Chapter One Liberalism
Ideological Origins of International Politics Theories of
Hugo Grotius' thought of intemational politics
John Locke's thought of international politics
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's thought of intemational politics
Immanuel Kant's thought of international politics
Jeremy Bentham's thought of international politics
Woodrow Wilson's thought of international politics
Alfred Zimmern's thought of international politics
John Murray's thought of international politics
Appraisement for idealism
Interdependence Liberalism
Defining interdependence
Joseph Nye and Robert Keohane's thought of complex
Neoliberal institutionalism
Robert Keohane's international regimes theory
Oran Young's international regime theory
Republican Liberalism
Democratic peace theory
Michael Doyle's thought of democratic peace
Bruce Russett's thought of democratic peace
Chapter Two Realism
Legacy of Realism
Thucydides and the History of the Peloponnesian War
Niccolo Machiavelli and The Prince
Thomas Hobbes and the Leviathan
George Hegel's thought of realism
Max Weber's thought of realism
Classical Realism
E H Carr and The Twenty Years' Crisis
Reinhold Niebuhr's thought of Christian realism
Hans Morgenthau and Politics among Nations
George Kennan and strategy of containment
Raymond Aron and Peace and War
John Herz's thought between realism and idealism
Henry Kissinger and diplomatic thought of realism
Kenneth Waltz and Theory of In,tern,ational Politics
Robert Gilpin and War an,d Change in World Politics
The New Development of Realism
Offensive realism
Defensive realism
Neoclassical Realism
Appraisement for Realism
Chapter Three Scientific Behavioralism
Chapter Four English School
Chapter Five Constructivism
Chapter Six Marxism
版权页: 插图: Carr wrote The Twenty Years' Crisis not to articulate a theory of realism, but instead to criticize British (and American) intellectuals for largely ignoring the role of power in international politics. He has made this point clear in the preface to the second edition: " The Twenty Years' Crisis was written with the deliberate aim of counteracting the glaring and dangerous defect of nearly all thinking, both academic and popular, about international politics in English-speaking countries from 1919 to 1939-almost the total neglect of power". For Cart, idealists held a hopelessly idealistic view of international politics, because they were determined to radically transform world politics and create a peaceful international order where statesmen cared about not the balance of power but morality, harmony of interests, international law, international organization and world government. The idealists seldom cared about the objective reality and even saw themselves as the key agents for accomplishing the idealistic task. Based on the critique of idealism, Cart forcefully made the case that power is an essential ingredient in politics and international politics are always power politics. Morality is relative and it is the product of power. Carr submitted that power has three key elements: the military component, the economic component and the power over opinion. The three categories of political power are closely interdependent, and further is difficult to imagine any state possessing one but not another for any length of time.Carr places great emphasis on the military elements of power in international politics, for " the uhima ratio of power in international politics is war". The foreign policy of a state is limited by its military strength. Carr notes links between the economic and military elements of power but argues that it is separable. For Carr, power determines morality, any international moral order must rest on some hegemony of power. Thus, great powers can formulate rules according to their own interests and standards and then spread them taking advantage of power. Meanwhile, great powers should seek a compromise and exchange interests with other states or disclaim part of vested interests to make others states in the international system accept them. In short, power has a decisive role in international politics, but morality must rest on some hegemony of power to find a foothold, thus it will be useful to stabilize international order.