(美)比林斯,(美)比林斯 著,杨睿 等编译
《In the Spotlight传奇聚焦》是由青岛出版社和麦格劳一希尔教育(亚洲)出版公司共同合作奉献给广大英语学习爱好者的精品读物。本套丛书共有八辑,每辑精选了九位当今明星级成功人士的传奇故事。他们当中有影视明星,有运动健将,也有作家或者音乐家。他们有的在成长过程中生活窘迫,但是通过不懈的努力,最终获得了成功;有的专注于实现自己的梦想,不理会别人的诋毁和嘲笑;有的在功成名就之后依然会经受种种挑战。这些名人的成功历程将带给你超越语言学习的更多人生感悟和启示。 本套丛书将美国的阅读学习方法原汁原味地呈献给中国的英语学习爱好者。不要担心你看不懂文中的一些生词或句子,多读几遍,只要你按照书中的阅读技巧提示和训练坚持不懈地逐本书读下去,你一定会看到惊喜的变化!英语阅读水平的提高并不是本套丛书带领你学习的惟一目标,启迪思考、活跃思维、激发讨论才能让你真正会学习,并一生受益无穷! 第3辑重点介绍以下三种阅读技能: Main Idea and Supporting Details 主题思想和支持细节 Sequence 写作顺序 Authors Viewpoint 作者的观点 书中还附有其他阅读技巧和词汇提示,能帮助你理解和思考所读到的内容。每篇文章后面附有精心设计的练习题,通过各部分的测评分值可以让你更有针对性地提高阅读能力。 无论你追星与否,书中一定有几颗星星曾经照亮过你追梦的旅途。透过文章中朴实的文字了解这些名人成名前的真实经历,撩开辉煌的面纱看清颗颗巨星原本平凡如你我,从他们的励志故事中汲取营养,将漫天闪烁的星辉化作自己追梦旅途中的明灯吧,努力去做最好的自己!
前言如何使用本书Unit 1 1 JamieFoxx AManwithManyTalents 2 Derek Jeter Baseball’S Number.One Good Guy 3 Lucy Liu Shy Kid Becomes Hollywood Star Compare and Contrast ChartUnit 2 4 Salma Hayek Proving Herself 5 PetraNemcova A Second Chance at Life 6 Lance Armstrong Living Strong Compare and Contrast ChartUnit 3ANSWERS
"My grandmother was 60 years old when she adopted me," Foxx says. Her age didnt matter, however. What mattered was that she saw something special in the child. "She saw me reading early, saw I was smart, and believed I was born to achieve truly seaalthings." Talley made sure Foxx read lots of books, went to church, and learned to play the piano. She made him join the Boy Scouts and sing with the church choir. To teach him about the world outside their small town of Terrell, Texas; she took him on bus trips to Canada and Florida, Under her guidance, Foxx blossomed. He got good grades in school and became a star football player on the high school team. He not only directed the church choir but alsoled alocalband called Leather and Lace. He mastered the drums and the trumpet. In addition, he became very good on the piano. Beiieve it or not, that wasnt all. On top of everything else, Foxx was very funny. Even as a young boy, he had the ability to make people laugh. He was so good at it that, in second grade, his teacher would sometimes reward the students byletting Foxx stand up and tell them jokes. -Foxx graduated from high school in 1986. He won a scholarship to study classicalpiano at a college in San Diego. He spent two years there, playing with some of the most talented young musicians in the world. Then, in 1988, he left, hoping to breakinto the music business.
In the Spotlight传奇聚焦是由青岛出版社和麦格劳-希尔(亚洲)教育出版公司共同合作奉献给广大英语学习爱好者的精编读物。本套丛书共包括八辑;取材于众多耳熟能详的活跃于各领域的锋芒人物的不同成名历程,篇章长短适中,故事精彩感人,难度循序渐进j精心编排的阅读技巧训练将使你迅速有效地提高阅读水平;并启迪思考,活跃思维,激发讨论;获得非凡的阅读体验。 本套丛书中每辑内容包括: 9篇精彩纷呈的名人传记 3级合理配置的阅读梯次 提升阅读理解力和评判性思维的读后练习 综合分析每单元篇章内容的比较和对照表
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