袁昊 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司 (2011-03出版)
谨以此书献给那谨以此书献给那些为了理想奋斗不息的可敬的人们满堂花醉三千客 一剑霜寒十四州—— 所谓减法阅读仓颉造字,天雨粟,鬼夜哭。文字的诞生,使得人类的智慧、学识、经验、思考可以超出个体生命的维度,代有递增,从远古蛮荒,渐入璀璨辉煌。作为个体生命,人在生物层面何其脆弱:我们无爪牙之利,无鳞甲之坚,无羽翼之自由;我们甚至不可一日无水,不可数日无粮;气力不能撼树,日行不过数里。然而江山代代,过客熙熙,文字从诞生之日就载负着过往世代的文化传承,汇聚着个体生命的思考和感悟,最终在精神的层面使得人丰富,完整,进而生长,进而强大。涓滴孱弱的个体生命,只有在文字的粘合下,才汇成滔天巨流,势不可挡。终于,有一天,曾经匍匐跪拜的人们用书本焚毁了神庙,又用科学驱赶得诸神无处躲藏。人类,作为整体,创造了文字;反过来作为社会个体的一份子,我们又被母体文明的语言文字包围、浸润和成就。所以,面对文字,我们必须满怀尊敬。考研阅读,本质上就是一群文字使用者(考生)对另一群文字使用者(命题者)思维的梳理和解读。文字背后隐藏的,是双方智力层面的对话和交流。所以,阅读的最重要工具并不是眼睛,是大脑。眼睛只是一个低级的感觉器官,只能够被动的识别信息,却不能够了解每个信息存在的目的,也不能够指出信息背后的组织、框架。大脑,却可以指导我们,依靠分析和判断进行阅读。我们在阅读时,必须是主动地、分析性地拣选信息,分辨判断每个信息意义的强弱和主次关系。我们经常看到有这样的情形,有的考生在阅读中碰到一个句子不能完全理解,就会本能的惊慌,然后立刻把前一个句子看上一遍。然后又没怎么看明白,于是再把后面一个句子看一遍,然后又没怎么看明白。这时候,这位考生几乎立刻会产生出一种本能的,不可遏制的冲动,要把整个段落再看上一遍。这是典型的加法性的阅读:一个句子看不懂,就看两个;两个句子看不懂,就看三个……。这种阅读方法的荒谬性就类似于有人在跑一千米,跑着跑着跑不动了,我告诉他说,你背个包再跑,跑了两步又跑不动了,我说你再背个包……。只要多背几个包,这人就哪里也去不了了。不是吗?只有几个月的复习时间,怎么提高分数?作为英语学习者,我们都知道:几个月内本质的提高阅读水平是一件很困难的事情。准备考研的同学,基本都有着长达十年的英语学习经历。回头看看,一路走来,山遥路远,又何尝有过几十天内大幅提高阅读水平的事情发生?当我们无法短期内提高阅读水平,又必须大幅提高分数时,应该千方百计的减低题目的难度!这也就是减法阅读的精髓所在:凭借对于考研文章脉络、套路、命题特点的透析,大大减低阅读题目本身的难度。每篇考研文章,不算题目的字数约有400多字,但是后面只有五道小题。哪怕这五道小题全部是细节题,也只有区区五处细节能被考查到。这意味着:一篇400多字的考研文章中绝大多数的内容是根本考查不到的。因此,逐字逐句仔细的阅读导致的一个直接后果就是大部分努力的结果是白白浪费的。分清主次,提炼考点,梳理脉络,远远比着急忙慌的多看两句话有意义得多。减法阅读Less is more请仔细阅读下面这篇文章,并在三分钟之内把题目做出。 (2003年 Text 1) Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet. The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in World War II and later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information. Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “great game” of espionage—spying as a “profession.” These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan’s vocation as well. The last revolution isn’t simply a matter of gentlemen reading other gentlemen’s e-mail. That kind of electronic spying has been going on for decades. In the past three or four years, the World Wide Web has given birth to a whole industry of point-and-click spying. The spooks call it “open-source intelligence,” and as the Net grows, it is becoming increasingly influential. In 1995 the CIA held a contest to see who could compile the most data about Burundi. The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia company called Open Source Solutions, whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world. Among the firms making the biggest splash in the new world is Straitford, Inc., a private intelligence-analysis firm based in Austin, Texas. Straitford makes money by selling the results of spying (covering nations from Chile to Russia) to corporations like energy-services firm McDermott International. Many of its predictions are available online at www.straitford.com. Straitford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutually reinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster’s dream. Last week his firm was busy vacuuming up data bits from the far corners of the world and predicting a crisis in Ukraine. “As soon as that report runs, we’ll suddenly get 500 new internet sign-ups from Ukraine,” says Friedman, a former political science professor. “And we’ll hear back from some of them.” Open-source