本书是一部全面介绍代数曲线、代数流形的教程(全英文版)。主体内容有两部分组成:一部分以V. V. Shokurov所写的学术著作为蓝本,主要讲述黎曼面和代数曲面理论,深刻地揭示了黎曼面和其模型——复射影面中的复代数曲面的相互关系;另外一部分以V. I. Danilov的学术论文为蓝本主要讨论了代数变量及其概型。 本书结构框架清晰,叙述简明扼要,可以帮助读者在很短的时间内了解并掌握代数几何的精华。 读者对象:数学专业的高年级本科生、研究生以及相关的科研人员。
Introduction by I. R. ShafarevichChapter 1. Riemann Surfaces 1. Basic Notions 1.1. Complex Chart; Complex Coordinates 1.2. Complex Analytic Atlas 1,3. Complex Analytic Manifolds 1.4. Mappings of Complex Manifolds 1.5. Dimension of a Complex Manifold 1.6. Riemann Surfaces 1.7. Differentiable Manifolds 2. Mappings of Riemann Surfaces 2.1. Nonconstant Mappings of Riemann Surfaces are Discrete 2.2. Meromorphic Functions on a Riemann Surface 2.3. Meromorphic Functions with Prescribed Behaviour at Poles 2.4. Multiplicity of a Mapping; Order of a Function 2.5. Topological Properties of Mappings of Riemann Surfaces 2.6. Divisors on Riemann Surfaces 2.7. Finite Mappings of Riemann Surfaces 2.8. Unramified Coverings of Riemann Surfaces 2.9. The Universal Covering 2.10. Continuation of Mappings 2.11. The Riemann Surface of an Algebraic Function 3. Topology of Riemann Surfaces 3.1. Orientability 3.2. Triangulability 3.3. Development; Topological Genus 3.4. Structure of the Fundamental Group 3.5. The Euler Characteristic 3.6. The Hurwitz Formulae 3.7. Homology and Cohomology; Betti Numbers 3.8. Intersection Product; Poincare Duality 4. Calculus on Riemann Surfaces 4.1. Tangent Vectors; Differentiations 4.2. Differential Forms 4.3. Exterior Differentiations; de Rham Cohomology 4.4. Kahler and Riemann Metrics 4.5. Integration of Exterior Differentials; Green's Formula 4.6. Periods; de Rham Isomorphism 4.7. Holomorphic Differentials; Geometric GenuS;Riemann's Bilinear Relations 4.8. Meromorphic Differentials; Canonical Divisors 4.9. Meromorphic Differentials with Prescribed Behaviour at Poles; Residues 4.10. Periods of Meromorphic Differentials 4.11. Harmonic Differentials 4.12. Hilbert Space of Differentials; Harmonic Projection 4.13. Hodge Decomposition 4.14. Existence of Meromorphic Differentials and Functions 4.15. Dirichlet's Principle 5. Classification of Riemann Surfaces 5.1. Canonical Regions 5.2. Uniformization 5.3. Types of Riemann Surfaces 5.4. Automorphisms of Canonical Regions 5.5. Riemann Surfaces of Elliptic Type 5.6. Riemann Surfaces of Parabolic Type 5.7. Riemann Surfaces of Hyperbolic Type 5.8. Automorphic Forms; Poincare Series 5.9. Quotient Riemann Surfaces; the Absolute Invariant 5.10. Moduli of Riemann Surfaces 6. Algebraic Nature of Compact Riemann Surfaces 6.1. Function Spaces and Mappings Associated with Divisors 6.2. Riemann-Roch Formula; Reciprocity Law for Differentials of the First and Second Kind 6.3. Applications of the Riemann-Roch Formula to Problems of Existence of Meromorphic Functions and Differentials 6.4. Compact Riemann Surfaces are Projective ……Chapter 2. Algebraic CurvesChapter 3. Jacobians and Abelian VarietiesReferences