《牛津英语一课一练》编写组 编
《导学与测试:牛津英语一课一练7年级(第2学期)(7B)》系配合上海市二期课改修订版教材《英语(牛津上海版)七年级第二学期》而编写。其目的在于帮助学生更好地学习和实践新教材的内容。《导学与测试:牛津英语一课一练7年级(第2学期)(7B)》有自己的鲜明特色,内容丰富,形式多样。它有11个单元,每个单元由My World Box、My Little Target和Quiz Time三部分组成。My Word Box和My Little Target是各个单元重点词汇、句型以及语法的提炼总结,而Quiz Time则是对应的提高练习。 除了单元练习,《导学与测试:牛津英语一课一练7年级(第2学期)(7B)》还配有期中(Mid-tenn Examination)和期末(Final Examination)两套试卷,便于教师安排和检查一个学期内的教学成果。最后,《导学与测试:牛津英语一课一练7年级(第2学期)(7B)》附有相应的听力文字及答案部分(Tapescripts and.Key),方便师生使用。 总之,我们认真地组织编写了这套图书,并精心做好出版加工工作。我们希望它能对使用新教材的广大师生有较大的帮助,也欢迎广大师生批评指正。
Module 1 Garden City and its neighboursUnit 1 Writing a travel guideUnit 2 Going to see a filmUnit 3 A visit to Garden CityUnit 4 Lets go shoppingModule 2 Better futureUnit 5 What can we learn from others?Mid-term ExaminationUnit 6 Hard work for a better lifeUnit 7 In the futureUnit 8 A more enjoyable school lifeModule 3 The natural elementsUnit 9 The wind is blowingUnit 10 Water FestivalUnit 11 ElectricityFinal ExaminationTapescripts and Key
Sarah was excited. She was going to be 13 in two weeks. Her mother said it was a bigday for a teenager. She said that Sarah: could have a tea party to celebrate. There were 20 students in Sarahs class, and her mother said she could invite all ofthem. So they bought beautiful cards and wrote down the guests names, and the time, dateand place of the party. Sarahs mother also wrote down their phone number, so that guestscould reply. Then they posted the invitations. When people receive an invitation, it is polite to reply as soon as possible. You caneither write a reply or make a telephone call. It is especially important when it is a weddingor anniversary invitation. Sarah received t9 .replies. One boy did not reply. He is rude. said Sarahs mother. The party was held in Sarahs house. Her guests brought birthday presents for sarah aswell as flowers for her parents. It is polite to bring a gift to your hoSt, even if it is a smallone. It means you are thanking him or her for inviting you.