spying does have its risks, of course, since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad. That’s where Straitford earns its keep. Friedman relies on a lean staff of 20 in Austin. Several of his staff members have military-intelligence backgrounds. He sees the firm’s outsider status as the key to its success. Straitford’s briefs don’t sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong. Straitford, says Friedman, takes pride in its independent voice.1. The emergence of the Net has ________. [A] received support from fans like Donovan [B] remolded the intelligence services [C] restored many common pastimes [D] revived spying as a profession诸位在快速看完全文后,是不是头昏眼花,满脑子都是数字和专有名词吧?是不是甚至在看到题干中的“Net”后,一时间也反应不过来到哪里去定位相关信息?非常正常!因为上文并不是一篇正常英文文章,而是经过考研命题组精心改写,并有意填充大量无关信息,专为考研制定的测试文章。文中的各种数字和人名、地名、机构名称等共出现了近30 处。有意填充大量干扰信息的目的就是为了考查诸位是否能在阅读的整个过程始终保持头脑清醒,是否能够排除干扰,始终牢牢把握住文章的主线!现在,我们把这篇文章再看一遍,并在30秒内做出题目。Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet. The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in World War II and later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information. Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “great game” of espionage—spying as a “profession.” These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan’s vocation as well.The last revolution isn’t simply a matter of gentlemen reading other gentlemen’s e-mail. That kind of electronic spying has been going on for decades. In the past three or our years, the World Wide Web has given birth to a whole industry of point-and-click spying. The spooks call it “open-source intelligence,” and as the Net grows, it is becoming increasingly influential. In 1995 the CIA held a contest to see who could compile the most data about Burundi. The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia company called Open Source Solutions, whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.Among the firms making the biggest splash in the new world is Straitford, Inc., a private intelligence-analysis firm based in Austin, Texas. Straitford makes money by selling the results of spying (covering nations from Chile to Russia) to corporations like energy-services firm McDermott International. Many of its predictions are available online at www.straitford.com.Straitford president George Friedman says he sees the online world as a kind of mutually reinforcing tool for both information collection and distribution, a spymaster’s dream. Last week his firm was busy vacuuming up data bits from the far corners of the world and predicting a crisis in Ukraine. “As soon as that report runs, we’ll suddenly get 500 new internet sign-ups from Ukraine,” says Friedman, a former political science professor. “And we’ll hear back from some of them.” Open-source spying does have its risks, of course, since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad. That’s where Straitford earns its keep. Friedman relies on a lean staff of 20 in Austin. Several of his staff members have military-intelligence backgrounds. He sees the firm’s outsider status as the key to its success. Straitford’s briefs don’t sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong. Straitford, says Friedman, takes pride in its independent voice. 