Mary Klages
作者:(美国)Mary Klages
1.What is 'Literary Theory?'2.Humanist Literary TheoryPlatoAristotleHoraceSir Philip SidneySir Francis BaconJoseph AddisonEdmund BurkeSamuel JohnsonSir Joshua ReynoldsWilliam WordsworthSamuel Taylor ColeridgeJohn KeatsEdgar Allan PoeMatthew Arnold3.StructuralismFerdinand de SaussureClaude Levi-Strauss and 'The Structural Study of Myth'Interlude: Humanism, Structuralism, Poststructuralism4.DeconstructionBinary OppositionThe Role of the CenterBricolage5.PsychoanalysisSigmund FreudJacques LacanInterlude: 'Self' to 'Subject'6.Feminism'Pre-poststructuralist' Feminist Literary TheoryPoststructuralist Feminist Literary TheoryHelene Cixous and 'The Laugh of the Medusa'Luce Irigaray and 'This Sex Which Is Not One'7.Queer TheoryFlexible Sexuality?Gay/Lesbian StudiesInterlude: History to HistoricismHumanist HistoryNew Historicism8.Ideology and DiscourseMarxist Theory: a Few BasicsLouis Althusser and IdeologyMikhail Bakhtin and 'Discourse in the Novel'Michel Foucault: Discourse, Power/Knowledge,and the Author Function9.Race and PostcolonialismColonialism and 'English'Henry Louis Gates, Jr and 'The Signifying Monkey'Postcolonialism and OrientalismHomi Bhaba and 'The Location of Culture'Gloria Anzaldua and 'Borderlands/La Frontera'10.PostmodernismModernityJean BaudrillardJean-Francois LyotardGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariCoda: What Now?Index
Structuralism is a way of thinking that works to find the fundamen-tal basic units or elements of which anything is made. Structuralismtakes its impetus from Aristotelian science, and more specificallyfrom the developments in chemistry and physics in the nineteenthcentury that established that all matter was made of molecules, andthat all molecules were made of atoms. While we now know thatatoms themselves consist of many different kinds of subatomicparticles, the atom is still thought of as the basic building blockcommon to all forms of matter - everything in the universe is madeof atoms. A structuralist analysis of a pencil, for instance, mightlook at how certain kinds of atoms combine in certain patternsaccording to certain rules to make the wood and graphite cylinderwe write with.Structuralism appears in a variety of disciplines or fields, includ-ing anthropology, linguistics, mathematics, and literary and culturalcriticism. In any field, a structuralist is interested in finding the basicelements - the units - that make up any system, and in discoveringthe rules that govern how those units can be combined. And that'sall. A structuralist analysis is not concerned with anything beyondthe interrelationship of units and rules.How does this work for literature? A structuralist view of a liter-ary text would start by asking what are the most basic units, the'atoms,' of a text. Well, a literary text, like any other kind of writtentext, is made of language, so a structuralist analysis of literaturewould start with a structural examination of language itself.
Written by literary theory teacher Mary Klages, Literary Theory: A Guide for the Perplexed is a straightforward introduction to thinkers, writers, and subjects that students of literature can find confusing. The overviews apply specific focus to the most challenging ideas and concepts, and touch upon structuralism, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, feminism, queer theory, ideology and discourse, race and postcolonialism, postmodernism, and prominent figures of humanist literary theory. Written in terms accessible to lay readers, Literary Theory is especially ideal for high school seniors and fre...shman college students, and anyone else who can use a solid grounding in the basics. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews 阅读更多 ›
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