笔墨纸砚——中国人的文房四宝 Writing Brush,Ink Stick,Paper and Ink Slab——Collectively Called "Four Treasures of a Chinese Study" 笔 The Writing Brush 笔的历史 History of Writing Brush 毛笔的种类 Varieties of Writing Brushes 笔中名品 Famous Varieties 墨 Ink Stick 墨的历史 History of Ink Stick 墨的种类 Varieties of Ink Sticks 墨的收藏 Ink Collection 纸 Paper 纸的历史 History of Paper 纸的种类 Varieties of Paper 砚 Ink Slab 砚的历史 History of Ink Slab 古砚的种类 Varieties of Antique Ink Slabs 四大名砚 The Most Famous Four Varieties 附录:其他文房用具 Appendix:Other Tools in a Traditional Chinese Study
版权页: 插图: 文房四宝中,除纸出现稍晚外,笔、墨、砚都有着悠久的历史。在这漫长的发展过程中,文房四宝的制作水平与日俱增,涌现了不少名工巧匠。他们精选名材,施展精湛的技艺,创造了大量的文房精品,为中国传统文化留下了灿烂的遗产。 笔、墨、纸、砚是中国古代文人必备的文房用具,因此其几千年的发展都是在古代文人的关注与参与下进行的。从器形到纹饰,从选材到制作,都凝结着古代文人的文化素养和审美观念。 Apart from paper that came later, all the rest three have a long history behind, during which time their making technology was perfected and master makers appeared to leave legendary works behind with the best materials they could get and matchless skills they had honed. Their works are treasures from traditional culture. The four were indispensable to book readers' study and their progress involved active efforts from scholars. From their shape and decorative pattern to material chosen and making techniques, everything showed a scholarly taste in ancient times.