1. The emergence of the Net has ________. [A] received support from fans like Donovan [B] remolded the intelligence services [C] restored many common pastimes [D] revived spying as a profession 现在,诸位一定觉得用三分钟时间去做这么一道题突然变成了一件非常不可思议的事情!如果有人花了五六分钟,而且还做错的话,这人简直该买块豆腐撞死了!真实的情况是,当年参加考研的同学中有近七成做错了这道题。为什么一篇文章的绝大部分内容缺失后,做题反而变得简单了呢?这是因为文章中出现的绝大部分细节都是干扰性的、阻碍性的,并不能用来帮助解题。减法阅读的本质:绕开纷繁复杂的文字表象,直入主题,直见人心。减法阅读,阅读的对象不是文字,而是命题者的思维!所以能够以少胜多,以巧搏大。其实,任何考研阅读文章,能够理解30%左右的文字内容,就足以解决每一道题目!袁昊2011年早春 花开时节些为了理想奋斗不息的可敬的人们
首先,2011年最新考题速递,即2011年考研英语阅读真题,用于考生自测个人水平。讲解视频登录新航道图书官网book.newchannel.org即可查看。 第一章:庖丁解牛。详细讲解如何抓住文章脉络和可能的出题点,从而做到"减法阅读"。 第二章:牛刀小试。简要讲解,侧重引导考生利用第一章的方法自己进行"减法阅读"。 第三章:游刃有余。考研英语阅读真题,考生自行演练"减法阅读"成效。 第四章:豁然开朗。本书所收录15年考研英语阅读真题翻译,供考生参考学习。
2011年最新考题速递2011年最新考题速递参考答案第一章 疱丁解牛第一节 分类精解社会生活类如何使用幽默临终关怀仍存争论科普类机器人科技的发展商业经济类油价上涨影响全球经济其他科学发展的专业化和职业化第二节 近年真题精解2010年Text 22010年Text 32010正Text 42010正Part B2009年Text 12009年Text 22009年Text 32009年Text2008年Text 12008年Text 22008年Text 32008年Text 42006年Text 12006年Text 22006年Text 32006年Text 42005年Text 12005年Text 22005年Text 32005年Text 42004年Text 12004年Text 22004年Text 32004年Text 4第二章 牛刀小试社会生活类2003年Text 12003年Text 22001年Passage 22001年Passage 52000年Passage 22000年Passage 42000年Passage 51999年Passage 11999年Passage 41998年Passage 41997年Passage 11997年Passage 3科普类1999年Passage 51998年Passage 11998年Passage 31998年Passage 5商业经济类2003年Text 32001年Passage 42000年Passage 11999年Passage 21998年Passage 21997年Passage 5其他2001年Passage 3 2000年Passage 31999年Passage 31997定Passage21997矩Passage4第三章 游刃有余2010年Text 12007年Text 12007年Text 22007年Text 32007年Text 42003年Text 4参考答案第四章 豁然开朗2011年Text 12011年Text 22011年Text 32011年Text 42010年Text 12010年Text 22010年Text 32010年Text 42009年Text 12009年Text 22009年Text 32009年Text 42008年Text 12008年Text 22008年Text 32008年Text 42007年Text 12007年Text 22007年Text 32007年Text 42006年Text 12006年Text 22006年Text 32006年Text 42005年Text 12005年Text 22005年Text 32005年Text 42004年Text 12004年Text 22004年Text 32004年Text 42003年Text 12003年Text 22003年Text 32003年Text 42002年Text 12002年Text 22002年Text 32002年Text 42001年Passage 12001年Passage 22001年Passage 32001年Passage 42001年Passage 52000年Passage l2000年Passage 22000年Passage 32000年Passage 42000年Passage 51999年Passage l1999年Passage 21999年Passage 31999年Passage 41999年Passage 51998年Passage 11998年Passage 21998年Passage 31998年Passage 41998年Passage 51997年Passage 11997年Passage 21997年Passage 31997年Passage 41997年Passage 5附录
版权页:插图:3. A comparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research, but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper. Thus, in the nineteenth century, local geological studies represented worthwhile research in their own right; but, in the twentieth century, local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate, and reflect on, the wider geological picture. Amateurs, on the other hand, have continued to pursue local studies in the old way. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the nineteenth century and then by several local geological journals in the twentieth century. As a logical consequence of this development, separate journals have now appeared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.
考研需要努力但页数要应试技巧 毕竟是在中国
解题思路不错 方法新颖 但是英语还是以单词为基石的