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本书主要是为有志攻读英语专业硕士者而编写的。“英语语言学”是高校英语专业硕士入学考试的专业课之一,由于各高校英语语言学考试所指定的参考书种类繁多、难易程度不一,给考生的复习带来了诸多不便。同时,由于大学本科阶段语言学的教学层次不同,使得不少考生觉得语言学晦涩难懂,不知如何下手。另一个主要原因是前期没有开设“词汇学”和“高级英语语法”等课程,有的语法课用的教材或讲课内容是公共英语的,结果是感觉语言学课程艰难而晦涩。为了帮助考生们复习备考,我们以胡壮麟先生主编的《语言学教程》(第三版)和戴炜栋、何兆雄主编的《新编简明英语语言学教程》为主要参考书。在认真研究了各高校近年语言学研究生入学考试的主要考点,详细解析了全国主要高校近几年语言学考试真题的基础上,我们编写了这本《英语专业考研名校语言学模拟试题》。 本书以全真模拟套题的形式出现,多数题是从近几年各重点大学的英语研究生语言学入学考试全真试题精选出来的,还有一部分是从尤尔(Yule,G.)的The Study of Language(2ndEd.)等原版教材中精选出来,从而增加了本书的前瞻性和预测性。 由于英语语言学作为英语专业高年级的核心专业课,备考语言学确实有一定的难度。有人说“语言学是外语专业的理科”,这个比喻不完全正确,但也不无几分道理。为此我们向广大考生提出以下建议: 第一,在战略上藐视她,在战术上重视她。也可以说,成功始于雄心壮志。这是成功者的精神源泉。 第二,对于语言学的基本概念要有透彻的掌握。这样,在做术语解释题、填空题、判断题等试题时,才能做到人无我有,人有我精。争取做到小题不丢分,至少做到少丢分。 第三,对于综合解释题,这是以北京外国语大学为代表的一些名牌大学近几年的命题趋势,考生应给予高度重视,因为这是你在考研时战胜竞争者,从而脱颖而出的法宝。我们建议考生吃透参考教材,勤于思考,扩大自己看问题的深度与广度,提升解决问题的综合能力和驾驭语言学专业知识的能力。具体做法是,在研读指定参考书时,关注语料分析部分,反复琢磨,举一反三,争取做到事半功倍。 最后,我们要说,语言学理论强,这是难点,但也是优点。一旦学好语言学,你就会有一览众山小的快感。千里之行始于足下,关键是持之以恒。愿同学们在邀游知识的蓝天中早日插上飞翔的翅膀。
TOEFL is a part of the functional approach to a second language evaluation. The communicative competence test was designed to investigate the possibilities of constructing discourse-oriented measures of language behavior. The social appropriateness of an utterance, who is talking to whom, when, and under what circumstances, is just as important as its linguistic accuracy, or grammaticality. Most second language instruction is mainly concerned with the formal structure of the target language. Consequently, learning a second language in most language classrooms is a matter of mastering grammar and pronunciation. As a result, little attention is paid to teaching language as a tool for communication in the real world. But TOEFL people believe that it is not enough to teach and test learners how to manipulate the structures of the foreign language. Students must also develop strategies for relating these structures to their communicative functions in real situations and real time. Foreign language teachers must therefore provide learners with ample opportunities to use the language themselves for communicative purposes. They should be concerned with developing the learners ability to take part in the "process of communicating" through language, rather than with the perfect mastery of individual structures. Language use, what is said on a particular occasion, how is phrased, and how it is coordinated with nonverbal signs, has become a widely researched field TOEFL listening test. The social aspects of language use rather than the formal aspects of language structure have become the objects of attention. As a result, the learning of a language is now viewed as including not only the grammar of that language but also "the capacity to use the language in a way that is appropriate to the situational and verbal constraints operating at any given time". These constraints may come from the relationship between the speaker and the addressee, the nature of t topic, the medium that is being used, the specific occasion, other ritualistic conventions, and so forth. Therefore, helping second language learners achieve language appropriateness should be as important as helping them achieve grammaticality in the target language. Because the appropriate language choice depends on the characteristics of the addressee and relations with the speaker, more attention should be given to such relationships.
北京环球时代学校英语专业考研点睛图书 实用·权威英研必备 仿真模拟、浓缩考点、权威分析、注重实战、注重信度、强调效度 特别提示:全国英语专业考研模拟题一本通,囊括国内名校英语专业考研题型,一线导师亲自命题点拨详解考点。