上海日报社 编
Shanghai was once known as "Paris ofthe East". But today, there's no need to useanalogy to explain what Shanghai is like.Joining the ranks of international metropolises,Shanghai has developed enough charactersto make itself known at its own right. Witha storied history since the mid lgth centuryand phenomenal changes in the past threedecades, today's Shanghai is old and new,reserved and modern, ordered and chaotic.It exhilarates and intimidates, stimulates andirritates. It is a city trying very hard to makeitself a better place to live, work and enjoy.To understand Shanghai is to understand itshistory. Beginning asa small fishing villageabout 700 years ago, Shanghai becamethe national center of textile and handicraftindustry in the 15th century as people fromthe neighboring areas swarmed in. Withconstant inflow of people from other partsof the country and some earliest Westernmissionaries and traders, the city evolved intoa major trading port and gateway to inlandChina by the early 20th century.In the past 50 years of economic reform anddevelopment, the city opens its door wider foroutsiders.
插图:The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in LujiazuiFinancial and Trade Zone, Pudong. With itscharacteristic design, the tower is a photographicjewel that excites the imagination and attractsthousands of visitors every day.This 468-meter-high (1,536 feet) tower is theworld's third-tallest TV and radio tower, surpassedin height only by towers in Toronto, Canada andMoscow, Russia. However, it is the tower's uniquearchitectural design that makes the Oriental Pearlan everlasting attraction. 3 diagonal 7-meter-wide columns, adorned with 5 small spheres,help support the tower; 3 vertical columns, each9 meters in diameter, comprise the central partof the tower and link the lower (biggest) sphere,the upper sphere and the space module (highestsphere). The design actually corresponds to aChinese poem: "Pearls, big or small, fall jinglingonto a jade plate." The tower is equipped witha 3D lighting system, which makes the pearls asparkling wonder at night.
《上海精彩之旅(英文版)》:This useful handbook lists 60 mostcharacteristic and epresentative attractions of Shanghai that you don't want to miss in your tour - complete with info about Expo 2010!