Unforgettable Festival That You Have Enjoyed
Topic 4 A TV Program You Like Watching
Chapter Eight 喜好类(Hobbies)
Topic 1 The Part of a Day You Like the Most
Topic 2 Your Favorite Form of Transportation
Topic 3 Your Favorite Movie
Topic 4 One of the Hobbies
Topic 5 A Piece of Music You Enjoy
Topic 6 One of Your Ambitions
Topic 7 Your Personality
Topic 8 Something You Are Good at Doing
Topic 9 A Habit That Bothers You
Topic 10 A Sport That You Like/Dislike
Topic 11 Your Taste in Clothing
Topic 12 The Thing You Like to Do the Most
Topic 13 A Job You Would Like to Do in the Future
Topic 14 A Sporting Event That You Have Experienced
Topic 15 One of the Birthday Wishes You Had
Chapter Nine 信息类(Information)
Topic 1 Flight Information
Topic 2 The United Nations
Topic 3 Looking for a/an Fiat/Apartment/House
Topic 4 A Reception
Topic 5 Buying a Second-hand Car
Topic 6 Opening a Bank Account
Topic 7 An Environmental Group
Topic 8 Buying an English Language Book
Topic 9 Asking for an Extension
Topic 10 An Excursion
Chapter Ten 自然类(Nature)
Topic 1 A Kind of Weather You Like/Dislike
Topic 2 A Wild Animal That Can Be Found in Your Country
Topic 3 One of the Four Seasons You Like Best


  邓教授的方法确实非常有效。我找邓教授辅导的时候已经40岁了。白天还要上班。只能晚上复习,精力和时间有些不够用。第一扶在邓教授那里模拟测试的成绩惨不忍睹。但是,年过花甲的邓教授不嫌弃,一项一项地用红笔批改我的试卷,耐心地分析我的弱点。还说我应该能考到7分以上!当时我以为只是他在鼓励我。给我打气。  在邓教授精心系统的辅导下。经过两个多月的努力,我考出了8分的总成绩,创造了小小的奇迹。邓教授不仅用独特的雅思教学方法提高了我的成绩。更用巨大的人格力量感动了我。使我重新树立了信心!邓教授不仅是英语教学的权威,更是深圳雅思教育的泰斗!  --吴坚斌,雅思总分8分:听力8.5分,阅读8.5分·写作7.5分·口语7分    深圳图书馆培训中心于1998年引进雅恩培训课程,是深圳最早开展雅思培训的机构之一。该中心自采用邓子钦教授编写的“雅思应试系列”讲义培洲学员以来。考生的雅思通过牢逐渐挺高,并且形成了良好的口碑。  我是该培训中心第32期的雅思学员。早就听说这个培训中心信誉好,雅思通过率高,所以我来这里报名参加了学习。这套教材首先着眼于教会学生如似掌握语言知识,提高语言技能,在此基础上引导学生了解并掌握雅思考试的特点,学会心对技巧;内容上贴近考试。形式上生动活泼。在邓子钦教授的悉心指导下,我顺利地通过了这次雅思考试。  --王中,雅思总分8分:口语8分,写作8分,阅读5分,听力7.5分




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