Pranatics is a relatively new area of linguistics and until recentlythere were no introductory texts available. Now, in response to the growing interest in the field in colleges and universities, an umber of introductory books have appeared, each some what different in orientation. Marcelo Dascal (1983) offers a first class introduction to the field from the standpoint of the philosophyof language. Georgia Green (1989) provides a very accessible introduction, with particular emphasis on textual pragrnatics and more formal aspects of pragrnatics. Diane Blakemore (1992) takes acognitive approach, firmly rooted within relevance theory, towhich she offers an excellent introduction, while Jacob Mey(1993) approaches the subject from a social point of view. So what makes this book distinctive? Firstly, it accords acentral place to the roles of both speaker and hearer in the construction of meaning and takes account of both social and psychological factors in the generation and interpretation of utterances. Secondly, it covers basic concepts in considerabledetail, drawing particular attention to problems in early work inpragmatics.Thirdly, it brings the reader right up to date wit hcurrent issues inpra Dnatics. The theoretical points are illustrated with copious authentic examples taken from the media, fiction and real-life interactions. Although I have presupposed that the reader well have noprevi ous knowledge of pragmatics, I have presumed that he or she will be familiar with some basic linguistic terms and concepts.
Preface xxxi
Acknowledgements xxxii
What is pragmatics?
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Defining pragmatics
1.3 From abstract meaning to contextual meaning
1.3.1 Assigning sense in context
1.3.2 Assigning reference in context
1.3.3 Structural ambiguity
1.3.4 Interaction of sense, reference and structure
1.3.5 Ambiguity and intentionality
1.4 Utterance meaning: the first level of speaker meaning
1.4.1 Importance of utterance meaning
1.5 Force: the second level of speaker meaning
1.5.1 Understanding both utterance meaning and force
1.5.2 Understanding utterance meaning but not force
1.5.3 Understanding force but not utterance meaning
1.5.4 Understanding neither utterance meaning nor force
1.5.5 Interrelationship of utterance meaning and force
1.6 Definitions ofpragmatics (revisited)
1.6.1 Speaker meaning
1.6.2 Utterance interpretation
1.6.3 Pragmatics: meaning in interaction
1.7 Summary
2 Speech acts
2.1 J. L. Austin
2.2 Ordinary language philosophy
2.3 Logical positivism and truth conditional semantics
2.4 The performative hypothesis
2.4.1 Metalinguistic performatives
2.4.2 Ritual performatives Felicity conditions Explicit reference to felicity conditions
2.4.3 Collaborative performatives
2.4.4 Group performatives
2.4.5 Overlap of categories
2.4.6 Cross-cultural differences in use ofperformatives
2.4.7 Collapse of Austin's performative hypothesis The grammatical distinctiveness of performatives Do performatives always perform actions? How to do things without performative verbs
2.4.8 Explicit and implicit performatives
2.5 Utterances as actions
2.5.1 Locution, illocution, perlocution
2.5.2 Speech acts
2.6 Conclusion
3 Conversational implicature
4 Approaches to pragmatics
5 Pragmatics and indirectness
6 Theories of politeness
20世纪80年代以后,人们大量探讨语用学,最常见的语用学定义有:语用学研究使用中的意义,或研究语境意义等,还有其他各种界定(Levinson,1983)。然而,有些定义显得过于宽泛。言语交际表现为说话人和听话人相互作用的过程,说话人将交际意图附于言语行为之中,听话人通过对言语行为的分析、推导,达到对隐含信息的理解等,这说明语用学应该从话语生成和理解两方面提供解释,应该强调说话人和听话人之间的互动言谈对意义构建的动态性。在20世纪80年代末90年代初,Jenny Thomas进行了这方面的尝试。 《言谈互动中的意义:语用学引论》是继(《语用学》(Levinson,1983)、(《语用学原则》(Leech,1983)、(《语用学与自然语言理解》(Green,1989/1996)、《语用学读本》(Davis,1991)、《语用学引论》(Mey,1993)、(《实践语用学》(Grundy:1995)等之后的又一本语用学著作,也是语用学蓬勃发展的一个重要标志。这些著作中,涌现了一些值得注意的新思想、新观点、新视角。比如,Green(1989/1996)着重语用学与句法学之间的界面研究,关注语法语用;Mey(1993)强调语用学研究的社会视角,关注社会交往中说话人应当如何选择语言,使用语言时可能受到的制约及语言使用所产生的认知效果和社会效果;Davis(1991)认为,语用学应该研究如何运用和理解语言及其认知,也即,语用学应该同时研究说话人和听话人;Sperber & Wilson(1986/1995)等尝试从认知科学的角度去研究语言交际,认为语言交际是遵循一定推理思维规律的认知活动,是一个明示一推理(ostension-inference)过程,强调话语理解的语用认知,主张从认知角度出发去解释认知因素在话语理解中的作用。
内容很正 很符合需求 但是有点旧 明明买的全新的 但是寄来的有点。。。。